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Wake-Up Call

Wake-Up Call

One early autumn morning as I drove to work in the dark, I was startled by a flash of brown in my headlights followed by the sound of something hitting the front of my car. I had clipped a deer at 70 miles per hour! It was only a glancing blow, and no damage was done to my car (or the deer, as far as I could tell), but it really shook me up. I had been in my usual autopilot mode for the familiar drive to the office, but the shock of the incident certainly got my attention. I was now fully alert and trying to calm a racing heartbeat. It was a most unpleasant wake-up call.

The apostle Peter offers us a different kind of wake-up callone that while unpleasant is necessary. He alerts us to a spiritual battle we are engaged in with a powerful enemy. Peter warns, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). This is a call to wake up, see the danger, and be ready for his attack!

Only when we are aware of the danger that faces us every day will we consciously seek the help we need. And only if we are on the alert will we lean on the strength of our Lord, who is greater than our spiritual enemy.

Though evil may surround us,
We need not fear defeat;
For when God fights the battle,
Our enemies retreat. Sper
The Christian life is a battleground.


I am and will always be ... Just Me


Status: Offline
Posts: 770

All to true IO..............last night; November 6th, 2012 we found out that the nation we live in is now ruled by progressives.........people who have no morals.

This once great nation, that was founded on the belief in God, hard work, honesty, and moral decency has now twice voted for Godlessness. 


"Frig It......I'm Goin' Fishin' Wif Da Wegian" 

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