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Post Info TOPIC: Catabolic

Beer Please

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Catabolic Foods

Catabolic Foods were discovered by Dr. Victor Lindlahr, a Chicago based physician.

Basically he discovered that the body uses heat and energy to digest food. Catabolism is the prosess of breaking down tissue (loosing weight); anabolisim is the opposite, it restores tissue.

Catabolic foods contain what may be called reverse calories.  When mixed with regular fattening foods, catabolic foods make them less fattening by neutralizing the effects of the fattening foods.

The whole fruit is always preferable to the juice.  For example, a fresh orange is is catabolic because it requires digestive energy (calories) to digest the pulp.  While fresh orange juice is not fattening, it is not catabolic because no great energy expense is needed to digest it. The same goes for soups. Large amounts of catabolic foods boost your metabolism and make you thin.

Most meats are not catabolic because in burning them the body is left with excess calories. Some lean meats are catobolic and are impotant on a catobolic diet by stimulating the production of glucagon, a fat disolving hormone. This can only happen in the pressence of other catabolic foods.

Here are Dr. Lindlahr's Catabolic foods


apples, kumquats, rasberries, apricots, lemons, strawberries, blackberries, limes, tangerines, blueberries, loganberries, watermelon, cantaloupe, mangoes, cherries, muskmelons, cranberries, nectarines, currants, oranges, damson, plums, papaya fruit, peaches (fresh or canned), pears, grapefruit, pineapple, grapes, pomegranates, honedew, prunes, huckleberries, quince


artichokes, corn, asparagus (cob, canned)(raw, boiled), green beans, cucumbers, peas, string beans, dandelion greens, peppers, beets, dill pickles (green, red), beet greens, eggplant pickles, broccoli, endive (sweet, sour), brussels sprouts, garlic, pumpkin, cabbage, kale radishes, chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, red cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, leeks, rhubarb, lettuce, rutabagas, celeriac mushrooms, sauerkraut, celery mustard, okra, scallions, chicory onions, chives, parsley leaves, spinach, squash, turnips, tomato, watercress (fresh, canned)


sea bass, crabs, oysters, buffalo flounder, clams, frog legs, lobster, shrimps to shell, cod steaks, mussels, terrapin

Catabolic foods best eaten raw:

apples, cucumbers, pears, apricots, dandelions greens, peppers (red berries endive or green), cabbage, white grapes, pineapple, carrots, leeks, plums, celery, lettus, prunes, celery cabbage, melons, radishes, cherries, onions, sauerkraut, chives, parsley, tomatoes, citrus fruits, peaches, watercress.

Catabolic foods best eaten cooked:

asparagus, oyster, plant beans, string or wax chervil, parsnips beet greens, chicory, pumpkin, broccoli, collards, rhubarb, cabbage, red eggplant, carrot tops, kale, cauliflower, kohlrabi, spinach, celeriac mushrooms, squash, turnips.

Things to Remember

there is to be no drinking water or any drink during meals, as it will cut down on the acidic properties of the catobolic process of the foods!  This is important.  drink as much as you want 30 min before meals or an hour after!

Exercise even something as simple as a 20 min. walk is helpful. in burning fat.  Try to exercise in the morning, it will boost you metabolism for the entire day and you will burn more fat and loose more weight.


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