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Post Info TOPIC: Just a commentary ...

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093
Just a commentary ...

Evidently,  according to some,   There are thousands of tanks and troops south of our border just waiting to attack and take back Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and southern California,      Any way ...  though  would post it.

They would have to be suicidal to try this,   but then again,  we all ready have a army of 20 million in the states ......


As I said in the subject line.
Keep your eyes trained on the south and I don't mean the Southern USA.
Keep your eyes and ears opened to Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and the
Island nation of Cuba.
Chavez (this has been verified) plans on taking over Cuba the minute Castro dies and Castro's successor "Raul" (his brother) will simply disappear.Chavez
also has designs on Mexico and he has limitless resources in money and has
bought up several thousand Russian Tanks and has thousands of Radical Islamic terrorists, disguised as Chinese in Mexico at this time.
Now, I have verified this info, it is accurate and you should ask why would Chavez buy tanks for Mexico? Have you ever heard of invading the USA. If I
didn't know better I would think this was a page from the Jericho Television
Series. Maybe the writers have been dropping hints to us, but it is very coincidental.
Every American should arm himself and his or her home and be prepared to
defend themselves if events warrant.
Someone suggested to me that the Chinks and Ruskies were playing war games. The Russians aren't gong to haul several thousand tanks to Mexico for war games and they certainly are not going to conduct war games with the Chinese. These tanks have been bought and paid for by
Hugo Chavez, the devil from Venezuela who has avowed to destroy us. My vote says we ought to destroy him. Is there any one who reads this page and isn't connected with the government who could hire a team of foreign mercenaries to go kill the SOB and throw his plan off the tracks? If
you have the money, 10 million or more, you'd be a national hero but you could not disclose who you are if you are an American citizen.
As it was said in the 80's movie, Go Wolverines and apparently Chavez has never tangled with a wolverine. If I had a plane, I'd fly over the presidential palace and drop several thousand pit vipers on the Presidential mansion. Lets see if that brings him to his senses.



Hugo Chavez is a communist, and America had him over thrown one time ( for 1 day) and has tried to have him assassinated. He has every reason in his own mind to attack us.

The fanatics ruling IRAN are implacable enemies of the united states. The current president was one of the people who captured and held American diplomats and cost Jimmy Carter his re election.

The two leaders for their own reasons have formed an anti American alliance openly and publicly, and called for the military and economic "defeat" of the United States.

The current popular elected president of Mexico is from the party that opposed Vincente Fox.. There is BTW a war being waged in Southern Mexico between the ruling parties and the communist supported local militias. The power of the Mexican government ,and army, is overshadowed by the war also being waged between the two biggest drug cartels that is so public they execute people on U tube..

Anything is possible, and an army of Muslim fanatics with tanks waiting in Mexico for the attack date to coincide with some other even more horrible attack from the wahabi and shia fanatics is not even that far fetched.

If the DOT can certify Mexican drivers are safe and their companies are compliant with American standards and regulations, our military intelligence ( an oxymoron as any veteran knows) can certainly think the Chinese and Russians are renting Mexican desert land areas to play war games... to save the Gobi desert from pollution by those awful diesel engines or something...


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Studly Do-right

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Posts: 255

Let them try it, being a vet, I thing I can speak for most of us, and say that IF they try it we WILL stop them!!



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Hugo Chavez is not Mexican....neither is Castro. Texas, Arizona and California , etc. never belonged to them.

People like Castro and Chavez control the poor, poisoning their minds to act out and rebel. They dont have enough money between the two of them to get into any battle with the USA and succeed. Please.

All talk..they are not going to do crap; we have too many allies who will kick butt for us. At least I hope we stil do after this whole Iraq thing.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Just because you hear it on Art Bell doesn't mean it is true, accurate, or real.  weirdface


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

.Haven't listened to Art Bell in years ....... And I never said it was true .... just a commentary I seen some where .....

As for Hugo Chavez ...... He just nationalized the oil in his country and kicked out the oil companies ..... so there is his money ..... Thousands of tanks purchased from RUSSIA are supposed to be in his country now along with troops .....

From the what I understand First Cuba after Castro dies .... Then up through Mexico into the US ......


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Posts: 617

straight up wrote:

.Haven't listened to Art Bell in years ....... And I never said it was true .... just a commentary I seen some where .....

As for Hugo Chavez ...... He just nationalized the oil in his country and kicked out the oil companies ..... so there is his money ..... Thousands of tanks purchased from RUSSIA are supposed to be in his country now along with troops .....

From the what I understand First Cuba after Castro dies .... Then up through Mexico into the US ......

Florida is closer.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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