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Back to Work?
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Well, hubby asked me what I thought about going back to work once the little one starts kindergarten in August. I told him I would love to go back to work.

He wants to start his own business of some sort..which scares me, but he is brilliant and can pull it off with the right support.

So now he has goten me all excited about this work thing and I am not even sure what to do......I was pregnant when I got my Bachelors degree and I decided I just wanted to be a Stay at home mom...because I could do that. I am glad I did...but now with Little Mold geting ready to start school, I would like to work. If I have another baby along the way, I can take my maternity leave and I trust the school she has atteneded for preschool to help me take care of the baby while I work.

I am jumping the gun...I am kind of excited about this.

I would like a job at a preschool or Childrens Center......hours are good, but I am not sure about the money. My salary would be just a cushion while hubby does this own business thing, so I should not worry about that.

Well guys.......what do you think I should do?

This wont happen for at least a few months, but I need to look and work on my resume. This is just like getting out of college for me, you see.   

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What's your degree in ????


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straight up wrote:

What's your degree in ????

B.A. in Social Science with specialized subject matter in Psychology and Sociology. That simply means I took more of those classes rather than Language or History. I forgot what the other choices were.

I did my internship with the Idaho Hispanic Caucus. I did research on Health Care options available to immigrants from Mexico. I have my name on some published Sociology journal, which I think is a good thing to mention on my resume. I just dont know if I can find it. Hmmm......internet could help me out, I guess.  

I dont want to do research even though I enjoyed it......there are quite a few non-profit organizations that assist many people in the city I live in, but  I would have to do some searcing. I would love school hours and holidays so I can be in sync with my daughter. The day care center in my neighborhood is looking for part time teachers. That center is across the street from my daughters elementary school. If they still have openings in the fall, its an option. I like teh precshool my daughter goes to now as a possible area to work. Hours and days are good and I already know people there since I help out with activities for the kiddos. I could let them know I may be looking soon......

Funny, I am looking at jobs that involve taking care of other peoples kids......I guess its different since I will get paid to do it. I wonder if it will be enough. I guess I should ask hubby how much I should look to make.


-- Edited by Moldy at 11:51, 2007-04-23

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

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I've been working in the Child care field for almost 18 years now but in Oct. I will officially quit at one of my jobs. I need a break from working with kids. Don't get me wrong it has been great but if I ever want to have kids of my own. I want to have another job in a different field.

Good Luck with what ever job you apply for.



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I am ready to work, but 60 hour work weeks for hubby,,,,who the hell needs to. lol


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plush wrote:

I am ready to work, but 60 hour work weeks for hubby,,,,who the hell needs to. lol

You are still with him. I thought you were going to leave him. confused



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Well, that was a false alarm. Hubby was just amking a comment that morning and I simply jumped the gun. He thought it was kid of cute how I reacted, though. 

Looks like I can stay home and work for free.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Stupid wrote:

Edited because it as just mean for me to abuse of my powers....
-- Edited by Moldy at 15:53, 2007-04-25

This is NOT what I wrote... FAGS!

-- Edited by Moldy at 19:07, 2007-04-26



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Oh, Silly rabbit.....dont get your tail in a knot. I was just abusing my powers as mod of my own area. You know how good that feels.

I know you dont want a uterus and ovaries....PMS and all. You dont need those to be a bitch.....BITCH! know I luv ya...wouldnt pick on you if I didn't.wink 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Moldy wrote:

Oh, Silly rabbit.....dont get your tail in a knot. I was just abusing my powers as mod of my own area. You know how good that feels.

I know you dont want a uterus and ovaries....PMS and all. You dont need those to be a bitch.....BITCH! know I luv ya...wouldnt pick on you if I didn't.wink 


Raise your own fucking kids, and don't dump them on day care!



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Daycare sucks ass, last time i sent Ryan(the only time), he came home with a footprint on his forehead. I know shit happens, but i think i will wait until he can tell me what happened.



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Yes, Daycare sucks and shame on me for thinking about it when I dont even have another child. My first did not do it and I hadreasons for that...I worked in a day care and I know what happens in those places.

I was jumping the gun, as stated.   

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Stupid wrote:

Moldy wrote:

Oh, Silly rabbit.....dont get your tail in a knot. I was just abusing my powers as mod of my own area. You know how good that feels.

I know you dont want a uterus and ovaries....PMS and all. You dont need those to be a bitch.....BITCH! know I luv ya...wouldnt pick on you if I didn't.wink 


Raise your own fucking kids, and don't dump them on day care!

Oh, chill out and take a Midol. Damn.......I dont have another child and day care is not happening. People raise cattle, not children. My daughter goes to a private preschool and nobody is raising her, but me and hubby......this preschool experience has been a benefit to her and she much more than she needs to going into kindergarten.

Get off my ass. I already said I was sorry.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Your sorry applies to the editing of my original post.

My point is not that day care is not good for kids so that they can be socially integrated into K-12. My point is that you said that you were going to pop out a kid and let day care raise the thing. That, in my never to humble opinion is not an acceptable thing to do. You can back track all you want, just as Plush has done in the past when I have called her out on her parenting skills. The fact remains that you wanted to dump some kid that you haven't even made yet on day care so that you can go to work.

That is BULLSHIT!!!!!



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Well holy shit.......Saint Stupid has spoken again. The smell of the shit flying is makin me ill...anyone have any Oust?



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You are right, Stupid......I have never been an advocate for day care.
Dont know what I was thinking.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Moldy wrote:

You are right, Stupid......I have never been an advocate for day care.
Dont know what I was thinking.

AAAAhhhhhh.....   not so stupid afterall   biggrin



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Moldy wrote:

You are right, Stupid......I have never been an advocate for day care.

Dont know what I was thinking.

Then that knocks out one potential place of employment.  As to what you should be making and what you want to your situation, much depends on why you're working.


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