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Post Info TOPIC: Kat

Beer Please

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How ya doing ????


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Here.......... kitty kitty kitty.............

Oh how i would love to hear her purr..............

-- Edited by plush at 22:08, 2007-05-18


Spank Me

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I am breathing.....all the test came back 100% OK......I have been taking my migrain meds as needed and enjoying the relief that I am not seriously sick, just my usual twisted self! smile.gif

Been usy trying to get the ol' homestead cleaned up and looking presentable. Also getting geared up for my daughter's graduation....(yippy!!!) and the depression that goes with now having to pay for college!

So how the hell is everyone else doin?????

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!


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I dont know......I feel kind of light-headed and dizzy. Could be too much snot in my head or an overload of hormones...or simply not enough sleep. 

Glad you are ok.......those migraines suck.....crazy stuff.
Take care of yourself

-- Edited by Moldy at 10:04, 2007-05-21

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spank Me

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Posts: 283

You have been battling those sinuses of yours for some time now Mel......Can't the Dr. help you out? Hell, have they figured it out????

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!


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I seem to be gettin migraines areound that time of the month. I am guessing it is hormone related, but cant seem to get my ass to the doc cause everyone else has to go, so i am kinda sick at lookin at doctors. I dont think i am dying so all is good. lol



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Katscratch wrote:

You have been battling those sinuses of yours for some time now Mel......Can't the Dr. help you out? Hell, have they figured it out????

Well, I just have not seen an allerigist, as I have been instricted to the balls in my court , really.

I tried to get my Allegra filled last week, but they wanted to charge me 65 bucks......I kepy my cool and asked why generic Allegra would cost someone with insurance so much and they explained that my insurance company wants members to buy maintenence meds through the mail order pharmacy.
AAAGGGGHHHH.....screw that. Once I find out if I am pregnant, I will se an allergist and start taking some meds for this snot. In the meantime......I will deal with it the natural way. 

Yes, I may just be feeling this way because of hormones.....

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Beer Please

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Moldy wrote:

Katscratch wrote:

You have been battling those sinuses of yours for some time now Mel......Can't the Dr. help you out? Hell, have they figured it out????

Well, I just have not seen an allerigist, as I have been instricted to the balls in my court , really.

I tried to get my Allegra filled last week, but they wanted to charge me 65 bucks......I kepy my cool and asked why generic Allegra would cost someone with insurance so much and they explained that my insurance company wants members to buy maintenence meds through the mail order pharmacy.
AAAGGGGHHHH.....screw that. Once I find out if I am pregnant, I will se an allergist and start taking some meds for this snot. In the meantime......I will deal with it the natural way. 

Yes, I may just be feeling this way because of hormones.....

This stuff used to be called ...  Utopia Silver ....  I think they changed the name and added some more products ...   But I use it all the time ...  and it works for me ...  

You need to get a  nose spray bottle from them if you try it or just one from around the house will work


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Spank Me

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Stupid wrote:



What's shakin' ????

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!

Spank Me

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Posts: 283

plush wrote:

I seem to be gettin migraines areound that time of the month. I am guessing it is hormone related, but cant seem to get my ass to the doc cause everyone else has to go, so i am kinda sick at lookin at doctors. I dont think i am dying so all is good. lol

Sounds like you need more sex at that time of the month.....more sex, more hormones....less Atleast that's the line Econ tries to feed me?????hmm

BTW.....the boat is in the water, parked at a dock, the weather is clearing and safe for travel.......when the hell are we gonna hook up and go drunken boating?????? LMAOwink

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Katscratch wrote:

Stupid wrote:



What's shakin' ????

You know, it is between my legs!  biggrin



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It's good to see you here, Kat! Now where's that bum Econ?

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