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Post Info TOPIC: Ugly Picture Contest
Time to vote .... Who wins ...... [7 vote(s)]

Straight Up ....
Inside Out ....
Straight Up ......
Sparky ......
Straight Up .......


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RE: Ugly Picture Contest

sparky wrote:
 Oh you are definitely getting old if you can't work out which one I am.I am the one standing next to you, dumbass!

PMSL ... BURN ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me

Nuts About Sports

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Posts: 111

I think Stupid should've added the hairy boobs to this thread.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

We have a winner .....


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I think Stupid should've added the hairy boobs to this thread.

What a very good idea...

Well  ...  it might have been a good idea ,,,,,,   except for the fact that there is no nudity in this section .....

-- Edited by Admin at 06:30, 2007-03-05



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Stupid wrote:
Well  ...  it might have been a good idea ,,,,,,   except for the fact that there is no nudity in this section .....

-- Edited by Admin at 06:30, 2007-03-05

He's got ya there, SU.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

entre wrote:

Stupid wrote:
Well  ...  it might have been a good idea ,,,,,,   except for the fact that there is no nudity in this section .....

-- Edited by Admin at 06:30, 2007-03-05

He's got ya there, SU.

Ente honey,    go get on the short bus with Sparky ......     Did you not see where his post had been edited by admin .......removeing the nudity .....????


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Stupid wrote:

BatBallandGloveGirl wrote:

I think Stupid should've added the hairy boobs to this thread.

What a very good idea...

Well  ...  it might have been a good idea ,,,,,,   except for the fact that there is no nudity in this section .....

-- Edited by Admin at 06:30, 2007-03-05

Anything goes....  unless it is a winner!   WTF!!!!   Come on Photo, get your shit together and make up your mind about what the hell we can and can not do!!

Main Entry:
1any·thing Listen to the pronunciation of 1anything
before 12th century
: any thing whatever : any such thing

