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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

If you understand the significance of the 2nd Amendment and its importance to maintaining liberty in America, here is your chance to put teeth to your position at no personal expense except a few moments of your time.

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January XX, 2013

Honorable XXXX
City State Zip

Senator XXXXX:

My wife and I are constituents in your district (optional who have voted for you consistently.)

Today for the first time we call for your swift and dedicated action as our elected representative. The so called assault weapon ban legislation as proposed by Senator Feinsteins is a gross abuse of the American publics rights as enumerated under the U.S. Constitution. As you well know, the US Constitution provides every American protection from government abuse under the Bill of Rights. The Constitution does not provide for merely a Bill of Needs As such, the U.S. Government has no right to limit our rights based on its interpretation of our needs.

Further, the proposed Firearm Ban provides for the uncompensated seizure of private property by banning the inheritance or transfer of legally purchased and processed firearms to family members. It thus requires upon the death of the owner that those guns be surrendered to the government. This is yet, another abridgement of our Constitutional rights against unlawful seizure. Let us remember that from the adoption of the Constitution until the National Firearms Act of 1934, the intent of our founders was clear and unchallenged the right to bear arms was the second most fundamental right we process as Americans, and is specially designed to protect against the tyranny of our Government. The red-herring and false arguments of the Anti-Gun ownership leaders fall flat in face of the fact that not one founding father acted to modify the 2nd Amendment or limit the ownership of firearms to only state chartered militia members, even after such periods as the Whiskey Rebellion and the Civil War. Their intent is clear and ratified by their actions.

Also, the U.S. Supreme court has already ruled in Haynes v. United States against the forced federal registration of firearms as a violation of the Constitution. Yet, we see the willing disregard for well settled law and trampling our Constitutional rights by Senator Feinstein and the supporters of her efforts to violate the rights of every American. The Ban also ignores and would violate the rulings of Heller v The District of Columbia and McDonald v. Chicago the most recent Supreme Courts cases related to the 2nd Amendment. While, additional arguments and facts are available to defeat every element of the Gun Ban bill basis, the fundamental element of our rights, as established in the Bill of Rights, reduces the proposed ban and its seizure of property to an intolerable affront of our rights as enumerated by the U.S. Constitution.

The only true cause of the recent tragedies has been ignored and untreated mental health issues. Firearms, like the automobiles used to drive to the site of the crimes, were only tools used not the cause of the actions. Let us address the true cause of these crimes the lack of mental health treatment because of invented privacy laws which impede the identification and treatment of these persons. We call upon you as our elected representative to ensure the proposed Ban in its entirety is blocked or defeated. We also call for the mental health laws of this country to be modified to ensure that those in need get the treatment they require, and the public is protected from their untreated violent natures.





Available at


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Posts: 770

I like it, I'm gonna print it off and mail a copy to my reps.....all of 'em.


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 


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Posts: 216

Think I will too.

when everything is going good, wait for it.


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Posts: 114

That aught to pop Chuckie Cheese's top right off his excuse for a head!

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