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Post Info TOPIC: "Take this Job and Shove It"


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Posts: 1017
"Take this Job and Shove It"

Well it is official .... I am among the unemployed again ... the last straw was :


Went to work on Monday .... worked till 10:30ish ... and she called me into the office .... started telling me that she had to write me up again .... that ... last Monday she had went to check the mens room and found the Toilet paper empty .... both rolls were gone .... not just empty ... but the cardboard was missing also ....

Now if you have any common since .... any? .... you would know that if I had just ignored the tp and not refilled it the cardboard rolls would still be there at least ... and .... why??? would I take both rolls out and not even put One Back???

But no she was going to write me up for it .... saying I did not refill it .... she checked it between 11 and 12 .... I had cleaned it at 7:30 that morning ... and the store had been open for at least an hour if not two.  Anyone could have went in and popped the holder open and taken both rolls ...

That and the fact that the whole week ... with Mom in ICU .... she kept asking me if I was going to work the weekend ... even after I told her .... that I would be there .... she still text me asking me if I was going to be there to work .....

I guess since I had ask for my Birthday off .... a month in advance .... and she had decided Not to give it to me because it was on a "Sunday"   .... and that is "her day off" .... she could not swap with me even one day ....

Anyway ... I guess I lost my temper .... and went off on her ... and her boss and her JCPenny's Boss .... so I am just not going to go back.



I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Posts: 770

I don't blame you.....she is attempting to cover up her own inabilties by writting people up all the time. Seems to me I remember you saying that they have a big turn over the problem.

Sooner, or later they are gonna figure that out..............and they will fire "HER".


Good luck on finding another job; hopefully one with a decent, level headed boss.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


Status: Offline
Posts: 1017

lc335 wrote:

I don't blame you.....she is attempting to cover up her own inabilities by writing people up all the time. Seems to me I remember you saying that they have a big turn over the problem.

Sooner, or later they are gonna figure that out..............and they will fire "HER".


Good luck on finding another job; hopefully one with a decent, level headed boss.

 Thanks LC .... and ... I have accepted that it is just time to get of the house that is burning down .... before I got burnt up inside ... did not wait for the Firefighters to arrive to pull me out .... I got out before I got too badly burned ....

lol .... I know that sounds Silly .... but .... I think I breathed enough smoke in that I realized that it was time to leave.  

Thanks for your support ... and may God Bless You!!!


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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