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Beer Please

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pati says

Roots - Let's get a dictionary definition of it so we know where we are starting here.

1 [root, root] Show IPA
1. a part of the body of a plant that develops, typically, from the radicle and grows downward into the soil, anchoring the plant and absorbing nutriment and moisture.
2. a similar organ developed from some other part of a plant, as one of those by which ivy clings to its support.
3. any underground part of a plant, as a rhizome.
4. something resembling or suggesting the root of a plant in position or function: roots of wires and cables.
5. the embedded or basal portion of a hair, tooth, nail, nerve, etc.
6. the fundamental or essential part: the root of a matter. Synonyms: base, foundation, basic part, basic element.
7. the source or origin of a thing: The love of money is the root of all evil. Synonyms: beginning, rise, fount, fountainhead, spring, wellspring; derivation, originator.
8. a person or family as the source of offspring or descendants. Synonyms: parent, progenitor; ancestor(s), forebear(s), forefather.
9. an offshoot or scion.
10. Mathematics .
a. Also called nth root. a quantity that, when multiplied by itself a certain number of times, produces a given quantity: The number 2 is the square root of 4, the cube root of 8, and the fourth root of 16.
b. rth root, the quantity raised to the power 1/ r : The number 2 is the 1 / 3 root of 8.
c. a value of the argument of a function for which the function takes the value zero.
a. Also called root directory. the topmost directory of a hierarchical file system.
b. the UNIX account, having the username root, that allows administrator privileges.
12. Grammar .
a. a morpheme that underlies an inflectional or derivational paradigm, as dance, the root in danced, dancer, or ten-, the root of Latin tendere to stretch.
b. such a form reconstructed for a parent language, as *sed-, the hypothetical proto-Indo-European root meaning sit.
13. roots.
a. a person's original or true home, environment, and culture: He's lived in New York for twenty years, but his roots are in France.
b. the personal relationships, affinity for a locale, habits, and the like, that make a country, region, city, or town one's true home: He lived in Tulsa for a few years, but never established any roots there.
c. personal identification with a culture, religion, etc., seen as promoting the development of the character or the stability of society as a whole.
14. Music.
a. the fundamental tone of a compound tone or of a series of harmonies.
b. the lowest tone of a chord when arranged as a series of thirds; the fundamental.
15. Machinery .
a. (in a screw or other threaded object) the narrow inner surface between threads. Compare crest ( def 18 ) , flank ( def 7 ) .
b. (in a gear) the narrow inner surface between teeth.
16. Australian Informal. an act of sexual intercourse.
17. Shipbuilding. the inner angle of an angle iron.
18. to become fixed or established.

If we look at line #13, it is what we started as a country. We are also line #18.

The United States was rooted in the belief of freedom and liberty. The Declaration of Independence was signed July 4th, 1776, which was the initial seed and our freedom and liberty. 237 years ago, our forefathers went against the king of England, King George III. In doing so, and wanting to be free men to govern themselves, fought the British. The Boston Tea Party was a direct sign to King George that we would not pay taxes on tea.

We have long since grown since then. The United States, in comparison, is still pubescent to many other countries. We are literally the "New Kid on the Block". We feel that we have something to prove to the world. For us to grow and mature, we first must plant good seeds, in good fertile soil, which our forefathers did very well. Not all seeds land properly, as we know and the Bible tells us this in Mark 4:5 : "And some fell on stony ground, where it had not much earth; and immediately it sprang up, because it had no depth of earth:"

I'm not sure where our politicians have gone wrong, very wrong, but my belief is that they we're not planted in soil. They are attempting to take root on rocky ground. While rock is a good foundation for building, it is not good for the plantation of seeds in which to let our fertile country to grow. So, they try and fix the sitation without knowing truiy what to do.

Those of us who have our feet on the foundation of our country, The Constitution of the United States of America, will hold us strong and steadfast while those who continue feverously do all the can do keep the tide from coming in as they built their house upon the sand. Matthew 7:26 : "And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:"

Our country is on the sand currently, with the politicians divided and not seeing eye to eye on all issues. The consensus is thst the liberals are against the Constitution - everything I have seen and read strongly points this direction. We see attacks on freedom religion, free speech, the right to keep and bear arms and other rights under the Constitution of the United States of America.

While I hear them say that they are all for freedom, which some probably are, the undercurrent of the waters is where the true issues lie. The subversiveness and deviency of what they believe shows in their actions. To put it another way, and I'm not saying all do this, but from what I have seen is that they talk out of the side of their mouths saying one thing and doing something entirely different. Therein lies the hypocrisy. Telling us they do not want to take our guns from us, yet their actions alone say that they do. With Obama pressuring the issue through Joe Biden.

I have always been say what you mean and do what you say kind of person. So, when I see the double talk and then put it with the actions that I am seeing, they seriously do not line up in the least. Why is this?

The problem lies back to the teachers of these people who feel that they know what is best. The seeds that were sown were planted in rocky ground, probably to begin with. The rest of us were planted in good, fertile furrows of good earth. While we have to wait for those that were planted on rocky ground to whither, the rest of us will flourish, but it is going to take patience. The seeds do not grow overnight... They take time and are cultivated properly.


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Posts: 770

That is right on target.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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