This woman is just that; UGLY; inside, and out........
She tried to stear millions of bailout dollars into a minority bank that her husband has investd heavily in.
She has openly told business leaders that she; a socialist; would take their buisness away from them, and run it........I think the more correct word would be "Ruin".
Most recently she refered to Republican leaders in congress as demon's.
Folks if there are demons in Washington....and there most likely's her, Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstien, Franks, Dodd schumer.....etc.
She is pushing hard for democrat's to retake the house......I hope they loose it all.
crap ... now I'm blinded for two days and I have to drive tomorrow .... warn a person why don't ya
Sorry, guess I should've eased into to that one.....maybe post all the other liberals first, and then gone for that one.
Have ya ever noticed, liberals just have a look about ''s kind of like their minds, and souls are so twisted that eventually it comes oozing out through the skin. ..................Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, Feinstien, Dodd, Obama......etc......really, think about it.
Fox is predicting that Republicans will get a stronger hold in the house and take the senate. President is up for grabs.
Hope they are right about the house, and senate.....hope that jerk in the white house get's voted out.....then i hope he, and all of his cabinet get investigated for treason.