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Post Info TOPIC: Pissed America

Beer Please

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Pissed America

In 1987 artist Andres Serrano plunged a plastic crucifix into a glass of his own urine and photographed it under the title Piss Christ, he said he was making a statement on the misuse of religion.
Today, in 2012, I make a statement of the misuse of our Constitution, our Freedoms and of the American People. Jeffrey H. Head


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Pissed America By Jeff Head 9/24/12 Dreams
Here I am, lying awake at night again. Cannot sleep, cannot shut my mind off. All I can think about is what my life would be like without this hope, without this change. I have become, or soon will be just another Obama victim; a slave to the government sitting on some wore out couch somewhere waiting on my government teat check so that I can once again this month buy a few necessities to keep me going for the next month.

What a sad and bleak outlook for Americans in todays world we face as we patently await this upcoming election. Will we once again be able to go about building our lives, free from the threat of socialism or will we plunge even deeper into a nation destine by the dreams of an ideology that will destroy America as we know it? I am too impatient to wait, to eager to get back to building my business but I have no choice. Time will have to be dealt with and with that time comes the opportunity to let the world know that I am one Pissed off American at what is being done to our country.

Dreams Mr. Obama? I hope you know where this American believes you should stick your dreams. You have crushed the ability of millions of Americans to ever live out their dreams in America. You have shut down every avenue for us to ever build a life to the dreams that we each as free individuals had. You have taken away our freedoms and replaced them with your socialism, or so you think.

Even, Mr Obama, if you succeed in getting reelected, free Americans, nay I say Pissed Americans will fight you to their graves to rip out you Hope and your Change and we will once again bring the dreams of our forefathers back to this country. We will sir, restore America to its original Constitutional state.

Your dreams to turn America into a third world socialist country will indeed fail in the end. That is my new dream, my new path in life, to restore freedom to this country so that our grandchildren will not have to live in the filth of Obamas dreams.

Get Pissed America It is time we took our country back
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