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Crazy Cop calls

Okay...we had a woman.....a funny, good natured woman, doing time in our jail for writting bad checks. Well a neighboring county had warrants on her for the same thing. A jailer had taken her over there on the day shift so she could have a preliminary hearing in front of their judge. I get a call that they are through with her so they wanted me.....and my reserve go get her, and bring her back to our jail.

I get over there, and pick her up, and we're on our way back. I'm just about a mile inside my county when a call comes out about a knife, and gun fight at an apartment building not far from me, one of my young officers was near  the scene, and would need backup.......BUT, I'm transporting a prisoner. Well I figured since nobody else was close......I would have to respond.

I tell the woman prisoner to raise her right hand, she said...."for what"? I said "I gotta help that young officer, I'm gonna have to swear you in". She raised her right hand, and I said "Do you swear to uphold the laws of the state of Tennessee, and do what ever I tell ya"? She said........."Yeah LC, I'll do that".

So we kick it in.....I was letting that crusier roll, we get to the call. We down the clown with the knife, the young officer, and the reserve officer are cuffing this guy when the other guy.......the one  with the gun........comes out around the corner; with a gun; and takes off running out through a field. I take off after him......I get close, front of his wife, Mom, Dad, and about 8 or 10 neighbors I yell...."Stop, drop the gun".....he keeps running, so I yelled louder........"STOP, AND DROP GUN OR I"LL BLOW YOUR F**KIN" HEAD OFF"!!!!

The guy stops, and drops the gun. Well we load up all the prisoners, and I get back in the car to proceed to the jail. I tell the woman prisoner...."Your UN-sworn in"......."Ya did good, are you okay, I know I was letting it roll".........she said, "Yeah LC, that was fun, ya reckon when I get outta jail I could be a deputy". I said "sure, why not".

Well the gun creaps family calls the sheriff to complain, the sherifff calls me to ask me what happened......I told him I responded to help a young officer, he said "But you were transporting a prisoner".......I said "I deputized her"..........he said "You deputized a prisoner?......."A female prisoner"? I said "'s totally legal, look it up, in Tennessee an officer can deputize a citizen in an emegency; no where does it say that the citizen can't be a prisoner". The sheriff laughs, and yell's at the chief......"Hey Chief, get in here you gotta hear this". The Chief laughed till he cried. .............true story. aww


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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awesome ....


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Never got into all that with a prisoner. I did leave one in the back seat while I used the car to block off an interstate when, heading back from Rikers Island with her, we came upon an overturned tractor trailer blocking the interstate. I wonder how her pucker power was working sitting in that car until I got traffic diverted and we got the local agency clearing the mva...



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Posts: 770

Krash wrote:

Never got into all that with a prisoner. I did leave one in the back seat while I used the car to block off an interstate when, heading back from Rikers Island with her, we came upon an overturned tractor trailer blocking the interstate. I wonder how her pucker power was working sitting in that car until I got traffic diverted and we got the local agency clearing the mva...

 laughing.gif ...................brings to mind the old adage about the "needle, and the hammer". laughing.gif


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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