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Post Info TOPIC: Fate Wants Me to Be Obese


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Fate Wants Me to Be Obese

I got on the scale the other day and discoverd that I have put on 20 lbs since getting my neck injury a few months ago. jawdrop.gif

So I got out my old faithful Everyday With Richard Simmons tape.  Say what you will about Tae-Bo, The Firm, Gilad, and all those other fitness videos.  I say nothing works as well as Richard's old tape from the 80s.

There I was, exercising away in a determined manner when suddenly the vcr started chomping away at the tape.  I removed it from the machine and pieced it together with scotch tape, and then put it back in.  But the vcr was irreparably damaged.  And the tape is not available in dvd!! cry

I don't know if you're all aware of this, but it is absolutely impossible to buy a new vcr without buying an expensive and complicated vcr/dvd combo.  Fortunately, I found one on sale at Target for $56.  Now it's just a matter of going though the trauma of disconnecting the present dvd player and installing the combo in it's place.  Then I must dig up my copied back-up of the tape.  I don't even want to think about all that could go wrong during those next two hurdles. hmm

On the bright side, at least I now have a dvd player for the bedroom.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

sounds like work...  LOL

-- Edited by straight up at 15:29, 2007-12-29


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sounds like too much work for me today...

I have been in bed for the last three days ... mostly sleeping ... got some meds from the doc yesterday ... but ... still feel like crap.


I am and will always be ... Just Me

Studly Do-right

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Hope you get to feeling better soon IO!!


Studly Do-right

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Posts: 255

Entre, the replacement is very easy, just take ONE wire at a time an put it into the SAME place on the new one.
There is ant in--that is where the cable from the wall goes.
Next there is out, that is where the wire from the TV goes.
The black wire that is attatched to the new player plugs into the outlet in the wall.

Let me know if you have problems.



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woodbutcher wrote:

Entre, the replacement is very easy, just take ONE wire at a time an put it into the SAME place on the new one.
There is ant in--that is where the cable from the wall goes.
Next there is out, that is where the wire from the TV goes.
The black wire that is attatched to the new player plugs into the outlet in the wall.

*whimper*  Noooo, don't make me.  Heh heh.  Okay, I will try tomorrow morning, right after I have some strong coffee.



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Inside Out wrote:

sounds like too much work for me today...

I have been in bed for the last three days ... mostly sleeping ... got some meds from the doc yesterday ... but ... still feel like crap.

I hope you feel better soon, IO.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

I think she is starting to feel better .... just in time for me to catch it ..... and I'm a way bigger baby about things like this then she is .... I'm going to be sicker and need lots more TLC then she did ...


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I'm sorry to hear that you guys are sick, hopefully you're feeling better.

Entre, did you get the vcr/dvd hooked up?



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Date:, I haven't actually set the new vcr up. 

But in the meantime, I have discovered that my constant muscle pain is NOT caused or aggravated by working out on the elliptical trainer.  If it was, the pain would have stopped during my period of inactivity, right?  So at least I can use the elliptical while I wait for my new Richard Simmons tape to arrive.

And who knows?  I may just have the tape converted to DVD. Anything to avoid setting the VCR up. biggrin

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