Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/23/12 The Republican War On Women
Any takers on the fact that by the end of this one, this man will somehow stick his foot in his mouth? I hope not but you know being a man I am going to do it eventually so why not today? I just have to jump in here though. Recent conversations and listening to Obama and his crowd scream the Republican Party has a war on against women is really starting to get kind of silly considering what happened just a few short years ago. So, I thought I would take a quick look at this and see just who it is that will destroy a women like nothing you have seen before.
Now around about the last election if you will recall, a Mrs. Sarah Palin found herself picked to run for Vice President. Now I know that some liked her and some did not. This is not the point. The point is and this should not be forgotten, do you remember what Obama, the Democrats and the led through the nose left winged media did to this women. They "CRUCIFIED" her. Never before in all my memory can I recall any one of any gender or any group being attacked and vilified the way they did this woman. They not only went to war with her but they went in with a scorched earth policy that took out not only her, but her family and anyone connected with her. Ethics and morals never even entered the equation, she had to go.
Can you remember the things they did? Even had a reporter move into the house next door to keep tabs on her every move. A woman as Vice President, they had to go to war and destroy her because they simply could not have this. They speak and act like they are all for women's rights but when it comes to proving they believe in it, rights only if a women keeps her place. No women with enough guts to speak out could be allowed in such a high position. So they had to pull the nuclear option and take her out. In short, Obama and the left went to war with this women and annihilated her with no remorse. They simply destroyed any chance for that women to succeed.
As for the Republican war on women, I have to ask, can anyone show me anything even close to what the Democrats did to Sarah Palin just a few short years ago? I think not. Not that I can remember anyway. All the Republicans are doing towards women is representing the views of millions of women that are different then what the Democrats think their views should be.
And that is what the Democrats call a war, having a women with a different view have a voice. If you do not think like we think women should think, then you must be at war with women. Nice try lefties, but over here on the Republican side, the right side, we allow not only women, but every one to think for themselves. To have the same or opposing views and still be considered an equal.
It is a shame that the Democrats refuse to allow a women to take high office are hold an opposing view. It seems that they only allow women as high up as they can control them. Never do I think will they ever let one run for Vice President let alone President. My personal opinion is a women could probably do better than most of the knuckleheads we have had these past few elections. It should have been Palin McCain a few years back. Yup, that would have been the way to go.
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Excellent, and true.................and lets not forget Mayor Bloomberg; ya remember him? The COMMUNIST Democrat that runs New York, the one that makes it a crime to sale/buy a large soft drink..........the one that wnats to "FORCE WOMEN to breast fed their babies"........and it could go on, and on............the ones that are truly wagging a war on women is the Democrats....
In fact the Democrats are wagging a "War on America", and "the constitution"................the Democratic party has become host to the "socialist, and communist movement" in America. They are Americas worst enemies.
Because today's kids, and half the kids of the former generation have been taught, since childhood, that socialism is a good thing.......BY, Socialist Teachers......from grade school all the way through college.
When we kick the bum , and his friends out we should send the socialist/communist teachers with him.
Because today's kids, and half the kids of the former generation have been taught, since childhood, that socialism is a good thing.......BY, Socialist Teachers......from grade school all the way through college.
When we kick the bum , and his friends out we should send the socialist/communist teachers with him.
yup ... but most people will stop just a soon as they have a paycheck again .... and the circle of stupidity will continue ...
Because today's kids, and half the kids of the former generation have been taught, since childhood, that socialism is a good thing.......BY, Socialist Teachers......from grade school all the way through college.
When we kick the bum , and his friends out we should send the socialist/communist teachers with him.
yup ... but most people will stop just a soon as they have a paycheck again .... and the circle of stupidity will continue ...
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 8/31/12 KMA Ever have one of those days where the whole world could kiss your arse. Everyone wants to argue and if I had a dog, it would probably piddle on my leg today. Well, that is me today. But thats ok, I'll get over it in about two weeks.
And as for all those folks on my page that think Obama and his crowd are out to save America, well take a hike. Just have no more tolerance for you today. Even after showing these folks the plan wrote out and published as to how destroy the American way of life and they still look you square in the eye and deny.. deny.. deny
The path back to a free nation does not lie in arguing with those that intend to keep you arguing so long that it is too late to save us. Screw them, walk right pass them and carry the fight to where it is. at the voting box. Understand that all these people want is a free ride. To not be responsible for anything they do to screw up their own lives. To be taking care of from cradle to grave without ever having to take responsibility for it or anything and never even caring what it is to be truly free. They have no problems at all pissing on the graves of all those that fought before us for the freedoms that are as we speak being taken away from us. Nope, all they want to do is blame it on someone else and claim that they are the ones that can fix it. Sorry folks, they last four years went in the absolute opposite direction of what was needed to fix this nation, and furthermore, it was done intentionally.
