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Post Info TOPIC: Barack Needs To Pimp His ride?????


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Barack Needs To Pimp His ride?????

I love it,  first the "fool" times his visit just before Passover which means that as the Jewish people are trying to wrap up loose ends before everything shuts down for Passover.......and "Barack Da Dip Stick" show's up ( obvioulsy the fool, and his handlers know nothing about proto call)......and then this;

Obama's armored limo had to be towed during trip to Israel

  • Last Updated: 2:03 PM, March 20, 2013
  • Posted: 10:37 AM, March 20, 2013

Agence "New 24"

The "Beast" getting towed today in Israel ahead of President Obama's arrival.


JERUSALEM The Beast is becoming a burden.

President Obamas armored Cadillac limo, which was supposed to schlep him around the Holy Land, broke down.

According to Israelis Channel 2, the cause of the mishap was a simple error all motorists try to avoid.

The Americans filled it up with diesel, rather than [gasoline], the channe quoted a source, which recently scored an interview with Obama, reported in case there was any doubt that the host government wasnt to blame.


The Secret Service scrambled today to fly in a backup vehicle. The custom-made car known as the beast has thick armored plating and other security features. Its likely there was another presidential limo in Jordan, where Obama is scheduled to visit Friday.

Secret Service will acknowledge that a vehicle broke down. Thats why we bring extra vehicles, mechanics etc., agency spokesman Brian Leary told the Post.

The agency has denied that the wrong fuel was used but didn't elaborate about what led to the mishap.






What now ya'll????....... are they gonna let the "Command & Chief Bafoon" ride a donkey into the city??????.......... rofl.gifrolling on the floor


Maybe we oughta get da fool a "Yugo".  devilish.gif......... rolling on the floor 


-- Edited by lc335 on Wednesday 20th of March 2013 02:38:13 PM


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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