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RE: Daily Bread

Guest List

January 25, 2013 by Dennis Fisher

Qumran was a first-century Jewish community that had isolated itself from outside influences to prepare for the arrival of the Messiah. They took great care in devotional life, ceremonial washings, and strict adherence to rules of conduct. Surviving documents show that they would not allow the lame, the blind, or the crippled into their communities. This was based on their conviction that anyone with a physical blemish was ceremonially unclean. During their table fellowship, disabled people were never on their guest lists.

Ironically, at that same time the Messiah of Israel was at work in the cities and villages of Judea and Galilee. Jesus proclaimed His Fathers kingdom, brought teaching and comfort, and worked mighty miracles. Strikingly, He proclaimed: When you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed (Luke 14:13-14).

The contrast between Jesus words and the guest list of the Qumran spiritual elite is instructive to us. Often we like to fellowship with people who look, think, and act like us. But our Lord exhorts us to be like Him and open our doors to everyone.

The gospel must be shared with all,
Not just with those like you and me;
For God embraces everyone
Who turns to Him to set them free. Sper

The inclusive gospel cannot be shared by an exclusive people. George Sweeting


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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But IO.....that is so very hard to do......I'll try cause you say to. smile


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Story Time

January 26, 2013 by Joe Stowell

As a child, I loved it when my mom read to me. I would sit on her lap and listen to every word. As she read, I examined the details of every picture and waited eagerly to hear what was on the next page.

Have you ever thought about the idea that our lives tell a story? In every situation good, bad, or indifferent people around us are watching and listening to the story we are telling. Our story is communicated not only through our words but also through our attitudes and actions as we respond to lifes buffetings and blessings. Our children and grand-children, spouses, neighbors, and co-workers can all observe the story were telling.

Paul reminds us that as followers of Jesus, our lives are like letters known and read by all men; . . . an epistle of Christ . . . written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God (2 Cor. 3:2-3).

What is the story that those around us are reading through the letter of our lives? Stories of forgiveness? Compassion? Generosity? Patience? Love?

If youve experienced the joy of a grace-filled life that comes from the Spirit of God in you, then welcome to the joy of being one of Gods great storytellers!

Dear Lord, we love You. We want our lives to
tell the story of Your goodness and grace.
May we be a bold witness of You.
Use us in ways we never thought possible.

Let your life tell the story of Christs love and mercy to the world around you.

-- Edited by Inside Out on Sunday 27th of January 2013 07:45:38 PM


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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The Mark Of Leadership

January 27, 2013 by David C. McCasland

While visiting the campus of Purdue University on a frigid winter day, I came upon two young men chipping away thick ice on the sidewalk next to a fraternity house. Thinking they must be underclassmen who had been assigned the tough job by older fraternity brothers, I said, They didnt tell you about this when you joined, did they? One looked up with a smile and said, Well, were both upperclassmen. Im the fraternity vice-president and my friend here is the president. I thanked them for their hard work and went on my way having been reminded that serving others is the mark of a true leader.

When two of Jesus disciples asked Him for positions of honor in His coming kingdom, the Lord gathered His twelve closest followers and told them, Whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all (Mark 10:43-44). If there was any doubt about what Jesus meant, He reminded them that He had not come to be served but to serve others and to give His life to ransom them from the power of sin (v.45).

The mark of true, godly leadership is not power and privilege, but humble service. God gives us strength to follow Jesus example and to lead His way.

The paths of leadership are trod
By those who humbly walk with God,
Their gracious spirit holds a sway
That makes you want to go their way. D. DeHaan

A qualified leader is one who has learned to serve.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Great thoughts IO.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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January 31, 2013 by C. P. Hia

Manuel Gonzalez was the first rescue worker to reach the 33 miners trapped for 69 days in a Chilean mine explosion in 2010. At great risk to his own life, he went underground more than 2,000 feet to bring the trapped men back to the surface. The world watched in amazement as one by one each miner was rescued and transported to freedom.