Main Entry:
of go plural of go

Main Entry:
1go Listen to the pronunciation of 1go
Inflected Form(s):
went Listen to the pronunciation of went \ˈwent\; gone Listen to the pronunciation of gone \ˈgn also ˈgän\; go·ing Listen to the pronunciation of going \ˈgō-iŋ, ˈg(-)iŋ; going to in sense 13 is often ˈgōə-nə or ˈg-nə or ˈgə-nə\; goes Listen to the pronunciation of goes \ˈgōz\
Middle English gon, from Old English gān; akin to Old High German gān to go, Greek kichanein to reach, attain
before 12th century
intransitive verb1: to move on a course : proceed <go slow> <went by train> — compare stop2: to move out of or away from a place expressed or implied : leave, depart <went from school to the party> <going away for vacation>3 a: to take a certain course or follow a certain procedure <reports go through channels to the president> b: to pass by means of a process like journeying <the message went by wire> c: to proceed without delay and often in a thoughtless or reckless manner — used especially to intensify a complementary verb <why did you go and spoil it> <go jump in a lake> d (1): to extend from point to point or in a certain direction <the road goes to the lake> (2): to give access : lead <that door goes to the cellar>4obsolete : walk5: to be habitually in a certain state or condition <go bareheaded>6 a: to become lost, consumed, or spent <our time has gone> b: die c: to slip away : elapse <the evening went quickly> d: to come to be given up or discarded <these slums have to go> e: to pass by sale <went for a good price> f: to become impaired or weakened <his hearing started to go> g: to give way especially under great force or pressure : break <the roof went>7 a: to move along in a specified manner : fare <everything was going well> b: to be in general or on an average <cheap, as yachts go> c: to be or become especially as the result of a contest <the election went in her favor> d: to turn out well : succeed <worked hard to make the party go>8 a: to apply oneself <went to work on the problem> b: to put or subject oneself <went to unnecessary expense> cchiefly Southern & Midland : intend <I didn't go to do it>9: to have recourse to another for corroboration, vindication, or decision : resort <go to court to recover damages>10 a: to begin an action or motion <here goes> b: to maintain or perform a certain action or motion <still going strong> c: to function in the proper or expected manner : run <the motor won't go>11: to be known <goes by an alias>12 a: to act in accordance or harmony <a good rule to go by> b: to come to be determined <dreams go by contraries> c: to come to be applied or appropriated <all proceeds go to charity> d: to pass by award, assignment, or lot <the prize went to a sophomore> e (1): to contribute to an end or result <qualities that go to make a hero> (2): to be of advantage <has a lot going for her>13: to be about, intending, or expecting something — used in a progressive tense before an infinitive <is going to leave town>14 a: extend <his knowledge fails to go very deep> b: to come or arrive at a certain state or condition <go to sleep> c: to come to be : become <the tire went flat> — often used to express conversion to specified values or a specified state <gone Hollywood> <go condo> d: to undergo a change <leaves go from green to red>15 a: to be in phrasing or expression : read <as the story goes> b: to be capable of being sung or played <the tune goes like this>16: to be compatible, suitable, or becoming : harmonize <the tie goes with his suit>17 a: to be capable of passing, extending, or being contained or inserted <will these clothes go in your suitcase> b: to have a usual or proper place or position : belong <these books go on the top shelf>18: to have a tendency : conduce <it goes to show>19 a (1): to carry authority <what she said went> (2): to be acceptable, satisfactory, or adequate <anything goes here> b: to hold true : be valid <the rule goes for you, too>20: to empty the bladder or bowelstransitive verb1: to proceed along or according to : follow <if I were going his way> <went the conventional route>2: to travel through or along : traverse <went the length of the street>3 a: to make a wager of : bet <go a dollar on the outcome> b: to make an offer of : bid <willing to go $50 for the clock>4 a: to assume the function or obligation of <promised to go bail for his friend> b: to participate to the extent of <decided to go halves on the winnings>5: yield, weigh <this fish goes ten pounds>6 a: to put up with : tolerate <couldn't go the noise> b: afford <can't go the price> c: enjoy <I could go a soda>7 a: to cause (a characteristic sound) to occur <the gun went bang> b: say — used chiefly in oral narration of speech8: to engage in <don't go telling everyone>9of a sports team or player : to have a record of <went 11-0 last season



Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

And your point is ..... ????

Heres mine ...... Your first pic was not removed as so with the following pics you entered ..... you asked how many entries a person could make .... I said one .... if you think other wise ...say so .....

Your first pic looked more like a mangled human then a dog ..... which I though was a little on the disrespectful of the dead side ..... You clarified it to be a dog ... I did not remove it but made a rule ... no dead humans in future contest ...... our goal is to have fun .... but not at the disrespect of a dead guy .....

Not so hard so far ......

Nudity ..... was a rule from the get go ...... there are two sections on GBU for nudity .... This thread is not nor ever was in one of those sections .....

Are you following so far .....

I asked for yours and other opinion as to what the rule for our contest should be ....

If you have a suggestion as to what the rules should be .... make them .... Other wise take your bitching to your place and leave the rest of us to our contest .....


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Posts: 497

straight up wrote:

entre wrote:
Ente honey,    go get on the short bus with Sparky ......     Did you not see where his post had been edited by admin .......removeing the nudity .....????

I DO want to be on the short bus with Sparky, but I saw where it said it was edited by admin.  I just thought it was Stupid who said that about the nudity. 

So we can't have any ugly nudie pictures?  Okey-doke.

-- Edited by entre at 13:57, 2007-03-05


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

You can ... in a nude section ..... not a problem ..... just start a ugly nude contest in Stupids place .....


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

straight up wrote:

You can ... in a nude section ..... not a problem ..... just start a ugly nude contest in Stupids place .....

It was a dead human.  I spoke of the ugly dog that your Misses posted. 

I am still confused with the "anyting goes" except for what I say logic.  That type of thinking is nothing new, but for craps sake already.  It is in the UGLY, and people to "enter at your own risk".

I think that the next so called contest you come up with should be a little better thought out.


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

Well thought out was not my intention .... involving the group as a whole was more to my thinking ...... but you are the ugly so we expect you to be just that ... post your pic ....

and while your at it ... post the definitions for the words ugly and gross...


