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Beer Please

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Boy how things change

That ain't gay .... thats freaks on drugs .....


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sparky wrote:

They should be shot.

Society don't need them freaks.

OOOOOOHhh...maybe they are just playing dress up. Would imagine you like dressing up....



"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Girls Love Me

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straight up wrote:
That ain't gay .... thats freaks on drugs .....


I agree.


The Girls Love Me

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Moldy wrote:

sparky wrote:They should be shot.Society don't need them freaks.OOOOOOHhh...maybe they are just playing dress up. Would imagine you like dressing up....


I don't, at least I don't think I do, definitely not like that though and definitely not for the whole world to see.



Spank Me

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The Rock....Not gay, just another arogant hot body

*back on topic*

I remember when you could look out into the school parking lot and see a gun rack in the back window with a shot gun sitting in the rack and never even worry about it?......It is a sad thing to see where we have ended up, where we have left our kids????

On a whole, we as a society have went too far over the line. We have become dumb asses that believe the government will save us from ourselves if we let them and unfortunately, we have let them all in the name of stupidity disguised as public safety. We have been led around by our own paranoid bullshit of what "might" happen that we have allowed the creation of preventative laws. You can't win when you are trying to stop what could or might happen.....we can't predict what might happen or the circumstances surrounding it. To try only makes shit worse? But we have been sheep soooooooooooo long we can't (or don't even know how) to turn back now? The reality, we are screwed and we have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing the masses to get dummer by the day and vote the shit in!!??

As far as hearing about it everywhere you go.....well good! That means that not everyone has given up the real concept of freedom! That means that some do still remember what used to be, what should still be?....... When you quit hearing people complain, then you should worry!

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Beer Please

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Awesome post Kat .....


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Yes, good post, Kat.

I never said to stop complaining.....I simply made a statement regarding the constant bitching about what is being taken away from us.

We are all followers....just depends on who you follow.

Think of it that way. 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Spank Me

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Those of us that do remember what freedoms we used to have and should still have need to tell the young....and not just our own young either! They need informed, it needs explained to them in detail why the way it is now is wrong and how the way it used to be worked just fine and how the government has disguised it to look like it is for our own good instead of for theirs. Our kids have been taught such PC bull in school that they have no clue!!!!

I have some old encyclopedias (1950-60's). My kids read them and compare notes to what they are being "fed" in school. They have written reports that are not only accurate, but also shocked the rest of the kids!!!??? Don't parents talk to their kids anymore? Or atleast tell them the truth when they do?????

The more we "hide" the worse it will get and soon there will be no one left to tell the real stories and the government will have won.....sad.....oh so sad......

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!


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Katscratch wrote:

Those of us that do remember what freedoms we used to have and should still have need to tell the young....and not just our own young either! They need informed, it needs explained to them in detail why the way it is now is wrong and how the way it used to be worked just fine and how the government has disguised it to look like it is for our own good instead of for theirs. Our kids have been taught such PC bull in school that they have no clue!!!!

I have some old encyclopedias (1950-60's). My kids read them and compare notes to what they are being "fed" in school. They have written reports that are not only accurate, but also shocked the rest of the kids!!!??? Don't parents talk to their kids anymore? Or atleast tell them the truth when they do?????

The more we "hide" the worse it will get and soon there will be no one left to tell the real stories and the government will have won.....sad.....oh so sad......

I wil haveto keep my old encyclopedias, then. Little Mold starts Kindergarten in August, so I have yet to experience the whole what is being taught and what is not deal.

Thanks for the heads up.  

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Home School .... then the truth will be taught ....


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yep .... Home Schooling .... I did it with my son for 3 & 1/2 years ... helped him tremendously ... he may have only gotten a GED ... but at least he earned it and wasn't just pushed through and given a Special Ed Diploma ... that would not be worth anything ...

Any way ...

Something occurred to me today ...

It use to be that you should brush your hair ... 100 strokes a day ... it was good for your scalp, hair, etc. .... these days the last lady(beautician) I went to told me not to brush my hair ... it would damage it ....

I just looked at her ... :blankstair:

I just don't understand that kind of thinking .... I have to brush my hair ... but it didn't look like she had put a come to hers ... I was thinking it was just me ... and she had a bad Perm ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Aside from the assinine tests they make the kids take starting in 3 rd grade, I can deal with the school system over here. I know I will have to supplement my daughters education and I am prepared for that. My brothers did it with their kids and they turned out just fine......they just told them to learn the lies, take the test, but then taught them the truth at home.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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I love .....

never mind ,,,,,,, oooohhhhmmmmmmmm.........

peace and tranquility be with you my friend ,,,,,,,


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I don't know how it is in other states, but here in Ohio, they teach just about what is needed to pass the "proficency tests" and that is it!!
The kids learn about Hitler--he is on the test-- but NOT about WW2 or Korea or Viet Nam!!
There is something drastically wrong with the education system in this country!!


Beer Please

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Most definitely .... But it will take a revolution to fix it ...... Cause me ... you .... and everyone else put together don't have enough money to buy the proper politicians to get the job done .....


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bear wrote:

I don't know how it is in other states, but here in Ohio, they teach just about what is needed to pass the "proficency tests" and that is it!!
The kids learn about Hitler--he is on the test-- but NOT about WW2 or Korea or Viet Nam!!
There is something drastically wrong with the education system in this country!!

Really? How bizarre.   In Texas, they do that teaching only the info needed to pass the tests...leave the rest to the parents. I dont know about the other stuff.....hmm. 

BTW, SU what do you love? Say it if you need to...dont walk on eggshells....I will be annoyed with you if you do that. Just say it.....if I get what?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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I've said it .... for years ..... over and over ..... don't do no good .... no one cares ... least not enough of us ...... any way .......

Our country has lost the battle for freedom .... most people just haven't realized it yet ....

The schools are just training future Americans to go with it instead of fight it ....

And the ones that do .... wind up in the news as some nut that went wacky for no good reason ... good thing the police were there to take him out before he done any real damage ....


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straight up wrote:

I've said it .... for years ..... over and over ..... don't do no good .... no one cares ... least not enough of us ...... any way .......

Our country has lost the battle for freedom .... most people just haven't realized it yet ....

The schools are just training future Americans to go with it instead of fight it ....

And the ones that do .... wind up in the news as some nut that went wacky for no good reason ... good thing the police were there to take him out before he done any real damage ....

What's wrong with saying that? You started to say it and then you stopped.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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There's nothing wrong with saying it ..... just does no good ..... Unless I can come up with some sort of entitlement one cares to listen ....

If I stand up ... act like a nut to get people to hear ..... Then Uncle Sam has a nice padded room just for me ....


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straight up wrote:

There's nothing wrong with saying it ..... just does no good ..... Unless I can come up with some sort of entitlement one cares to listen ....

If I stand up ... act like a nut to get people to hear ..... Then Uncle Sam has a nice padded room just for me ....

Well, they cant do anything if you say it in padded rooms in here.

Well, not yet. The bastards are everywhere these days.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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