Ed Alleyne Johnson, to me, is the epitome of true talent - he hasn't made it because of some TV show but because of hard work and determination ...he's been busking for years and years and finally I think he has had some recognition for all that (not to mention a couple of decent albums) ....and hey, I also happen to think that hand carved (with a kitchen knife) five string purple electric violin is pretty damn cool!
Hey IO it's nice to be missed lol ....I am keeping well, still working my nuts off trying to make ends meet (lucky I've got a bit saved up from all those years in the race car business ...means I can stand for not making a lot of beans at this early stage without resorting to loans or anything like that) ...I've also been taking a few tentative steps towards a relationship with a lovely lady but things are still a bit bumpy at this stage ...fingers crossed!
I'll make an effort to drop by more often - you folks are true friends even though we're on opposite sides of the pond.