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Post Info TOPIC: Well Said


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Well Said

In a recent discussion on a City Data Forum a young man mentioned he shifting positions some what in his political thinking.........

Karin replied with what I thought was an excellent post. Both his post, and Karins reply are below:

Young mans post

Originally Posted by BMOREBOY View Post
Earlier I was discussing with my girl friend (whom is liberal) how far of a welfare state should the US become and while I don't like the idea of a welfare state, I like the idea of helping those who want to help themselves. Although America seems as if its in decline, especially for those of my generation (Y) we can still be what we want to be if we truly put our minds to it, our government just needs to show that its still possible. With gloomy news from both sides all the time and low-wages, people have become not necessarily lazy but less motivated to live out their full potential because it just seems like a waste. We need to make everyone stop thinking their victims of society, and although some may be we need to show them that they can still be more than a person living check to check. We need to bring back the American Dream because people of my generation don't even see that its exists, we need to spark for people to continue to create their Dreams meaning if someone wants to start a business that seems feasible they can do it, in high-schools across the US I think we should institute a class where everyone learns the business of investing, saving, patenting, and anything else pertaining to wealth creation.

So when a conservative says something like 'End All Welfare' I'm not necessarily agreeing with them, but I can understand their perspective on things considering in the USA you can literally be anything you want to be if you just put your mind to it. As I said above stop making everyone think they're a victim and institute a system that rewards you on your climb to the top. Some people of course will be a loss cause, but I'm guessing over half of those whom are unemployed, receiving welfare, etc. can create massive wealth in this country if they just are shown the ins and outs of saving and investing.


Karins reply

1. I give you full credit for trying to honestly evaluate how things are playing out in this country, what is working, what isn't working and considering possible solutions to what ails us. Too many people simply parrot what they have heard somewhere else, throw garbage out there trying to score points for "their team", refuse to open their eyes to what is happening, deflect the issue so the conversation gets derailed, or simply have no ability to do what you have been doing - an exercise in critical thinking.

2. I can tell you as someone who knows, that your view of the world will continue to evolve the longer you live. I'm not the same person I was 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago.

3. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that the government has to lead the way and show us what is possible. The government has its place, but the inmates are running the asylum (and have been doing so for generations). It is the PEOPLE of this country that are its strength (and its weakness). The government is supposed to be there to implement the will of the people.

4. I am conservative and I know many conservatives who feel exactly as I do. We don't want to eliminate all welfare. There are many good, decent, hard working people who are honestly experiencing very tough times. They need help and any person worth their salt wants to help people who need a hand. That old expression "there but for the grace of God go I". It could be me one day, and I am grateful that there is a safety net in place.

BUT (of course there's a but) - the system is being abused by many many many people. To hand over an abundance of free stuff without placing any expectations on them to work to improve their own situation, is a fools game. My husband is a retired cop and he saw it throughout his entire career - generation after generation of families who literally had no idea how to fend for themselves and no desire what-so-ever to strive and struggle and work and educate to better their lot in life and become contributing members of society. THOSE people are leeches and there are many of them. They provide nothing productive towards the society in which they live, and do nothing but take. Giving without expectation does nothing but breed takers, and our country is bankrupt.

5. Another fools game is increasing the number of people who produce nothing and who live only for handouts. Ask yourself where the tipping point is. When do we get to the point where so many have become lifelong, systemic wards of the state, that those who work can no longer sustain the lifestyle of those who do not? A bigger question is why SHOULD those who work continue to pay for those who do not? The biggest question is what does that kind of mentality do to the very fabric of a nation? You worded it nicely in your post - less motivated to live out their full potential. Your perception that the United States is in decline is on the money. You need to ask why. The whole story is not those on welfare of course. There is corruption in business and corruption in government, and it is you and me and the rest of us who are paying the price. It is a very high price. Just ask yourself why it is OK in this country that an adminstrative assistant in some company can have her ENTIRE life savings wiped out and her biggest investment (her home) underwater when a loser CEO gets paid millions of dollars to have his contract bought out because he was underperforming? Ask yourself why it is now OK in this country for our politicians to openly lie and deceive us?

6. We get the government we vote for. Don't be sidetracked by garbage that gets thrown out during the lead-up to an election. Remember that politicians are not rock stars. They work for US. We hired them. They are accountable to us. Or at least they should be, and until they are again we will never have them under our control. And they SHOULD be under our control because they are OUR employees.

7. It takes a lot of work to think for yourself, to research the people running for office, to keep your eyes on the prize and not get sidetracked by all the stupid ways that politicans successfully divide us as a people. Until we begin to band together instead of identifying each other by our differences, we will never ever be a unified country. And our politicians are the main culprits for dividing us. It's sickening to watch them do it and sickening every time we fall for it.

8. Question everything you read and most of what you see and hear. Don't ever fall for the "I'm from the government and I'm here to help" line. Don't ever doubt that you have more common sense and integrity than just about every suit in Washington.

9. Don't become a sheep. Always think for yourself. I like your posts in this thread.



"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

Beer Please

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It was well said. Many good points.


when everything is going good, wait for it.


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I'll tell her ya'll said ....."She Dun Good".b


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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