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Spank Me

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Boy how things change

Ohio schools teach about Hitler?????? Oh, you mean that one paragraph that doesn't include anything about the holicost! Don't you's not politically correct to talk about the bad things that happened in our past, might damage those tender minds.....

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Katscratch wrote:

Ohio schools teach about Hitler?????? Oh, you mean that one paragraph that doesn't include anything about the holicost! Don't you's not politically correct to talk about the bad things that happened in our past, might damage those tender minds.....

I have not looked at a history book since 2005 when I helped my niece with some homework. Everything was in there......must be an Ohio thing. I have my old History book from college so if my daughter doesnt learn it at school I will teach her at home.

No reason why she should not learn about Hitler, the Holocaust and the wars some of my uncles faught in. Hell, I have an uncle who was at Normandy and had to help find dog tags of fellow soldiers who had been killed. He was a teenager. He died a few years ago, but told a lot of my cousins and me some tales of his war days.  The stories he told were graphic, but quite a learning experience for me. My mother never told him to clean up the stories and I learned a lot more than they would teach at school..even in my day.    

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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May 20

Christopher Columbus died in Spain.

North Carolina voted to secede from the Union.

Charles Lindbergh began the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight, departing from Long Island aboard the Spirit of Saint Louis.

Amelia Earhart took off from Newfoundland to become the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic.

A mob attacked a busload of "freedom riders" in Montgomery, Ala., setting the bus on fire.

Mavis Hutchinson, 53, became the first woman to run across America. The 3,000-mile trek took her 69 days. She ran an average of 45 miles each day.

In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court rejected a Colorado measure banning laws that protect homosexuals from discrimination.

East Timor became the newest nation.


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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