Our so called president has only one agenda....punsishing, and destroying "The Democratic Republic of America"......and replacing it with " The Democratic Socialist States of America".........or "The Peoples Republic of The Socialist Democracy of America".
In short the man is a twisted mess because of his grand parents, and partents.
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/5/13 Greasy Gears And Image I stand accused. Yes indeed once again I stand accused of spouting out about national politics instead of sticking to the all important trucking side of things. Guilty I suppose on all counts but I maintain that my guilt comes with what I would hope most would consider a reasonable defense. So once again I will lay out before you that we as truckers have many responsibilities and as such, as a mostly divided and independent group by nature; we all have our own distinct and separate ways that come together in the end to show the world just who we are as truckers.
As most might agree, when it comes to the main stream media and politicians, truckers are way too often used as political pawns. We are dumped on and described as the most despicable of highway killers with no other goal then to cause as much destruction to the general public as humanly possible to achieve our goal of wealth, wine and wild women. To this end we have been put down in every way shape and form that one could imagine and in such a way that what they have done to many other groups falls well short of the campaign they have going against the image of the modern day trucker.
The way I see this is not only do we not have to sit back and take this, but we should indeed stand up and fight this. Each and every killer truck story out there should be met with as much response from truckers as humanly possible. We should do our very best to defend the good and decent actions of truckers that find themselves being used as pawns in the news. Take every chance to explain why it only appears as the trucker was at fault while at the same time getting our message across that we ourselves want any killer trucker off the road. That our job as truckers is to share the highway safely and if they would only help us in that goal we could slow down the number of deaths involving trucks.
Indeed though, our job does not end here. As we park our trucks for that all important home time, we need to walk out in our own communities getting involved in local activities. As we show up decently dressed and respectively taking part in PTA meetings or other local activities, we do an all important job of letting people see for themselves that this truck driver sitting next to them is not what that news story or politician made them out to be. They learn for themselves that not only are truckers here fighting for the very same thing as they are on a local level, but the things they are learning from a trucker as a person showing them that they are indeed the type of person they want behind the wheel of that big truck next to their family out on that highway.
As for what I do, I speak out on many national stories. And as I do I circulate in many different groups that have nothing to do with trucking. I stand beside them in our beliefs that we can save this country from its current path and as I do, they come to understand this trucker is more than just another killer trucker out on that highway. They come to know truckers as true patriots that care as much about our country as they do. I help the image of our industry as I help our country find its path. And by doing so, the next time some politician starts to use truckers as pawns to build their power base, they have the good deeds of truckers like you and I to contend with. They will be seen as liars and power grabbers using the little guys as stepping stones. The tide will slowly start to turn in our favor as we just step out and be the magnificent people we naturally are.
Trucking issues, extremely important and how we project our image as truckers, just as important. It is time the world knows we care.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-:
Another good post........and thank you for stand beside us cops over at TDS.......that's one hard to deal with progressive over there, we need all the help we can get, she has all the Saul Alinsky arguing points down pat. I think Entre must be bathing in the "progressive kool-aid, and then drinking the bath water.
Say, ya ever take a real good look at that kook?......not Entre, Alinsky. That dude be touting around some messed up DNA.
Another good post........and thank you for stand beside us cops over at TDS.......that's one hard to deal with progressive over there, we need all the help we can get, she has all the Saul Alinsky arguing points down pat. I think Entre must be bathing in the "progressive kool-aid, and then drinking the bath water.
Say, ya ever take a real good look at that kook?......not Entre, Alinsky. That dude be touting around some messed up DNA.
Yep......and so are his followers. It is no wonder they chose the areas fo America that they did to spread their BS.......they sought out the most gulible.
And one of them is living in the Whiote House because he spread his BULL to a bunch of other gulible dummies........well that and the fact that they cheated, lied, and stoile the election.
I think Entre must be bathing in the "progressive kool-aid, and then drinking the bath water.
Tell me about Entre .... If I understand this .... she lives in government housing keeping pets she is not allowed collecting a government check letting her son stay there possibly against the rules .....
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/28/13 Pondering Things
I was thinking the other day, and as surprised as I was that I did not end up in trouble by doing so; I came up with a few ponderings that left me a little puzzled. You see, after listening to yet another news story about a young child that harm had come to, I thought to myself that I would not have allowed that to have happen to such an innocent young soul.
