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Post Info TOPIC: Israel

Beer Please

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OK, I have had it with people telling me how Israel is the bad guy. So, (again), lets look at real facts!
1: Palestine doesn't exist- they lived in Jordan, syria, and Egypt before 1948. Ah, but after 1948? "Kill the Jews! These pigs don't deserve a Jewish state!"
2: This land has never been under Arab rule. Jews have predominantly owned/governed this land, and besides the British( where the Jews still governed it), it has been under Jewish Government and entitlement for thousands of years.
3: Israel has NEVER started a war. 1948: Arab countries attacked Israel when the U.N. voted to create a country called Israel( even though every arab country voted against this happening) 1967: The Arabic countries declared war on Israel, but before anyone can strike, Israeli intellegence knew of the plans of destruction and did an air strike first, wiping out the entire Arab air force
4: Do you ever hear Jewish television calling for death to Arabs? No. The m...
ost radical Jew to ever gain any sort of political traction in the modern era is Rabbi Meir Kahane, who believed that Israel should be extended through Palestine, to the Jordan and Tigris river, and down to Sinai( which was ours before Camp David in 1979): These are the borders given in the Bible. This is the most radical we've ever gone; Kahane's opinions were condemned. In truth, I'm willing to bet anything I own that the majority of Israelis would agree to just have the land we currently have if that meant perpetual peace with out Arab neighbors.
4: Golda Meir, the first woman PM of Israel once said, " We will have peace when they( the Arabs) love their children more than they hate us". The slogan of Hamas, the terrorist organization ordering these attacks on israel, is "We love death more than they love life". How can we possibly deal with these types of radicals?!


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

That was wrote by Curt Mechling.... Give him a listen ...

-- Edited by straight up on Friday 16th of November 2012 06:09:46 AM


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Excellent ! Well written, and your statements are factual..........only progressives, and Arabs will deny the factuality of your statement.....and they can never be convinced because they are unreasonable people to whom the truth, and facts mean nothing.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Everrybody gots radio show but me......I'ma gonna start me one........gonna  call it: "Shove It Up Your Progressive Pooter". devilish.gif 


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

lol ...I'll show you how ... it's free .... or you can call in on mine


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straight up wrote:

lol ...I'll show you how ... it's free .... or you can call in on mine

 Okay...............I'll call in......hello, this LC....that stands for Loco cop......ya know what real pisses me off? No? .....didn't think ya did.....well, see ya later. ashamed

Hey SU, how ya like my new avatar? inspires me to fish more often. aww

-- Edited by lc335 on Friday 16th of November 2012 08:08:01 PM


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

lc335 wrote:
straight up wrote:

lol ...I'll show you how ... it's free .... or you can call in on mine

 Okay...............I'll call in......hello, this LC....that stands for Loco cop......ya know what real pisses me off? No? .....didn't think ya did.....well, see ya later. ashamed

Hey SU, how ya like my new avatar? inspires me to fish more often. aww

-- Edited by lc335 on Friday 16th of November 2012 08:08:01 PM

 Wonder if she likes lizards???


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straight up wrote:
lc335 wrote:
straight up wrote:

lol ...I'll show you how ... it's free .... or you can call in on mine

 Okay...............I'll call in......hello, this LC....that stands for Loco cop......ya know what real pisses me off? No? .....didn't think ya did.....well, see ya later. ashamed

Hey SU, how ya like my new avatar? inspires me to fish more often. aww

-- Edited by lc335 on Friday 16th of November 2012 08:08:01 PM

 Wonder if she likes lizards???

 ashamed........dunno,  I'll ask.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


Status: Offline
Posts: 114

-- Edited by Krash on Monday 19th of November 2012 10:29:18 AM



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Posts: 770

The truth plain, and simple.

When; ya notice I didn't say if; the next war erupts, and Israel kicks ass on ever Arab state involved......Israel should keep all lands captured...........ALL LANDS. And they should drive all Arabs now inside Israeli lands into the sea.

They should have never given the Sinai back to Egypt.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093



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And yup!

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