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Post Info TOPIC: Plush

Beer Please

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RE: Plush

Happy Mothers Day ... peeps


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I just wanna say, best wishes to ya Plush xxx



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plush wrote:

I feel so much better....thank you for asking. My finances are of course a wreck but probably will be for a while. I have applied for disability since my surgeon has told me that i am unable to work for the next year so we will see how that goes. I am currently in contact with an attorney to hopefully speed that process up.

How have you been? I heard somewhere that you have had a bit of a job change as far as what you do at work now.

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, you've been on my mind.

Yes, my job has changed slightly - in addition to what I normally do, I'm also a salaried salesperson.  It's different, but so far it's good.




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straight up wrote:

Happy Mothers Day ... peeps

Yes, Happy Mother's Day! smile




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buttercup wrote:

plush wrote:

I feel so much better....thank you for asking. My finances are of course a wreck but probably will be for a while. I have applied for disability since my surgeon has told me that i am unable to work for the next year so we will see how that goes. I am currently in contact with an attorney to hopefully speed that process up.

How have you been? I heard somewhere that you have had a bit of a job change as far as what you do at work now.

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better, you've been on my mind.

Yes, my job has changed slightly - in addition to what I normally do, I'm also a salaried salesperson.  It's different, but so far it's good.
 is shit. But it may be getting better. I had a pain management clinic rape me for 200 bucks because they said they found oxycodone in my system and refused to acknowledge the hospital reports stating i was given two percocets when taken off the morphine drip. Still pissed about that one. So that left me without pain medication (note i have been medicated for about a year now, cold turkey withdraws is not very nice) I had to call and beg my surgeon for a weeks worth until i could get to my family doc. -1 for me.

Moving on. After hours on the telephone and about 70+ phone calls i have finally found a pain management doctor that will accept my insurance. +1 for me.

I have found that i have plenty of credits before my injury to receive disability and the doc to back me up so i am just waiting now for Binder & Binder to get back in touch with me. +1 for me.

I return to school on monday but with everything going on i am not sure i will do so well. -1 for me.

So pretty much i am breaking even right now with the good and the bad which is just enough to keep me from pulling myself bald-headed.

So..........what's good with everyone else?



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Plush, it sounds like there are a few good things happening in there with the bad. I'm glad that you were able to get pain meds, and hopefully once you're back in the groove of going to school you'll end up doing better than you expected.



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Oh, life can go to hell so quick when your heart is involved.

Everything is a -1 right now...not a plus to be seen except my beautiful kids.

i hate lying degenerate scumbag selfish men. One day i will learn my lesson and i think it is here.


Studly Do-right

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Posts: 255

plush wrote:

Oh, life can go to hell so quick when your heart is involved.

Everything is a -1 right now...not a plus to be seen except my beautiful kids.

i hate lying degenerate scumbag selfish men. One day i will learn my lesson and i think it is here.

Is there anything that woody can do hon?
check your PM's.......................




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I'll live....I always do. I need to quit letting dumb shit get me down. Back to school today for my final 2 classes. Ready or not, here i come.

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