I began thinking as the miles rolled by of all the bad things that I would stand up and protect our young from. Things like murder for sure. I would not let someone run up debt under their name, leaving them thousands of dollars in the red even before they were able to walk.
I would not send them out into an unprotected world full of crazies that might one day take them away from me in the most brutal fashion. I would not pick the cheapest and untried socialist health care for them. I would not allow our educators to teach our young that our America is the evil one nor would I allow a young one in my charge to grow up without hope, thinking that the world owes them a life.
Someone in out mist does do all of these things though. Things like allowing our children to be murdered because he refuses to admit that gun free zones are where the crazies go to find our youth unprotected. He borrows more and more money refusing to live within our means leaving our children thousands in debt before they are even born. He forces a socialist health care system stealing away our youngs ever knowing what a truly free person is. He works hard at removing guns from our country leaving them victims to all that have no morals or ethics. This man allows thousands each year of our young to have a pair a succors rip open the back of their necks and then their brains sucked out just a few seconds short of ever taken their first breath. He promotes sending our youth to schools and colleges that are staffed mostly with those that promote socialism and communism instead of teaching our Constitution and Bill of Rights, Freedom.
So as I ponder on all of these things. I have to ask myself a serious question. If I, as a man would stand in front of any evil, putting my life at stake to protect our young, our innocent from the dangers of everyday life out here in the real world that I live in, why would I allow this person in our mist to simply step past me and rain down upon our young his brand of evil from his world without me even taking one step to stop him? Simply put, I would not. So as I watch as the events of todays world unfold, as I see the tyranny from our government grow on a daily bases, I respectfully and within the law affirm the morals and ethics I grew up with and remind this man, I will protect our young from you, I will serve and protect our Constitution. I Sir, will protect this Nation from all evil, up to and including you Sir.
The things I ponder.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America
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Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/30/13 Open Letter To TA/Petro Again tonight, I pull into a truck stop looking for one my favorite parking spots just to find them blocked by reserved parking signs. You see, just a little while ago TA/Petro started this new thing of reserving spots for those that call ahead. I sat back then knowingly as I listened to the spiel that only a few locations would be taking part in this new deal. Just as I thought though when this first started, I figured that in just a few years, this just a few locations would turn into everywhere you go. In fact, I would not be surprised if every TA/Petro went to every location as all paid parking.
You see, TA/Petro is being just a bit sneaky as I see it. First a few spots so that the idea kind of sinks in. Wait just a bit, let the drivers get used to it, then when no one is looking, a few more spots go to paid spots and before you know it, every location is a pay to park. Just like the government does with regulations, TA/Petro is working on incrementally screwing drivers, one parking spot at a time. The only problem as I see it though, is truckers like me that vote with our dollars.
I am kind of an old cantankerous kind feller. When I see a truck stop screwing over second class drivers in favor of special drivers, I vote to take my cash and spend it where I feel all drivers are treated as equals. So as I sit in the back row tonight at a TA/Petro location that has turned my favorite parking spots into empty and blocked parking spaces, I enjoyed a well cooked meal not in your restaurant, but one that I cooked myself of food that I purchased not in your store. And in the morning when I normally would have pulled into you fuel pumps and purchased a tank of fuel, I will instead walk up and dump my trash in your trash can on the way to the can. Of course, I will make my own coffee skipping purchasing anything including a tank of fuel from the fuel island.
In short, again, some bean counter insisting on raping the wallets of drivers that cannot afford first class status will cost TA/Petro more money than they make by running off second class drivers. I will not do business with any truck stop that charges for parking. As I am sure you well know, the fuel tanks on these trucks will carry us for over a thousand miles. In those thousand miles, somewhere is a truck stop that will treat each driver as equally as the next driver.
Please reconsider this policy.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-:
ps: And ya better treat SU right, he has a whole lotta Cop friends that respect him......."Don't make us come out there".
Correct me if I'm wrong......but back before Travel America, and Petro merged weren't things a little more honest? Didn't the competition between them keep things balanced?
Correct me if I'm wrong......but back before Travel America, and Petro merged weren't things a little more honest? Didn't the competition between them keep things balanced?
