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Post Info TOPIC: Life is Sweet when Assholes get what’s coming to them

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093
Life is Sweet when Assholes get what’s coming to them

Life is Sweet when Assholes get whats coming to them


As most of you know IO and myself spent some time working FEMA last year, and some of the people we worked with were a little less than not so nice.  In other word Backstabbing SOBs




I get this awesome phone call this morning.  It seems that a couple of my favorite buddies were sitting at a truck stop not so long ago when they did their usual and found the nearest bar and got plastered in the middle of a load.   


When they get back to the truck stop, around two or three in the morning, they decide it is a wise idea to play with their favorite toy the train horn   well this tends to piss off drivers that are taking their breaks and trying to sleep.  One of them came out of his bunk, after his rude awaking, and winds up in a fist fight with one of my buddies.


Well the other buddy decides to jump in and whacks the guy over the head with his flashlight just about the time the police arrive.  Needless to say they both get to take a ride in a police car in silver bracelets.


So some how my company finds out and when my favorite buddies get back to the truck stop their trucks are short tags and decals.  I am not sure how they did the loads, but these two no longer work for my company.  


I figure that the money they screwed a lot of hard working people out of should be well spent on re-powering their loads, lawyers, fines, and all the other wonderful things that they will have to pay their way out of. 


What a great Fathers Day present.


Dear God . Thank You . Amen



Available at

Toy Boat

Status: Offline
Posts: 139

I want a train horn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want a train horn NOW!!!!! LOL

Would you like to play with my toy boat?


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Posts: 39

These folks should have what you need


Toy Boat

Status: Offline
Posts: 139

6 Trumpet Horns
Loud and Proud! Be heard and be safe with this six-trumpet train horn. Beautiful chrome finish looks great and is heavy-duty


Would you like to play with my toy boat?

Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

yup ... now all you have to do is have Kat hook a air hose to your ass for power and your all set .....


Available at

Toy Boat

Status: Offline
Posts: 139

No need,,,,,

"go-go gadget air hose!"


Would you like to play with my toy boat?
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