Well, I am done with them. KMA. Take a long walk off a short pier and may whatever you land on give you a severe smack in the face about just what it is you are tossing away and just what it is you are asking for.
Oh well .. rant over looks like I get to take another five to ten day vacation stuck out on the road because the only freight being offered up will not even pay for the fuel to haul it. And people wonder why I am turning into a grouchy SOB. I'll survive though. cya
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I arrived early at my Saturday morning pick up so I decided on a nap. I was awaking by the howls of two Beagles and some jackass kicking and cussing at them. About the time I grabbed my camera to video the action, he threw an orange cone at one of the pups and then noticed me sitting in what he thought was an empty truck watching him. I missed getting the video but the local police now have a tag number and a description to hopefully deal with this moron. Beating up on helpless animals does not make you a man. As far as I am concerned, it makes you a target.
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 9/3/12 Trucking Politics Can you tell that I have been involved lately more into the national level politics than just the trucking side of things? Probably so and I just want to let you know that here in a few months, when our national elections are over, I will probably settle back down to just the trucking side of things again. As for now though, right at this moment, I think our attention as truckers needs to be more on the national level. Let me tell you why.
As it is right now, we know from experience that the current administration is adding regulation after regulation to the trucking industry. There have been several times, if not most of the times, we as truckers have stood back after the bad news and wondered just how in the heck did they come up with that from what the studies showed. We know that they are going to continue to come down on every trucker no matter how safe and legal they run and we know that if reelected, we can expect the same for the next four years.
So I know that trucking matters on the trucking level are still very important, but what it is that we have to realize as truckers is that we can help change who will be making those decisions for us in the future. A change of administration at the federal level means a change more then likely at the Federal DOT level. Hopefully, for our sakes, it will be a change to a person that realizes that bankrupting as many drivers as you can is not what needs to happen if you want to keep safe and legal drivers out on the highway. Perhaps with a change, we can go back to the days were a driver could make a living running safe and legal instead of more and more drivers having to make the decision to return to their renegade days.
Whatever your politics are, getting involved now at the Federal level will make the difference over the next four years of new regulations. Not getting involved could find us in even a worse position. We need a candidate that is willing to learn our particular needs and help us help them keep the highways safe. If my predication is right, we will at least start moving in that direction with a change of administration in a couple of months. If you disagree, better get out there and work to nullify my work in that direction. Have to love politics.
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Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 9/17/12 Grrrrr It has to be me. I spend the last four days, shop after shop, getting told that they do not have the part I need. I finally get into a freightliner and get told the same thing. I get the part number and go around the corner just to be showed a part that lets me know the part number is wrong.
I talk the parts guy into walking out to my truck, I...finally get the right part and Im off to find a shop to put it on. I walk into the shop, no one there but me and the owner. For twenty minutes he talks on the phone with me sitting there listening to the problem he is having selling his spare house. No, he does not want to rent it out again. That offer was not fair. Yada yada yada for twenty minutes and he has not even said hello to me yet.
So I turn and head out the door and finally, he wants to know if he can help me. I figure sure, there is a sticky spot on my ass you can kiss. Oh well, Ill get over it in about two weeks. Maybe, this is a big part of the reason why I would rather drag a truck home on knubs then stop out here and try to get something fixed. And they wonder why so many trucks go un-repaired.
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Ya know SU it seems that's the attitude ina lot of places ya go these days.........nobody seems to be able to do a dam,n thing right any's like people just don't have the common sense to do things the way they should be done, OR they just don't give a big hoot n holler.
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 9/17/12 Running Legal Blues And help us build a more positive public perception of truck drivers and the trucking industry. (Xata on Face Book} A quote I borrowed from another site and I am all for what they have in mind. They are handing out a reward to a driver that does great things in the trucking world to help get the word out that some truckers actually care. That we are out here by the thousands trying to run legal and with a little help over the continuous stream of obstacles that the world keeps throwing at us, we actually one day might get there.
I remember when I first started down this path, an idea I picked up off of OOIDA about twenty years ago now I think. But even before that, bits and pieces for me were starting to fall into place as the trucking industry started down a path that led us to todays world of trucking. More and more drivers were not only wanting, but demanding to run safe and legal. So now in todays world, our industry is full of drivers that do great things and with this reward I see that finally, just maybe, someone might just be starting to recognize what I have been saying for years. We need to get outside of our world and let the real world know what we are up to, that we are trying to run safe and legal. Part of that is making sure that safe and legal drivers are not only recognized, but also protected so that we can survive this industry and remain out on the highways.