The Bible tells us of an even more amazing rescue. Because of Adam and Eves disobedience, all of mankind is trapped in sin (Gen. 2:17; 3:6,19; Rom. 5:12). Unable to break free, everyone faces certain deathphysically and eternally. But God has provided a RescuerJesus Christ, the Son of God. Everyone who accepts the free gift of salvation offered through His death and resurrection is freed from sins grip and its resulting death penalty (Rom. 5:8-11; 10:9-11; Eph. 2:1-10).

Jesus Christ is the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Cor. 15:20). He was the first to be raised from the dead, never to die again. Likewise, all will be given life who put their faith in Christ (Rom. 8:11).

Are you still trapped in your sins? Accept Jesus gift of salvation and enjoy the freedom of life in Christ and eternity with Him (Acts 16:31; Eph. 2:1; Col. 2:13).

Thinking It Over

What keeps you from calling out to God for spiritual
rescue? Do you fear that you are too bad for Gods
grace? Read and think about Romans 3:23-26.

Through His cross, Jesus rescues and redeems.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Heart Attitude

February 1, 2013 by Bill Crowder

I love watching the skill and passion of great athletes as they give their all on the field. It shows their love for the game. Conversely, when a long season is winding down and a team is already eliminated from any opportunity for championship or playoff games, sometimes it seems that the players are merely going through the motions. Their lack of passion can be disappointing to fans who have paid to watch a good game.

Passion is a key aspect of our personal lives as well. Our heart attitude toward the Lord is revealed in how we serve Him. The apostle Paul said that our service includes the way we go about our daily work. In Ephesians 6:6-7, we read that we are to approach our work, not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart, with goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.

For me, the key in that verse is from the heart. I have a heavenly Father who loves me deeply and sacrificed His Son for me. How can I do anything less than give my very best for Him? The passion to live for God that comes from the heart provides our best response to the One who has done so much for us.

Father, every day offers opportunities for me to express
my love for You. May the passion with which I live, work,
serve, and relate to others be a fitting expression of my
gratitude for Your love for me. In Jesus name, amen.

The love of God motivates us to live for God.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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I've always been told, ever since I was kid, that anything worth doing is worth doing right.......and if your gonna do something give it all you've got.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Savor The Flavor

February 3, 2013 by David C. McCasland

In a fast-paced culture of eat and run, few people make time to enjoy a leisurely meal in the company of friends. Someone has even remarked that the only way to enjoy a seven-course meal today is to get it all between two pieces of bread!

After many of the Israelite exiles in Babylon returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple and the walls of the city, they gathered to hear Ezra read from the Book of the Law given by God through Moses (Neh. 8:1). They listened to Gods Word for hours, while teachers among them gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading (v.8).

When they wept because of their short comings, Ezra, along with Nehemiah the governor, told them this was not a time for sorrow but a time for rejoicing. The people were told to prepare a feast and share it with those who had nothing, for the joy of the Lord is your strength (v.10). Then all the people went their way to eat and drink, to send portions and rejoice greatly, because they understood the words that were declared to them (v.12).

The spiritual banquet God has prepared for us in His Word is a cause for great joy. It is worth taking time to savor.

Lord, give us a hunger and a thirst to know You more
that can be satisfied only by time spent with You in Your
Word. Help us to savor that time and, as we do,
to grow more in love with You each day.

Christ the Living Bread satisfies our spiritual hunger through the Living Word.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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lc335 wrote:

I've always been told, ever since I was kid, that anything worth doing is worth doing right.......and if your gonna do something give it all you've got.

 Yes me too! .... and if you are going to do something .... do it in a way that you are proud to say that you did it ... not do it in a way that you would not want someone to know that it was you that had done it.  

"There is Pride in a Job Well Done"


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Inside Out wrote:
lc335 wrote:

I've always been told, ever since I was kid, that anything worth doing is worth doing right.......and if your gonna do something give it all you've got.

 Yes me too! .... and if you are going to do something .... do it in a way that you are proud to say that you did it ... not do it in a way that you would not want someone to know that it was you that had done it.  

