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Post Info TOPIC: Free Stuff

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214
Free Stuff

Anyone heard about, used, checked out   ???

People in your area post stuff that they don't want, and if you want it you contact them and get it.  Likewise, if you have something that you don't want, you post it and someone may want it.  It is worldwide, but broken down into cities and towns.

I saw a news story about it.  I went and checked it out, and I got a 3 year old chest frezzer, just the size that I have been meaning to go buy for exactly $0.00!!!!!


Knight Owl

Status: Offline
Posts: 70

Stupid wrote:

Anyone heard about, used, checked out   ???

People in your area post stuff that they don't want, and if you want it you contact them and get it.  Likewise, if you have something that you don't want, you post it and someone may want it.  It is worldwide, but broken down into cities and towns.

I saw a news story about it.  I went and checked it out, and I got a 3 year old chest frezzer, just the size that I have been meaning to go buy for exactly $0.00!!!!!

You going to put your cut up dead bodies in there?



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Posts: 290

Maybe it's for all his "wieners".



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Posts: 436

Believe it or not, he's actually posted a good link.  I know several people who have used freecycle often and have been very happy with items that they've found or been able to get rid of.


Stupid is as Stupid Does

Status: Offline
Posts: 214

ManImBored wrote:

Stupid wrote:

Anyone heard about, used, checked out   ???

People in your area post stuff that they don't want, and if you want it you contact them and get it.  Likewise, if you have something that you don't want, you post it and someone may want it.  It is worldwide, but broken down into cities and towns.

I saw a news story about it.  I went and checked it out, and I got a 3 year old chest frezzer, just the size that I have been meaning to go buy for exactly $0.00!!!!!

You going to put your cut up dead bodies in there?

Oh no, this one is big enough to keep them whole 

Uh, I mean, I like to but stuff on sale and keep it on hand.


Knight Owl

Status: Offline
Posts: 70

buttercup wrote:

Believe it or not, he's actually posted a good link.  I know several people who have used freecycle often and have been very happy with items that they've found or been able to get rid of.

I signed up for the one in my area. Free stuff is just my price

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