THE WEATHER IS UUUUUUUGLY TODAY. We've alreday been under 2 tornado Warnings, .......and it's only gonna get worse as the sun heats up the storm clouds.
Huntsville, Alabama got hit again, and another ;smaller; town in Alabama got I'm seeing that Ill. is getting pounded./.....
Hey Gear out in this mess, or some place west where it's safe from this crap????
How's everybody else fairing in this crappy weather??????
Got thunderstorms here all weekend. I had planned on replacing the riding mower blades, The lawn looks like a rain forrest. I was also going to install a new wall outles in the Florida room. But I'm not touching electrical while it's thundering and lightning. I did install a new kitchen faucet for Peaches yesterday. I cannot believe how happy it made her. And it doesn't leak.
How much Wyoming fine sand ya got in there?????.............the dirt out here will go right through a screen, it's so fine the screen doesn't even slow it down.
How ya gonna do it???....ya gonna hook up a super vac to it, and suck it outta there, or hook it up to about 200psi and blow it out?????...........sounds like that dust cloud would block out the sun for awhile.
there is no telling .. having to leave the windows open in all the anti-idle states ... it's not even worth wiping the dash down anymore .... definitely do not use anything like amour all .... that just makes a mud bath on the dash ....
there is no telling .. having to leave the windows open in all the anti-idle states ... it's not even worth wiping the dash down anymore .... definitely do not use anything like amour all .... that just makes a mud bath on the dash ....
If somebody doesn't stop this insane EPA under the liberals we have had it. China is building new coal powered plants like crazy and our government is shuting down power plants all over the place.
Other country's around they globe are burning coal by the thousands of tons everyday, and these states worry about trucks idling?????
That is Thai thing ... thats how they are giving away our country .... for everything we save here .... they just do over there ,,,, and no net gain on saving the earth ... just gives them the power to take us over in the end ....
There are 100 million people in this country on some kind of government assistance (NOT counting retirees), and they have the right to vote......the democrats promise them more free benefits, that's a big part of the problem. The worthless bums ( along with cheating on elections) they can out vote us because the working people won't stick together.