I wrote my book, Running Legal Blues to do just this. It was a cool tool that I could step outside of trucking and meet with everyday people and in my own way, let the world get a look into our trucking world and see that we are not the killer truckers that they were led to believe. It was awesome the way that the average person would relate to me and as we sat there in a small room somewhere. Together we became friends and I, as much as them; would walk away with a better understanding of our two worlds. We both I always found had just a little more knowledge and respect for each other and now as that lay person listened or talked to their representatives about trucking issues, they knew that at least one trucker out here was not what they were being led to believe. Letting the world know that safe and legal drives do exist is not only a must, but something that I have been working on for years.
As normal though, obstacles to our destinations do from time to time present themselves. Like the obstacle I found when I decided to come to Face Book with my new book. Many slammed me because as they seen it, I was only here to make money off of the drivers. That after years of advocacy fighting for drivers to be able to run safe and legal without reprisal, my only goal was to, to; well lets just say that some gave me a less then happy welcome. I guess being new to social media I probably broke more than half of the un-written rules and in doing so I was left out in left field. Such is life.
Not being one though that lets lifes little setbacks get in my way, I simply set out with the same goal in a different direction. I started writing Todays Thoughts. In this way I was still taking the day to day world of trucking and putting out stories that could be used to show the world that truckers do care about such things as highway safety and running legal. Not to pat myself on the back, well, ok; to pat myself on the back, the feedback that I received back from both in and outside of the trucking world sometimes would bring a very happy and proud tear to my eye. Drivers themselves would see that they were not alone in their own personal quest to run safe, but they also would feel that they were now safe in speaking out. Now around the truck stops, drivers were having this conversation when years ago you would get laughed out of the truck stop if you mentioned running a legal log book. One of my stories even ended up in Land Line Magazine a few months ago. Ok. I smiled at that one. Point is, my work makes a difference.
And the responses from those outside of the trucking industry, my work has made a difference in the way that many see us as truckers now. I always love to hear back about how my stories have touched their lives and they feel safer in knowing that truckers that think like I do are out here. That they now understand a little more about the life of a trucker. But the responses I think touch me the most are the ones that come from police officers. I feel that these are the most important ones because we as truckers are as much interested in highway safety as any Law Enforcement Officer is. And when one of them takes time out of their day to send me a quick note, I feel both humbled and honored and I also feel that I have made a very important connection towards two groups that should be working together in highway safety.
So what got me to thinking about all this the other day is a friend after I had mention my book, said that he had never knew that I had written it. I realized that why should he. I was kicked and slammed if I even mentioned it for trying to screw drivers over. And now I see that for the same reason that I was taken out, person after person is now using different tactics to draw attention to different products to do what? To get the truck driver to buy their product, Weird
As for me, the last couple of years I have ordered hundreds of these books, paying for them out of my own pocket, and then giving them away to different people that I thought could use the message within. Some went to drivers that I met out on the road. Others went to people like Anne Ferro and other government officials. But a lot of them went to the average every day person that I would meet in my travels. A waitress at a restaurant or maybe a nice couple I would meet at a rest area somewhere. The point is to give the book to people in high places or just the average person on the street. By doing thisI was letting the world know that safe and legal truck drivers are out here. And if you want us to survive, we could use a little protection from the world. My message was getting out.
So for now on, I am not going to let these people shame me into not talking about my book, its message or the next book that I am about to finish up. You can either join me in my efforts to spread our message or not. That is up to you. As for me, my books are priced so that every book I sell pays for one book that I can give away. I will take all the help I can get. Running Legal Blues on Amazon is a good place to find it. Also I have a youtube video, stop by and check it out. Be safe peeps. Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-:
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 1/1/13 Second Amendment A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Easy enough you would think. At least I think so. A well regulated Militia, the first part; looking to the Oval Office it is clear to me that the Founding Fathers knew years ago that our freedoms as a country would be attacked from within from time to time. The current administration is definitely doing its best to fundamentally change America. He said so right out for all to hear. Only problem he has is that danged old Constitution that keeps getting in his way.
The Right to Bear Arms is easy enough also for most not that they care. Ask any Progressive and you have a good chance that they want to take this right away from you. The only problem they have as I already said, the Constitution. So this leaves us with shall not be infringed.
Infringed, to take away or to deny a persons right to bear arms. I have been sitting back listening to many arguments over the past week or so on this subject. Most of which make absolutely no sense at all to me. One argument suggest that if we would only ban high capacity magazines, that this would cut down on the carnage. Easy enough if you refuse to take into account the number of laws that are already in place making it illegal to go about creating the carnage in the first place. More laws or banning anything only destroys the ability of the good guy to stop the deed. The person breaking the law is not going to obey a ban on anything once they decide to do what they plan to do.