"There is Pride in a Job Well Done"

 nod.gif ...........lead, follow, or get outta the way. smile


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Just Enough

February 4, 2013 by Julie Ackerman Link

I love writing for Our Daily Bread. I confess, however, that sometimes I whine to my friends about how difficult it is to communicate everything I would like to say in a short devotional. If only I could use more than 220 words.

This year when I came to the book of Matthew in my Bible-reading schedule, I noticed something for the first time. As I was reading about the temptation of Christ (Matt. 4:1-11), I noticed how short it was. Matthew used fewer than 250 words to write his account of one of the most pivotal events in all of Scripture. Then I thought of other short yet powerful passages: the 23rd Psalm (117 words) and the Lords prayer in Matthew 6:9-13 (66 words).

Clearly, I dont need more words, I just need to use them well. This also applies to other areas of lifetime, money, space. Scripture affirms that God meets the needs of those who seek His kingdom and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33). The psalmist David encourages us, Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing (Ps. 34:10).

If today youre thinking, I need just a little bit more of something, consider instead the possibility that God has given you just enough.

I would be quiet, Lord, and rest content,
By grace I would not pine or fret;
With You to guide and care, my joy be this:
Not one small need of mine will You forget! Bosch

He is rich who is satisfied with what he has.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Nuff said.'s that fer short N sweet IO? confuseaww 


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Inside Out wrote:
lc335 wrote:

Nuff said.'s that fer short N sweet IO? confuseaww 

 lol ... yep .... short and sweet .... and I was long winded tonight .... had to get it off my mind .... let go and Let God .... ok ... so now it is in his hands ....

Lesson Learned .... I have said I am sorry to the lady ... my ex-boss ... and it is up to her to forgive me .... I have forgiven her .... and given it to God ...

 You forgave her for being mean, and abusive to you.

What I don't understand is what would you need to be forgiven  for.......not letting her slam your head in a door twice???

Seems to me that woman has been mean to a lot of people...................and now she is reaping what she sowed.

Stay back, don't interfere when God is giving someone the "smack down" they asked for........get to close and ya might get some fall out.

.......see the way I figure it, that turn the other cheek thang means if I punch a jerk on the right side, well then I'm supposed to punch 'em on the left side too....just to "help them be a good christian".devilish.gif..............but, hey...that's just me.hmm

-- Edited by lc335 on Wednesday 6th of February 2013 03:54:48 AM


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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The Lesson

February 5, 2013 by Cindy Hess Kasper

One summer I was at a gathering of old high school acquaintances when someone behind me tapped me on my shoulder. As my eyes drifted over the womans name tag, my mind drifted back in time. I remembered a tightly folded note that had been shoved through the slot on my locker. It had contained cruel words of rejection that had shamed me and crushed my spirit. I remember thinking, Somebody needs to teach you a lesson on how to treat people! Although I felt as if I were reliving my adolescent pain, I mustered up my best fake smile; and insincere words began coming out of my mouth.

We began to converse. A sad story of a difficult upbringing and of an unhappy marriage began to pour out of her. As it did, the words root of bitterness from Hebrews 12:15 popped into my head. Thats what Im feeling, I thought. After all these years, I still had a deep root of bitterness hidden within me, twisting around and strangling my heart.

Then these words came to my mind: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:21).

We talked. We even shared some tears. Neither of us mentioned the long-ago incident. God taught someone a lesson that afternoon a lesson of forgiveness and of letting go of bitterness. He taught it to me.

Dear Lord, please help me not to harbor resentment
and bitterness in my heart. Through the power
of the Holy Spirit, enable me to let go of my
bitterness and forgive those who have hurt me.

Revenge imprisons us; forgiveness sets us free.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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lc335 wrote:

Nuff said.'s that fer short N sweet IO? confuseaww 

 lol ... yep .... short and sweet .... and I was long winded tonight .... had to get it off my mind .... let go and Let God .... ok ... so now it is in his hands ....

