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Post Info TOPIC: GBU Roll Call


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GBU Roll Call

Alright, everyone needs to check in here and tell us something that you've been doing lately.

I've been traveling yet again, I just came back from a few days in Chicago.


I'm trying to be bossy like Moldy. smile


Beer Please

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Well I'm kicking back in Jean,NV ... just down the street from Vegas for the week end ...

The fire alarm just went off a few minutes ago in the motel we are staying at .... every body is trying to figure out what the deal is ... I think just some kids playing round ....

As long as the beer don't get hot .....


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The Girls Love Me

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buttercup wrote:

Alright, everyone needs to check in here and tell us something that you've been doing lately.

I've been traveling yet again, I just came back from a few days in Chicago.


I'm trying to be bossy like Moldy. smile

Oh, it's so good to see you around again, I was wondering where you were, and being bossy suits you btw.

Anyway to answer the question, I have been spending a lot of time fixing computers, a bit of time trying to educate a couple of people that have just bought their first computers, and a lot of time making a website for a mate of mine.
I suggested making it in the first place, but it is going to be from him to his girfriend for her birthday. It was only going to be a little thing, but has now grown to 41 pages, with a homepage, galleries of pictures from throughout her life and a biography page. I have loved doing it, he loves what I have done to it and hopefully she will love it when she gets to see it.

Oh and I made myself another site, which is kind of like a starting page to all my other sites.

Now I need to get busy updating my main site, so if I ain't around much, you know I am busy doing computer stuff.

(I do look in at least once a day though)


-- Edited by sparky at 18:20, 2007-05-19


Knight Owl

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Hey Sparky whats the website? I want to see some of your work


The Girls Love Me

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My latest one for myself can't be revealed, it has too much personal info about me on it, the one for my mate can't be revealed (it contains too many pics of his girlfriend from a little child up to the present day, so it is not for me to make it public, it has to down to them who they give the link to).

My main website is:

Which was created to assist people in keeping or getting their computers running in tip top condition, it seriously needs updating though, their are 2 links on there, one is ZX81, which is another one of my early sites, and Keyboard Shortcuts, which was another early one that I gave control of to someone else, but they have left it to rot.


Knight Owl

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Not bad work. I tried to get into making websites but I got frustrated too easy. I have ADD too bad to sit and try and do things like that.


The Girls Love Me

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You could do it easily MIB, anyone can.

Basically, if you can use microsoft programs like word and such, then you can learn how to use a html editor, the principle is the same.


Nuts About Sports

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I use Microsoft Frontpage when I am working on my website. Which needs to be revamped totally.

I've been sick, death in the family,working out at the gym, going to baseball games and doing other personal stuff.


The Girls Love Me

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I used to use Frontpage, but then found that the pages that were created with it would not render properly in all browsers, plus it started acting funny for me.
So I switched to NVU, now I use KompoZer which is basically NVU but without some bugs.


Beer Please

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See what happens when BC shows up ... every body wakes up and jumps right in ...

I bet if we could figure out how to bottle her ... we could make a fortune .....

BC ... would you mind peeing in a few bottles for us ...


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I am here, just busy with my other website....they have made ma administrator so theres a lot to be done. Other than that i have just been taking the kids to the park and doing a lot of running on my new treadmill to lose this computer ass i gained over the cold months. Good to see you back BC, i kinda missed you.


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Present and accounted for.



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I have been working on a Music Video for my Mom today ... I think it turned out well ... but it has some pics on it that are too personal to share ... sorry ...

Any way ... been busy on it today ...

otherwise ... I have been hunting loads and doing paperwork for SU ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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I have missed you guys, and I'm glad to see that you're all here and doing alright. I'm really hoping that things will settle down a bit for me soon. I'm going home for a few days next week, after that I don't think I travel again until July. smile



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I am here.....getting ready to go get ready for church. 

I am not bossy.........furious I merely delegate when necessary!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

ooks of it we have all missed you as well.
buttercup wrote:

I have missed you guys, and I'm glad to see that you're all here and doing alright. I'm really hoping that things will settle down a bit for me soon. I'm going home for a few days next week, after that I don't think I travel again until July. smile

By the looks of it we have all missed you as well.

Where is home btw?

Is it far from where you live?

They do have a computer there though I guess, which means you could sneak on at quiet moments.




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Moldy wrote:

I am here.....getting ready to go get ready for church.

I am not bossy.........furious I merely delegate when necessary!

I meant bossy only in the best possible way. aww




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sparky wrote:

By the looks of it we have all missed you as well.

Where is home btw?

Is it far from where you live?

They do have a computer there though I guess, which means you could sneak on at quiet moments.



Michigan - I thought you knew that, Sparky. smile

It's roughly 500 miles away, a short hour and a half flight. And yes, I always travel with my laptop.  I'm going to my cousin's high school graduation.



The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

I don't recall ever knowing that it was Michigan, reason I am sure I never knew, is because I don't ever remember googling it or looking it up on google earth.

Because in an attempt to educate myself about America, I tend to look up places that I see mentioned by forum members, actually it is a good reason for me to have a play on google earth later now, I love that program so much.

-- Edited by sparky at 11:20, 2007-05-20



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Posts: 1017

So Butter .... when was the last time you went home?

Did you make it there for Christmas this year? I can't remember if you told me or not ... confused

How is your Dad and family doing any way ?


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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