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I thought the whole point of restricting nude pictures was to keep minors from seeing them, which is obviously an issue completely apart from the whole Good/Bad/Ugly system.



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Posts: 497

Or are we now talking about grossness as opposed to nudity?  Do I need to go back to the short bus again?  Sparky!!!


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

entre wrote:

Or are we now talking about grossness as opposed to nudity?  Do I need to go back to the short bus again?  Sparky!!!

Well ...  to me the dead guy was gross .....   that had nothing to do with ugly but more to do with shocking some one ....   If he wants to post it this month ...  thats fine .... 

Nudity ....  Active board has rules on that ....   nothing much I can do about it ...   If we want this forum to be usable to the most amount of people ....   then we have to keep nudity in sections set aside for it...  

Stupid has started a Pic contest where nudity is allowed ....    if any one wants to join .....   have at it .. 


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

entre wrote:

Or are we now talking about grossness as opposed to nudity? Do I need to go back to the short bus again? Sparky!!!

You might as well come get on the short bus with me, i think I am to have a long and fruitful stay on there.



Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

OK ... time to vote ..... Pick me or else ......


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Toy Boat

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Posts: 139

straight up wrote:

And your point is ..... ????

Heres mine ...... Your first pic was not removed as so with the following pics you entered ..... you asked how many entries a person could make .... I said one .... if you think other wise ...say so .....

Your first pic looked more like a mangled human then a dog ..... which I though was a little on the disrespectful of the dead side ..... You clarified it to be a dog ... I did not remove it but made a rule ... no dead humans in future contest ...... our goal is to have fun .... but not at the disrespect of a dead guy .....

Not so hard so far ......

Nudity ..... was a rule from the get go ...... there are two sections on GBU for nudity .... This thread is not nor ever was in one of those sections .....

Are you following so far .....

I asked for yours and other opinion as to what the rule for our contest should be ....

If you have a suggestion as to what the rules should be .... make them .... Other wise take your bitching to your place and leave the rest of us to our contest .....

Ok, just to clarify some shit! If I should happen to die a terrible death where my body is all tangled up, you have my permission to post it all you want. There will be no disrespect in it at all! Hell, I’m dead! I won’t care much, trust me! 


You can even stick sex toys on my fucked up body to give it some character if you wish! And if anyone bitches of grossness, or disrespect, you may use this post to prove that THEY are the ones disrespecting my wishes! J

Would you like to play with my toy boat?

Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

eltsacon wrote:

straight up wrote:

And your point is ..... ????

Heres mine ...... Your first pic was not removed as so with the following pics you entered ..... you asked how many entries a person could make .... I said one .... if you think other wise ...say so .....

Your first pic looked more like a mangled human then a dog ..... which I though was a little on the disrespectful of the dead side ..... You clarified it to be a dog ... I did not remove it but made a rule ... no dead humans in future contest ...... our goal is to have fun .... but not at the disrespect of a dead guy .....

Not so hard so far ......

Nudity ..... was a rule from the get go ...... there are two sections on GBU for nudity .... This thread is not nor ever was in one of those sections .....

Are you following so far .....

I asked for yours and other opinion as to what the rule for our contest should be ....

If you have a suggestion as to what the rules should be .... make them .... Other wise take your bitching to your place and leave the rest of us to our contest .....

Ok, just to clarify some shit! If I should happen to die a terrible death where my body is all tangled up, you have my permission to post it all you want. There will be no disrespect in it at all! Hell, I’m dead! I won’t care much, trust me! 


You can even stick sex toys on my fucked up body to give it some character if you wish! And if anyone bitches of grossness, or disrespect, you may use this post to prove that THEY are the ones disrespecting my wishes! J

Kat ...   better get your dog back on his leash ......

Eltsacon .... not sure what your problem is ....   There are no rules about posting pics of dead mangled dogs so posting a pick of your body ....  sex toys included ....   would not be a problem ....


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Sparky won ..... Pick your theme and start the next contest ....


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