Hey ... just thought I'd let you know .... I seen Sparky the other day .... Standing on the street corner wearing a blond wig, Short black mini skirt and some really nice pumps ...... Not sure what he was up to, but some police types were just pulling up to talk to him so I just kept on going ......
Upset BC? I think her skin is a little more thick than lettimng some stuff said on an internet forum get to her. We sit down, we read, we get up, we go back to our life. I have for sure learned not to take any of this shit with me, if i did, my life would suck.
Hey ... just thought I'd let you know .... I seen Sparky the other day .... Standing on the street corner wearing a blond wig, Short black mini skirt and some really nice pumps ...... Not sure what he was up to, but some police types were just pulling up to talk to him so I just kept on going ......
Anyway ... just thought I'd let you know .....
I'm sure from the replies on there SU, they believed it. :)
Hey ... just thought I'd let you know .... I seen Sparky the other day .... Standing on the street corner wearing a blond wig, Short black mini skirt and some really nice pumps ...... Not sure what he was up to, but some police types were just pulling up to talk to him so I just kept on going ......
Anyway ... just thought I'd let you know .....
I'm sure from the replies on there SU, they believed it. :)
Uh...SU? You haven't been eyeing the lot liizards lately, have you? Just checking.