Another argument is why hunters need high capacity clips to go hunting? The answer to that is none of your business. The Second Amendment states that our rights to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. What this means is keep your greedy little government hands off of my weapons. The only legal way that this can be changed is through a Constitutional Amendment which as I am sure most of you know takes a two thirds majority of both the House and Senate and then must be ratified by three fourths of the states. In short, this gun ban that they are up there on Capitol Hill right now trying to push through is a waste of time. Even if they get it to pass, it will be tied up in courts for years while our babies continue to die because they refuse to allow us to protect our kids as they enter gun free zones.
But wouldnt it be nice or It feels better if we do it this way argument. That Constitution is up there to keep the feel betters from cramming their ways and beliefs on all of us. If lets say the state of New York wants to ban soda pops, well then cool, the people of New York can get together and ban them. What they cannot do is force the people of the rest of the country form enjoying their favorite soda pop. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
In short, the Feds have no right to place any bans on the people specifically as mentioned in the Constitution. Only the States can of their own free will come up with bans concerning firearms and the must keep within Constitutional law. The only way that We The People can lose this God given right is if we allow them to take it away from us. I say it is time we do everything within our legal power to fight these morons that are attempting to destroy our freedoms. It is our civil duty to do so. Understand, their goal is not to save babies in our schools, but to dismantle the Constitution, overwhelm our system and then introduce Socialism. Hey, those are their words, not mine. Go look it up.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-:
Today's Thoughts By Jeff Head 01/04/13 Killing Our Children Well, I guess it is time for me to come to terms with one of the more controversial subjects out there. I have been listening to the news about yet another Religion based company being forced into providing abortions or drugs to initiate the deaths of our unborn children. Already in the past churches have gone against Obama and have lost the battle. Or should I say that they are currently looking for a different avenue to stop the government from forcing them into taking part in murder of innocent lives against their religious beliefs.
Churches and companies alike are being pushed aside as Obamacare plows along in its immoral path leaving the next battle as I see it on an individual level. For me this battle is not only a religious battle, but also as for many people with different beliefs systems, it simply comes down to a moral or ethical battle. Do I, we as a nation allow ourselves to be forced into a program that permits the murder of our unborn children?
Just a few quotes to start with, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. From the Bible of course and also Thou shall not kill. Now I do not want to make this into any kind of sermon as I am sure most know and understand that these principles have been set in the religious beliefs of many for thousands of years. Even people that walk the path of no religion at all can and often do believe that abortion is nothing more than the murder of unborn children. Yet, we are being forced to participate in these activities.
Now I am not so naive that I believe that there is never a good reason for an abortion. I am sure that there is and what exactly defines that reason is something that I will not get into here. What I do want to talk about though is a person that uses abortions as everyday birth control. This I think for me at least sets the stage for the battle. While I do think a woman has the right to decide for herself what is best for her, once a man and a woman decide to get their freak on and it produces a baby, then they have already made their decision as far as I am concerned. A human baby at that time indeed exists in the womb of the women.
At any other time in a persons life, should someone make the decision to kill them, it is an illegal act. Even if I just supply the means to have a person killed, or if I shot a woman and killed her un-born child but not killing the mother, it is all considered the murder of a human. But somehow, if I am forced against my will to provide funding for an act that will kill an unborn, unwanted child; then it becomes not only legal, but moral as well? I have a hard time understanding this.
The way I see this is according to not only my religious beliefs but as any scientist can tell you, life begins at conception. To be forced by the President of the United States to take part in a murder not only is immoral and un-ethical, but by any other way you look at it, an act of murder that would in any other circumstance send not only me, but Obama himself to jail for committing this crime against another human.
As president, Obama should be protecting the life of every American. Why he chooses to ignore the rights of our unborn children is beyond my understanding. As a proclaimed Christian, I fail to understand how he speaks to God and defends this hypocrisy. I understand that we as a nation have many different belief systems. But to force Christians from large organizations all the way down to the individual level to go against their God or face civil penalties is just another example of dividing the people to gain power. First he creates the situation, and then proclaims to solve it as a God in this case, not as a President.
To proclaim it a war on women is nothing more than a disguise to divide us as a people. Obama cares nothing for America. He proves this each and every day he is in office. Any women as with any man should have the right to make decisions as needed for their own benefit. But no one other then God should have the right to end a persons life just for the hell of it. God himself in case you have not noticed is against murder.
Be safe peeps. God Bless America Be sure to add me as a friend if you like "Today's Thoughts" Copy and share as much as you want (-: