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Post Info TOPIC: SO whats everybody been up to ....

Beer Please

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SO whats everybody been up to ....

Good Thinking .....


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The Girls Love Me

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What have I been up to?

Well, wondering where all you guys were playing nowadays, but I have found you now. :)


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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buttercup wrote:

straight up wrote:

buttercup wrote:

I'm getting ready for a trip to New Orleans in a couple of weeks.

Hey BC .... make sure to take a ride through the 9th district .... the last time I was there, the damage was still the same as the day after the hurricane hit .....

It depends on whether I can talk anyone into going over there with me or not. I don't take foolish chances when I travel, and from what I've heard it would be foolish of me to go to that section alone.

It is foolish to go to NO period.



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I have to go for a convention, besides, I've wanted to go back for a while now. I really don't think I'll venture out of the Quarter.


Beer Please

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buttercup wrote:

I have to go for a convention, besides, I've wanted to go back for a while now. I really don't think I'll venture out of the Quarter.

Well ...  if you do decide to go for a ride ....   try this route .....

From I10 take highway 39 east Chalmette .....  then Highway 47 north ...  That will turn into I510 and bring you back out on I10 again ....


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The Girls Love Me

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Update on what I have been up to.

Today was spent working on the car, in between acting as a cab driver who does not get paid for the kids.

First I had to drop my daughter at her dance class, then go home, then go and pick her up again.
Then I got to work on the car, had to find what wheel had a dodgy bearing, found it after taking the third wheel off, should of started on that side of the car first I guess, would of been the first or second attempt then.
Anyway I am just over half way getting it sorted, will finish it tomorrow.
Borrowed my dads car for the rest of the day, had to go shopping, then go and pick my son and his mate up and take his mate home, then had to get the other son McDonalds and take that home to him.
Finally got to sit down at about 10:30 pm.

So, in a nutshell, that was today.



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I went to the movies last night, to see Dreamgirls.  Today I'm doing laundry and hoping that we get enough snow or ice to keep me home from work tomorrow.


The Girls Love Me

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I finished working on my car today, took it for a spin afterwards, it was so nice and quiet, I need to find some other things to do on it now, whilst I am in the mood for working on it.

Had dinner at my parents, (which is where I work on my cars), that was nice, but I really could of done with a lay down afterwards, I was bloated, but it is hardly the done thing to do at your parents.

After dinner, I stripped a laptop down to repair, but am a little bit stuck with putting it back together, there is an awkward plug that needs to go back in but I will have to make some sort of special tool to do it.

Worked on my parents computer a bit as well.

Got home at 7:30pm and have been chilling watching movies since.


The Girls Love Me

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buttercup wrote:

I went to the movies last night, to see Dreamgirls. Today I'm doing laundry and hoping that we get enough snow or ice to keep me home from work tomorrow.

 I hope your wish comes true then bc.

If it does, think of me slogging away at work whilst you chill out at home. :)


The Girls Love Me

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So, today I took a sicky, I had half a day booked off anyway, but decided to take the whole day off.

To start the day I had a team of tree fellers come in to get rid of a large tree in my garden that could of caused damage to my house if it ever decided to come down with the help of human nature. Was quite good to watch actually, it is definitly an art felling trees. So glad it is gone now.

Slept a lot after that, I ain't been feeling too good lately, sleep helps a lot.

Went to a show this evening that was arranged by my daughters Irish dance teacher, the show did not solely focus on Irish dancing though, which was good. It was a mix of Irish Dancing, contemporary dancing, singing and piano playing, then was finished with a 2 hour set by a band that is also Irish orientated, but played other stuff as well.

All in all it was a good night, and I look forward to the next show.

Btw, anyone can join in this thread you know, I am sure you all have stuff to tell.


Beer Please

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WELL ... I'm on my way to Veges to PARTY ....


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The Girls Love Me

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I know, i already posted about that. :)



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Me .... I am riding shotgun on the way to Vegas. I have been looking for a load out of Orlando, but it is Saturday and not much going on ... There are some awesome views out the window ...

Snow covered mountains and valleys ... The sun is shinning but it is cold ... it was at 0 this morning ... but it is now up to 15 ...

I haven't had breakfast yet ... could us a cup of coffee.

Well that's it for now ... later gator


I am and will always be ... Just Me

Spank Me

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Boring day here....fell asleep last night at 9pm and woke up at 6:30 this mornig to a slammer of a headache!!!! Took some drugs, drank some coffee and waited for a break.....went to the grocery store and got a few needed items. Did some laundry and now I think I am gonna go take some more drugs and lie down!!!!!

Oh, and it's starting to snow......AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8(

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!

The Girls Love Me

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Speaking of sleeping, I went to bed at 3am this morning, then got up at 2.30pm, that is the longest i have slept for ages.
When, I got up I spent about an hour trying to wake up properly, then had a bath, then went on the computer for a bit.
By 4.30pm I was laying down again, feeling exhausted.

It's a hard life sometimes. :0



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Grocery shopping, reading, and a nap for me today.  I was outside for a while, it was just beautiful here - I think it got into the 50s and it was sunny all day.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

We are practicing our walking like the old and feeble this morning ......Hotel room beds suck .....


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The Girls Love Me

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Or maybe you really are just getting old and feeble. :)



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Well we are just sitting here trying to keep cool and watchin "Outlaw Josey Wales" .... and ... well I am looking around on the web a ilttle ...

so whats for dinner ??????


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Well we are up to about $1,200.00 in truck repairs today ....


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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