Sandra Fluke testified before Nancy Pelosi's congressional hearing about her need for $3000.00 for birth control, and how it was a matter of womens rights, and womens health.....if she's spending 3000 dollars for birth control she is one busy woman....and she's not a "young college student' this woman is about 30 years old......
This is nothing but Nancy Pelosi, and Barbara Boxer trying to polarize the womens vote behind Obama.....Pelosi cramed this health care bill down our throat's.....illegally I might add.....and she means to see it go into force.
Before any of this crap came out a birth control question was asked of the GOP canidates by George Stephenopalasasasasas......Clinton's littel sawed off aide. Everyone wondered where this BS came from outta left we know, the white house was feeding question into the debate by way of liberal pawns.
I'd like to testifie before congress; I'd like to tell Pelosi, and the president.....the entire nation.......I got injuried in the line of duty, and severe brain injury.....I take 500.00 + dollars worth of medicine a month just to stay alive..........I served this nation in the military, a nd on the streets, I got hurt doing my job.....NOT screwing around on a college campus..........and yet for five years I footed the total cost of my meds......then a VA rep insitied that i sign up for my VA it only cost me a little over a hundred a month for my meds.....VA co-pay
BUT, I don't go crying to congress for taxpayers to foot the bill..........
Sandra Flke is a liar, and a pawn in Pelosi, and Boxers lie's to America......last time I checked lying to congress was a crime.....convict the bitch, and all the other bitches on capital hill that conspred with her to decive congress, and the public.
I am so angry.............Pelosi, Boxer, waters......and a whole host of others need to be booted plumb outta the country.
I can remember when it was not something to be proud of to get assistance. Now people thrive on it. If "That imposter" in the white house gets reelected this country will implode.
I can remember when it was not something to be proud of to get assistance. Now people thrive on it. If "That imposter" in the white house gets reelected this country will implode.