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Beer Please

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RE: I Logged In to Second Life

I will


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Studly Do-right

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Posts: 255

cosmic wrote:

Well, that's not fun blankstare
It's hard enough having a computer that's not up to snuff with Second Life, and when they shut stuff down, it's like running in slow motion. Oh well, I should be grateful. weirdface

Hmmm, I have lots of computer parts, maybe I can bring your system up to "par"?wink


Yankee Girl

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Posts: 87

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

Well, that's not fun blankstare
It's hard enough having a computer that's not up to snuff with Second Life, and when they shut stuff down, it's like running in slow motion. Oh well, I should be grateful. weirdface

Hmmm, I have lots of computer parts, maybe I can bring your system up to "par"?wink

Cool! I'll look to see what I'm missing and post u back!Thank you :)

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Studly Do-right

Status: Offline
Posts: 255

cosmic wrote:

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

Well, that's not fun blankstare
It's hard enough having a computer that's not up to snuff with Second Life, and when they shut stuff down, it's like running in slow motion. Oh well, I should be grateful. weirdface

Hmmm, I have lots of computer parts, maybe I can bring your system up to "par"?wink

Cool! I'll look to see what I'm missing and post u back!Thank you :)

Not a problem Cosmic!! LOL!! smile
I am cleaning-out some of it anyway, accumulating waaay too much!
If you also post or PM me the make and numbers of your computer, I can see if it can be upgraded.
((I build high-end computers, so I might have what you need))



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Hey Guys and Gals,

SU and I are planning our 25th Anniversary / Costume Party on our Second Life Island sometime the week of the 22nd ... the exact day and time will be announced a little closer to the time ... so we can make sure SU can be home and/or have a good Internet access to be able to participate.

We are going to have all kinds of Halloween decorations ... and ... fun planed ... we are trying to find an cheep contest board so that we can have a costume contest and the grand prize will be 1000 L$'s ... and the board will split it if there is a tie of any kind

We have made some awesome friends on SL ... and ... we have some really cool renters on our island and are hopping that as many of our friends can and will attend ...

For those of us that have slow computers and experience a good bit of Lag ... we are trying to find decoration items that are low in Prims and low in Scripts .... so that everyone can have a really good time ...

So come and join us as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary ... Halloween Style ... On Second Life ...

I look forward to see everyone there ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me

Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

Inside Out wrote:

Hey Guys and Gals,

SU and I are planning our 25th Anniversary / Costume Party on our Second Life Island sometime the week of the 22nd ... the exact day and time will be announced a little closer to the time ... so we can make sure SU can be home and/or have a good Internet access to be able to participate.

We are going to have all kinds of Halloween decorations ... and ... fun planed ... we are trying to find an cheep contest board so that we can have a costume contest and the grand prize will be 1000 L$'s ... and the board will split it if there is a tie of any kind

We have made some awesome friends on SL ... and ... we have some really cool renters on our island and are hopping that as many of our friends can and will attend ...

For those of us that have slow computers and experience a good bit of Lag ... we are trying to find decoration items that are low in Prims and low in Scripts .... so that everyone can have a really good time ...

So come and join us as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary ... Halloween Style ... On Second Life ...

I look forward to see everyone there ...

I'm excited for the party!! I got most of my costume, just need to fine tune it. I'm not telling a single soul what I'm going to be! lol! You wont be able to pry it out!  I hope others will join in the fun on the Island! I am very happy to be a renter on IO's and SU's Island. It is a peaceful place to just hang out and enjoy the scenery and sounds. And if you feel like having a beer and be it! What ever tickles your fancy! wink  My favorite thing on the island to do is bug, not, I try not to!! I love to go jet skying! And now that I have a new airship, I love to do that too if I dont crash into the side of a mountain. lol.

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

Well, that's not fun blankstare
It's hard enough having a computer that's not up to snuff with Second Life, and when they shut stuff down, it's like running in slow motion. Oh well, I should be grateful. weirdface

Hmmm, I have lots of computer parts, maybe I can bring your system up to "par"?wink

Cool! I'll look to see what I'm missing and post u back!Thank you :)

Not a problem Cosmic!! LOL!! smile
I am cleaning-out some of it anyway, accumulating waaay too much!
If you also post or PM me the make and numbers of your computer, I can see if it can be upgraded.
((I build high-end computers, so I might have what you need))

It was great to meet you on SL the other night! I hope u will be able to attend the Halloween Party we're planning. Should be great fun! furious

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.


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Posts: 436

Am I the only one who isn't on SL yet?  I really need to do that one of these days.

-- Edited by buttercup at 16:08, 2008-09-15


Studly Do-right

Status: Offline
Posts: 255

cosmic wrote:

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

woodbutcher wrote:

cosmic wrote:

Well, that's not fun blankstare
It's hard enough having a computer that's not up to snuff with Second Life, and when they shut stuff down, it's like running in slow motion. Oh well, I should be grateful. weirdface

Hmmm, I have lots of computer parts, maybe I can bring your system up to "par"?wink

Cool! I'll look to see what I'm missing and post u back!Thank you :)

Not a problem Cosmic!! LOL!! smile
I am cleaning-out some of it anyway, accumulating waaay too much!
If you also post or PM me the make and numbers of your computer, I can see if it can be upgraded.
((I build high-end computers, so I might have what you need))

It was great to meet you on SL the other night! I hope u will be able to attend the Halloween Party we're planning. Should be great fun! furious

I would love to be there Cosmic, but unfortunately I am leaving for Florida this Saturday. cry I'll be back a week later.....


Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

buttercup wrote:

Am I the only one who isn't on SL yet?  I really need to do that one of these days.

-- Edited by buttercup at 16:08, 2008-09-15

Give it a try! It's nice to have a place online to have fun at, chat, meet other people if you want to, do all sorts of things, admire people's creations. Build things, etc!

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

How I became intrigued by Second Life

I used to play the computer game Tomb Raider (Lara Croft, they later made a movie of it with Angelina Jolee). I loved that game and played it in the evenings after dinner. I loved that the Lara avatar was large on the screen, moved through villages and countryside, spoke with people, drove vehicles! However what I didn't like was that she would run into danger, die, drown, fall, die, get stung by huge bees, die, get attacked by mummies or spiders, die! I hated all of that!! It scared me and was terribly frustrating!! So I stopped the games all together. I missed the fun I had on there outside of the violence. The scenery was great.
A friend of mine recently (May '08) turned me on to Second Life. I had no idea what it was! It's not really a game. It's a life in a way! At first it was really confusing. I had to get help from time to time and figure out the ropes. You kind of learn as you go. Like anything else. Ask questions from people in different sims (lands) on how to do certain stuff. Go to the second life website, which is probably your best bet before you dive in and get lost.
There is a thing called LAG on SL, it's when certain sims run like molassis running up hill in the dead of winter!! Makes you want to scream at times. Clearing Caches helps greatly. That feature is on your SL dashboard under Edit I believe.
I love SL and adore my new found friends IO and SU!! And now meeting others on the island as well. Can't wait for our Halloween Party! HOOOO! (arms flung in the air!)
So, that's how I fell into SL. It started with Lara Croft from Tomb Raider, who is still my virtual hero! Now I am Cosmic Sorbet on Second Life! And yes, I found a Lara Croft uniform on SL in a costume shop while hunting for halloween outfits with IO!! LOL But that's not what I'm wearing to the party (wink, wink).
Hope to see more friends on Snip Isle and I hope you weren't too bored reading this! LOL

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.


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Posts: 497

That's a good overview, Cosmic.  I'm still wondering what to do with myself.  I've been at the hair store for the past several days.  I hope they don't throw me out. 


Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

Hi Entre,
I'm going to SL and find your name in Search and 'Befriend' you! This way I'll know when you go online to SL and we could hook up! biggrin

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

entre wrote:

That's a good overview, Cosmic.  I'm still wondering what to do with myself.  I've been at the hair store for the past several days.  I hope they don't throw me out. 

I can give you landmark that you can get free stuff if you don't have any Linden dollars. Linden dollars are very hard to accumulate. It's best to 'buy' them with real money through your account when you signed up. You can get several hundred if not more for like $10 U.S. dollars.
All the good clothes and hair and stuff costs Linden's.

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.


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Posts: 497

I think I got a message from you this morning.  I'm going to try to log on tonight.  smile


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Entre is really looking good

-- Edited by straight up at 20:46, 2008-09-19


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straight up wrote:

Entre is really looking good

-- Edited by straight up at 20:46, 2008-09-19

I thinks she looks good also ...

We just need to help her lean the ropes ... and over time she will get use to moving around ... I still have a little problem with it ... mainly me hitting the wrong key ... so if I bump into you ... please do not take it the wrong way ...

And we need to help her find some nice close .... I know where a lot of free stuff is ... not all of it is nice ... but ... it will help out to have some choices for free at first ...

It was nice to see her on last night ... and I hope that she will come more often when I am their ...

Oh ... and I missed you last night Cosmic ... hope things are ok!


I am and will always be ... Just Me


Status: Offline
Posts: 497

straight up wrote:

Entre is really looking good

-- Edited by straight up at 20:46, 2008-09-19

Why thank you, SU!  And my avatar is pretty good too.   Ha ha ha ha ha.

But what was that you said about my boobs being too small and my butt being too big?  wink


Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

Inside Out wrote:

straight up wrote:

Entre is really looking good

-- Edited by straight up at 20:46, 2008-09-19

I thinks she looks good also ...

We just need to help her lean the ropes ... and over time she will get use to moving around ... I still have a little problem with it ... mainly me hitting the wrong key ... so if I bump into you ... please do not take it the wrong way ...

And we need to help her find some nice close .... I know where a lot of free stuff is ... not all of it is nice ... but ... it will help out to have some choices for free at first ...

It was nice to see her on last night ... and I hope that she will come more often when I am their ...

Oh ... and I missed you last night Cosmic ... hope things are ok!

Hi IO! I missed you last night too!!! I was dancing up a storm in real life at a birthday party at a Ramada Inn near me! I got in at midnight, to find my dog and two cats got into the garbage can and spewed it all over the kitchen floor!!!! ARGH!! I was sooooo not in the mood to clean that up but I had to and then went straight to bed!!!
I won't be on SL tonight either. Going to a Fall Festival until late tonight. There will be a bonfire there!
We should have a bonfire on SL too for our party wink

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.

Yankee Girl

Status: Offline
Posts: 87

entre wrote:

straight up wrote:

Entre is really looking good

-- Edited by straight up at 20:46, 2008-09-19

Why thank you, SU!  And my avatar is pretty good too.   Ha ha ha ha ha.

But what was that you said about my boobs being too small and my butt being too big?  wink

I'm sorry I missed meeting you last night on SL cry

I'm not bad, I'm just drawn that way.
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