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Post Info TOPIC: Makes sense .... or ...... HELP !!!!!!!!!!

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093
Makes sense .... or ...... HELP !!!!!!!!!!

I love government thinking ......

A bridge rates poor so they spend our highway tax dollars on  pork projects .....   I mean ...  why fix the bridge ....

Every study out there shows that accidents between trucks and cars are up to 80% the fault of the car ....    So lets not ask the voters to slow down just a bit.     Over 700   Truck drivers a year die on the highway ....     what the hell .....

Just last week ....    we find out that truck miles are up ....   but the accident rate is down .....   So what do we do .....   tighten the regs on the driver .....  makes sense ...  right ....   never piss off the voter .....

So Here's the new hoop I have to jump through  to have the privilege to bring crap to your local store .....

BMI ....  body mass Index .....   35 or below ....

Neck size ....      17 inches below .....

I'm at 42 and 19 and a half .....    Got 11 month's to loose 70 LBS  and 2 and a half inches off my neck or have to go through all kinds of test at my own cost .....   and have to pass them all ....

The first one is the sleep test ....    must be taken within one week of the actual physical ....   that means a week that I have to shut down to schedule the test ...  If I can't sleep ...  oh well ....

Any one know what the test run or how much a c-pap that records your sleep cost????   I don't know ....   But I'll have to send my sleep records to big brother so he knows I'm well rested.... 

Any way ....  According to what I'm hearing ....  this new little reg is going to put about fifty thousand drivers out of work within the next year.   I wonder how many of them will commit suicide because they loose every thing they worked for.

Any way ...  if you know of a diet that will drop 70 LBS in 11 months ....   let me know ...

If I had to guess at it ...  this is all linked to bringing the Mexican driver in...   I mean after all .....  If you can't get an American to do it .....


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Studly Do-right

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Posts: 255

WTF????? As for the BMI--I know of atleast 4 OTR drivers that have atleast a 19" neck, that are simply big guys.

Sounds you are right SU more regs to push the career driver out and the Mexican driver in!!


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

I can't wait to see the inventions drivers come up with to fool the machine .... I'm going to start with my son's and see what it takes to fool it.


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Well, it did not take much ..... just turned it on and wrapped a towel around it for a little back pressure ..... It recorded a nights sleep....

Looks like the normal thinking for government ..... making regs they can not enforce ....


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Spank Me

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Posts: 283

Good Grief!!!! What will the idiots on capitol hill think of next...... Yah know, if the truckers banded together...the world would come to one big hault! I think our government should keep that in mind. Yah I know they can sub in Mexicans and shit, but can they fill all those positions in 24hrs? can they replace all the independant trucker's rigs with company ones and drivers in 24hr? Anything over 24hr and shit starts to fall apart across this crappy lil nation.....

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!

Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

I've been busting my hump trying to run legal ... safe and all that crap ....

But if even the government is going to bypass the rules ..... what chance do I have unless I take the rules and bend them to my requirements ....

I think I'm getting a plan together and if a few people get screwed .... so be it ....


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