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Post Info TOPIC: Scam or Not ????


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RE: Scam or Not ????

Stupid wrote:

entre wrote:

lc335 wrote:
I agree; I.O. I am impressed.

Me too.  If only he could receive some enligtenment about his behavior and how it affects others.

Yeah, that God, Jesus, Lord, Heavenly Father......   He should see how his behavior affects others!!!

Filled to the brim with inspiring anecdotes and stories, the books in the series, Chicken Soup for the Soul, quickly became bestsellers. Its no wonder. A title that includes chicken soup brings back memories of childhood, stuffed-up noses, and scratchy throatsa time when only a warm blanket and Moms steaming chicken and rice soup will bring about relief.

Scientific evidence now indicates that Mom was pretty smart. Chicken soup is beneficial for fighting colds. Its also one of the foods that people describe as comfort food.

When its not my body but my heart that is aching, I long for the comfort of Gods Word: soothing words like [Cast] all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7); assuring words that nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom. 8:38-39).

The Biblethe worlds all-time bestselleris filled with promises, reminders, challenges, and knowledge of God. When youre feeling discouraged, try ladling up a big serving of Gods Word. Having a Bible within reach (or better yet, Scripture hidden in your heart) infinitely trumps a bowl of Moms chicken soup. It will warm your heart and begin your healing. Cindy Hess Kasper

Gods Word is the healer, the comfort, the strength,
To fill your hearts need, giving food for your soul;
Instead of exhausting all sources you find,
O taste the Lords goodness for making you whole. Hess

If you fill your heart with Gods Word, Hell bring spiritual health to your soul.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Stupid wrote:

entre wrote:

lc335 wrote:
I agree; I.O. I am impressed.

Me too.  If only he could receive some enligtenment about his behavior and how it affects others.

Yeah, that God, Jesus, Lord, Heavenly Father......   He should see how his behavior affects others!!!

In the early hours of the morning, five drug dealers kidnapped Buster Soaries and drove him to a vacant lot. They dragged him out of the car and jammed a shotgun in his face, a .45 to the back of his head, and a rifle in his side. Just as they were about to do him in, the driver noticed a police car parked on a nearby highway. Afraid that the police would investigate the gunfire, they forced Buster back into the car. Nearly five hours later, their gang lord ordered the kidnappers to let him go. They made it clear to Buster that they would get him later.

Talk about enemies! Buster had every reason to hate those guys. And he resolved to get even with them in a way that probably would have landed him in death row. But God had a different path in mindone that involved salvation instead of incarceration.

Buster encountered Jesus and began to learn what it means to live by His ways, not the ways of the street. On the street, payback is king. But Jesus taught something completely opposed to the idea of avenging our enemies. Jesus was, as they say on the street, down with it when it comes to loving our enemies. In Luke 6, He said, Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

If you think His take on love is extreme, youre right. And Jesus lived out exactly what He preached. Jesus had a lot of opportunities to hate and destroy His enemies. But He loved them instead. The most incredible example was displayed when He was brutally crucified for something He did not do. He prayed for the men who were crucifying Him, even while they were doing it! He said, Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing (Luke 23:34).

I think Jesus made it clear that He didnt want a bunch of vigilante Christians running around trying to give our enemies a dose of their own wickedness. When I say enemy, Im not just talking about the guy who used your stolen credit card to buy Cubs tickets. Enemies can be our bosses, parents, spouses, or even our own children, and sometimes, they are the hardest to love.

Jesus calls us to be really differentto return grace for hurt, mercy in the face of malignancy, and kindness for cruelty. And this requires absolute faith in Gods promise found in Romans 12:19: For it is written: It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord. In essence, we have to chill out because the Lord is saying, Dont worry; Ive got your back.

Several years after the attempted murder, Buster (who by the way is now Dr. DeForest B. Soaries Jr., the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens in Somerset, New Jersey) encountered one of his kidnappers in a crowd at Madison Square Garden. He stood there, stunned as he looked into the eyes of the man who had once held a gun to the back of his head. Once again, fear washed over his heart. But what did he do? He went over to his enemy and shocked the guy by hugging him! He told him he loved him, and said that if he needed anything he would be happy to help him. Because of Jesus example, Buster had the power to embrace a man who once wanted to kill him.

Buster took the Jesus way. And I wonder, are you down with it too?


I am and will always be ... Just Me

Toy Boat

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hummmmmmm, now isn't that interesting?!

Would you like to play with my toy boat?


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Actually, that story has some truth to it. Buster Soaries is the minister of a church in Somerset and has done a lot of good things for that community. In fact, one of the nonprofit community development groups that I work with in New Brunswick (down the road from Somerset) has learned a few things from his faith based initiatives and their positive impact on the locality. I have heard that at one point in his life (when he was in college, I think), he was held at gunpoint. I don't know if the Madison Square Garden stuff is true, but I will find out.

-- Edited by buttercup at 19:17, 2007-06-21



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Have you ever met him? or spoke with him?


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Posts: 436

I've met him and I've heard him speak, but I haven't socialized with him or attended his church. He's a relatively well known minister in that area.



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I am and will always be ... Just Me

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