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Post Info TOPIC: 411 to 3

Beer Please

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411 to 3

The House voted 411 to 3 the other day to stop the Mexican trucks ...  now it's the Senate turn.  OOIDA is already getting calls from some of them trying to figure out what;s going on ...

I guess if enough people get off their ass and raise enough hell ....   those idiots on the hill actually do listen ......   They asked us to stop calling and we are like hell ....   you bastards ain't going to rest till our jobs are secure ....

And still ...  not one word in the main stream press .....   No wonder Americans ain't got a clue ...


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Well ...that does not really matter since they also voted for that amnesty thing....we are talking thousands of illegal immigrants given a free ticket out of jail. 

Sure, you will keep your job, but will my husband? There are plenty of engineers from other countries (ie China, Japan, name a few) who go back home when their work visas expire...maybe. If they are given amnesty....why not take a job from an American who has been working in the industry for 20 years.

Its not just the illegal immigrants from Mexico who are hurting the economy or taking our jobs.

My grandparents didnt get a free ticket...they did it the right way and it pisses me off that people breaking the law are enabled over and over parents, aunts and unlces and grandparents learned English without ESL dad got into plenty of fights because he was a blonde Mexican with hazel eyes .....he learned English real quick. 

Ok....I am mad.... 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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nothing Plush ... not a damn thing ...



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plush wrote:

What's new?

Bite Stupid.....furious

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

lalllaa lla lla llaa lla la la la ...da ad diu .lla

I'm so board .....


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damn...way to smash the drama.....cant i get a little bite?


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

yea .... rite on my ass ....


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damn....................goes back to her other forum where she is the legit troublemaker..........cause everyone knows its with love there ........*evil eye*


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Hey we love you here lots .. baby ... it's not just any one I let nibble at my ass


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Moldy wrote:

Well ...that does not really matter since they also voted for that amnesty thing....we are talking thousands of illegal immigrants given a free ticket out of jail.

Sure, you will keep your job, but will my husband? There are plenty of engineers from other countries (ie China, Japan, name a few) who go back home when their work visas expire...maybe. If they are given amnesty....why not take a job from an American who has been working in the industry for 20 years.

Its not just the illegal immigrants from Mexico who are hurting the economy or taking our jobs.

My grandparents didnt get a free ticket...they did it the right way and it pisses me off that people breaking the law are enabled over and over parents, aunts and unlces and grandparents learned English without ESL dad got into plenty of fights because he was a blonde Mexican with hazel eyes .....he learned English real quick.

Ok....I am mad....

I have a problem with illegal immigrants regardless of where they're from.  And I get tired of hearing them referred to as "undocumented immigrants."  They're illegal....they're breaking the law.  I get tired of reading news stories designed to elicit sympathy for some "poor" illegal immigrant who was deported. 




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Posts: 290

Fuckin A.........thats all i have to say about that. Illegal is illegal, no matter how you class it.



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Theodore Roosevelt's ideas on immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."

Theodore Roosevelt 1907


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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