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Post Info TOPIC: Iraq

Beer Please

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Looks like I have A brother on the way  in just a few weeks ....


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Nuts About Sports

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I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06



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Best of luck to him, SU.


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06

SORRY!!!!!   WTF!!!!  

What section is this in?? I need to know how much I can go off on a retarded statement like that!!!???   angered.gifangered.gif



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Stupid wrote:

BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06

SORRY!!!!!   WTF!!!!  

What section is this in?? I need to know how much I can go off on a retarded statement like that!!!???   angered.gifangered.gif

Why are your panties in a knot, hunnee?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nuts About Sports

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Stupid wrote:

BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06

SORRY!!!!!   WTF!!!!  

What section is this in?? I need to know how much I can go off on a retarded statement like that!!!???   angered.gifangered.gif

Having a bad day? rofl.gif


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

Sounds like he is just being stupid


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Moldy wrote:

Stupid wrote:

BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06

SORRY!!!!!   WTF!!!!  

What section is this in?? I need to know how much I can go off on a retarded statement like that!!!???   angered.gifangered.gif

Why are your panties in a knot, hunnee?


Where do I start... 

Main Entry: pa·tri·ot·ism Pronunciation: \p-tr--ti-zm, chiefly British pa-\ Function: noun Date: circa 1726
: love for or devotion to one's country

Main Entry: selfsac·ri·fice Pronunciation: \self-sa-kr-fs also -fs or -fz\ Function: noun Date: 1591
: sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or for a cause or ideal

Main Entry:
self·less Listen to the pronunciation of selfless
: having no concern for self : unselfish

I am not "sorry" that his family memeber is going, I am damn proud of him for going!!!!

Guess tree huggers who have never served will never understand.


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

4 years Army .... 4 years Navy ... and now national guard ...... He already served on a aircraft carrier in the first Iraq war ...... Stupid has a point .... but as usual , he fails to see the point made from the view from another side ....

But go get'em any way Stupid ...... Your IQ is always great for a laugh ....


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I am proud of him and grateful to him, and I wish him a safe journey and safe return.



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Stupid wrote:

Moldy wrote:

Stupid wrote:

BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I am sorry to hear about your brother going out there. I still have a couple of friends out there. cry

-- Edited by BatBallandGloveGirl at 18:09, 2007-05-06

SORRY!!!!!   WTF!!!!  

What section is this in?? I need to know how much I can go off on a retarded statement like that!!!???   angered.gifangered.gif

Why are your panties in a knot, hunnee?


Where do I start... 

Main Entry: pa·tri·ot·ism Pronunciation: \p-tr--ti-zm, chiefly British pa-\ Function: noun Date: circa 1726
: love for or devotion to one's country

Main Entry: selfsac·ri·fice Pronunciation: \self-sa-kr-fs also -fs or -fz\ Function: noun Date: 1591
: sacrifice of oneself or one's interest for others or for a cause or ideal

Main Entry:
self·less Listen to the pronunciation of selfless
: having no concern for self : unselfish

I am not "sorry" that his family memeber is going, I am damn proud of him for going!!!!

Guess tree huggers who have never served will never understand.

Oh calm down, Pony -boy. Whoever said I wasnt proud he was going? 
I have uncles who were in WW2 ,  one who picked up dog tags and found the bodies of his buddies that matched the tags..( Normandy)...I know what pride is, ok.....dont give me any of your "tree hugger " who never served crap. 

Am I proud that many young men are going to Iraq to fight for my freedom and more than likely die or be wounded?, Hell yes.

Am I proud that we are fighting a war and losing precious lives in a battle that will never be won  because the plan sucks and is unrealistic? Noy sure. We cant change years and years of what violence and brain washing has produced over there.....we can only sit back and fight a losing battle.

Oh yeah..shut up.   

-- Edited by Moldy at 23:25, 2007-05-08

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Who said I was talking to you beaner????   I believe quoted BBBorderline retards post!!!  Stay in your lane.



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Posts: 617

Stupid wrote:

Who said I was talking to you beaner????   I believe quoted BBBorderline retards post!!!  Stay in your lane.

My panties in a wad comment got a quoted, too......Milk toast.

-- Edited by Moldy at 23:23, 2007-05-08

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

Status: Offline
Posts: 214

milk toast....  confused



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Posts: 617

Stupid wrote:

milk toast....  confused

Well...I dont like honkie or yesterday. Milk toast is a fairly white and bland product, therefore......the name fits.

I have never been good at name calling.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

I can tell.  weirdface



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Posts: 617

Stupid wrote:

I can tell.  weirdface

That shouldnt surprise you.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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