Yes they were. after they joined they went to screwing the drivers, changing policy and really pissing off their drivers. they settled down for a bit and now slowly, while no one is looking bring in the changes... Unfortunately for them, I keep waking up the sleepy heads and they end up with a bunch of calls
they have no competition, All the other ...FUEL... stops do not have the amenities of the big guys
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 02/03/13 Tea Party Community Has Officially Arrived Me, political, ya know it. I love America and our freedoms so much that I have many times over the years explained just how far I am willing to go to protect it. Our Forefathers gave up not only property but their lives as well. They lived through starvation and inclement weather fighting from the same tyranny from a tyrant king that we see in todays world from our own tyrant president. And just as our Forefathers must have felt in their time, in todays time many feel that the battle has been lost. But just like they did so many years ago, we must continue to fight to keep our country free. We must not allow a defeatist attitude to set in and win the day. That is why I bring to you today the new Tea Party Community.
TPC is here to bring us all together so that we as one can coordinate our activities into a winning solution to the Marxist, Socialist agenda that we now find attacking the American way of life. I myself am but one and many have seen my activities fighting for America. There are millions out there just like me though that feel the same way as I do. TPC or the new Tea Party Community has been officially launched and not only is it here to stay, but it is looking for both mine and yours participation towards saving our great nation.
TPC is set up just like Facebook, except without the liberal over lords, at TPC, you will able to link with people and actually find in your local area like minded people that are getting involved in saving our country from this liberal attack against our Constitution and the American way of life. Tom Trento, TPC Co-Founder Ken Crow and special guest Jan Morgan, put on an awesome show about the launch that I found on Youtube (look up TeaPartyCommunity.com Official Launch) and listened in. You can also find it in places like Iheart radio. Where ever you find it, it is well worth the listen so that you get all the correct information about TPC.
As TPC was launching over the internet, hacker attacks were so bad shutting down the live feed that the service providers had to discontinue service to TPC because it was hurting other sites as well. It is clear that the left does not want us to get our message out and they will go to great lengths to shut down any attempt to save this country. It is a shame the other side does this to us because we believe not only in free speech, but the respectful exchange of ideas. We want them to speak up because as they actually put out what they believe and are trying to do, it hurts them more because freedom loving Americans will reject of their own free will such notions. As we speak, and they know this, our message will spread and the taking back of America will gain strength and grow. They try to shut us down because they understand that we will soon win this battle and there is nothing, not even their hacking attempts, that will stop our quest.
So I urge you to join up with the TPC especially if you are disturbed by the political and moral degradation of America as Wild Bill puts it or as Jan Morgan says, that the Tea Party is a group of Liberty loving, gun toting, the founders spirit is alive and well in that group and if the founders were alive today, this is the group that they would be hanging with.
It is like I have said before; we have lost an election, not the war. We can and will take back America from the clutches of these clowns that are trying to destroy her. It is our duty to leave to future generations the same freedoms that we were born into. It is their birthright as Americans themselves. It is our civic duty to in a legal, moral and respectful way make this happen. Personally, I am looking forward to the day we conquer the challenge.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-:
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 3/16/13 Commie Obamie
If you want to know who anyone is, just look at who they hang around with and what kind of activities they are involved in. This is especially true with this thing we call our leader at the moment. After years of him running America into the ground and watching him and his associates and their activities, in my opinion proves them most likely Socialist at the least, Communist at the worst. I do not think there is anyone left in this country that does not know what the rest of the world already knows and that is the fact that America is being destroyed from an enemy within.
Rest assured though that we will survive this crud. And when we do, they will fall back into the shadows as they have done in the past, reorganize, rename and in a few decades resurface to try to destroy the American way of life from within once again. Yes, this has been tried and defeated many times in our history. As long as there are power hungry people that will use the weaknesses of the perceived oppressed it will happen again and again and again.
So we must stand strong against Obamie and his commies. Let them know that true American Patriots will never bow to their attempts to weaken us. We must not be afraid to look them square in the eye and tell them that we know who they are and what they are attempting to do to our country. We must let them know that we are willing to fight them tooth and nail to the end if necessary to overcome their dastardly deeds. We must make them understand that true American Patriots will not surrender under any circumstances.
So Stand tall American Patriots. Look the Devil in the eye and tell him to kiss you arse. Do so with pride and respect and keep it as clean and legal as possible. Do not fall prey to the notion that this war has been lost. We as Patriots have just begun to fight and we will not do so on their terms. We will use any means necessary within our rights as Americans and within our Constitution as laid out by our fore fathers. But win we will. Yes, know and understand this one fact if nothing else, we will return our nation to its former freedom and once again stand tall as the greatest free nation on earth.
God Bless America
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