I don't get it. The Catholic Hospital is required to provide that insurance even though it goes against everything that they stand for. Are they not able to chose who to hire as employees and can't that be one of the criteria considered? How about the Catholic schools? Are they under the same gun? I am not Catholic but I sure get nauseated hearing these proclamations by Obama.
It will go further then that ... Catholic Hospitals will be required to provide abortions against their religion ... Obama thinks he can change the wording and that changes the definition ... but the plain fact is ... he wants them to buy a insurance plan that will provide these things ... it does not matter if the word contraceptive is in writing or not .... I'm thinking the Catholics are just a bit smarter then that...
I listened today as his chief of staff said that the insurance company will not have to bear the cost of the contraceptives because it cost no more to provide insurance with or without contraceptives .... Chris Wallace asked how that was because someone had to pay somewhere ... Thats where the interview went into Louis Farrakhan type math ...
All I know is if the Catholics refuse to pay for it ... then the insurance companies have already said for the rest of us to get ready for a premium hike ... because they had no intention of picking up the cost themselves
Every single person that disagrees with Obama better vote....at least once.....in November because you can bet SEIU, Acorn......yes, they still exist, they just went kind of underground for now.........all of his "groups" will have people voting 15 times. Dead people will be voting, and every crazy loon they can find will vote as told to.....for a meal, and a pint of whiskey; just like the last election.