Lesson Learned .... I have said I am sorry to the lady ... my ex-boss ... and it is up to her to forgive me .... I have forgiven her .... and given it to God ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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By Our Deeds

February 6, 2013 by Marvin Williams

Even a child is known by his deeds, whether what he does is pure and right. Proverbs 20:11

One night a clergyman was walking to church when a thief pulled a gun on him and demanded his money or his life. When he reached in his pocket to hand over his wallet, the robber saw his clerical collar and said: I see you are a priest. Never mind, you can go. The clergyman, surprised by the robbers unexpected act of piety, offered him a candy bar. The robber said, No thank you. I dont eat candy during Lent.

The man had given up candy as a supposed sacrifice for Lent, but his lifestyle of stealing showed his real character! According to the writer of Proverbs, conduct is the best indicator of character. If someone says he is a godly person, his words can only be proven by consistent actions (20:11). This was true of the religious leaders in Jesus day as well. He condemned the Pharisees and exposed their sham for professing godliness but denying that profession with sin in their lives (Matt. 23:13-36). Appearances and words are deceiving; behavior is the best judge of character. This applies to all of us.

As followers of Jesus, we demonstrate our love for Him by what we do, not just by what we say. May our devotion to God, because of His love for us, be revealed in our actions today.

Spiritual words are mere distractions
If not backed up by our godly actions,
And all our good and beautiful creeds
Are nothing without God-honoring deeds. Williams

Conduct is the best proof of character.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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February 7, 2013 by Jennifer Benson Schuldt

The Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy. Genesis 39:21

Traveling by bus from Memphis, Tennessee, to St. Louis, Missouri, typically takes about 6 hoursunless the bus driver leaves you stranded at a gas station. This happened to 45 passengers aboard a bus who waited 8 hours overnight for a replacement driver after the original driver abandoned them. They must have felt frustrated by the delay, anxious about the outcome, and impatient for rescue.

Joseph probably shared those feelings when he landed in prison for a crime he didnt commit (Gen. 39). Abandoned and forgotten by any human who might help him, he was stranded. Still, the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor (v.21). Eventually, the prison warden promoted Joseph to oversee fellow inmates, and whatever Joseph did, the Lord made it prosper (v.23). But despite Gods presence and blessing, Joseph remained incarcerated for years.

You may be stranded in a hospital room, a jail cell, a country far from home, or your own inner prison. No matter where you are, or how long youve been there, Gods mercy and kindness can reach you. Because He is God Almighty (Ex. 6:3) and present everywhere (Jer. 23:23-24), He can protect, promote, and provide for you when it seems no one else can help.

Dear God, help us to remember
Your presence and power even when
we are not where we want to be in life. Remind us
to reach for You when no one else can reach us.

God is presenteven when we feel He is absent.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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I'm betting the four honest people we have on capital hill feel abandoned too..........hope they pray, and I hope God smacks down the others............hey, we can hope.

If Gods judgement fell on those who do wrong every day in Washington, Wall Street, and every state capital in the country there would a whole lot of crying, and nashing of teeth going on. hmm


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Greek Fire

February 10, 2013 by Bill Crowder

The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. James 3:6

Greek fire was a chemical solution that was used in ancient warfare by the Byzantine Empire against its enemies. According to one online source, it was developed around ad 672 and was used with devastating effect, especially in sea warfare because it could burn on water. What was Greek fire? Its actual chemical composition remains a mystery. It was such a valuable military weapon that the formula was kept an absolute secretand was lost to the ravages of history. Today, researchers continue to try to replicate that ancient formula, but without success.

One source of catastrophic destruction among believers in Christ, however, is not a mystery. James tells us that the source of ruin in our relationships is often a very different kind of fire. He wrote, The tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body (James 3:6). Those strong words remind us how damaging unguarded words can be to those around us.

Instead of creating the kind of verbal Greek fire that can destroy relationships, families, and churches, lets yield our tongue to the Holy Spirits control and allow our words to glorify the Lord.

It seems, Father, that sometimes we are our own
worst enemies. Forgive us for speaking destructively
to fellow Christians, and teach us to use wise words
that can encourage and build their walk with You.

To bridle your tongue, give God the reins of your heart.


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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