Why? Because the Polish immigrants made it a point to learn and converse in English, took pride in becoming Americans. I still recall my grandmother speaking to me in English, with a strong polish accent.
Why? Because the Polish immigrants made it a point to learn and converse in English, took pride in becoming Americans. I still recall my grandmother speaking to me in English, with a strong polish accent.
EXACTLLY.....the same with the Italians, the French, The Slov's.......all of them. Because they were so very proud to be here in this country. I remember going to school with some kids who were immgrants, and they were helping their parents learn English. I would go over to their homes, and their parents, and grand-parents loved to speak with me in English.......they were so very proud to be in America. They loved this nation, and what it stood for.
It seems the ones who come today "MEXICANS and ARABS" can't wait to change America to suit them..........if their gonna try to make America exactlly like where they came from why didn't they just stay there??
I'm half decnded from immigrants......Irish, and Dutch....the other half was standing here watching the Europians get off the boat.