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Beer Please

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Letters To Leaders
All messages are published with permission of the sender. The general topic of this message is Immigration:
American is on the down hill race to Destruction!

Sen. John McCain

May 13, 2007

If the USA did this to Mexico they would take action, but we are so PC & Corrupt we let Mexico use a bunch of illiterate Peons with a average 6 grade education take this Nation & make the tax payers pay them for turning this country into another Third World Cesspool!
1. Did the United States violate the sovereignty and borders of Mexico by encouraging, aiding, & assisting 20 million of their most undesirable illiterate American peasants to cross the border illegally?
2. Did American send 160 Billions worth of drugs each year across the Mexican Borders to Destroy Millions of Mexican lives?
3. Did illegal American Citizens in Mexico, kill nearly 10 thousands Mexicans each year & Rob, Rape & Assault 10,s of thousands more?
4. Did American illegal aliens engage in wholesale forgery of vital public documents and commit identity theft in order to secure employment, education, credit, and access to public services?
5. Did American illegal aliens feed at the public trough for health care, education, food, housing and other vital services to which they were not entitled, and which cost Mexican taxpayers hundreds of billions of pesos each year?
6. Did the impact of serving American illegal aliens force scores of medical facilities into bankruptcy, resulting in the loss of vital medical services for Mexican citizens?
7. Did American illegal aliens who refused to pay for medical services manage to send $30 billion a year back to the United States?
8. Did American illegal aliens refuse to learn Spanish, and demand that Mexico provide services in English at considerable cost to Mexican citizens & to their Culture?
9. Did the children of American illegal aliens slow down and otherwise impede the education of Mexican children because of language and cultural issues & add Billions to the Education cost & Dummy down the Mexicans Children Education?
10. Did American illegal aliens demand driver's licenses despite being in Mexico illegally? Did they demand that driver instruction and testing materials be in English?
11. Did American illegal aliens demand the same reduced tuition rates offered to Mexican students there legally?
12. Did American illegal aliens vote in Mexican elections and alter election results?
13. Did American illegal aliens overwhelm Mexico's penal system, making it impossible to deal with the citizen inmate population?
14. Did the largest state in Mexico contract with another Mexican state for the housing and care of 15,000 inmates because of the impact of American illegal aliens?
15. Did American illegal aliens overwhelm Mexican hospitals, medical clinics, and emergency rooms and refuse to pay for medical services received?
16. Did American illegal aliens in Mexico in 1986 receive amnesty in an attempt by the Mexican government to end illegal migrations once and for all?
17. Did the Mexican government refuse to enforce the provisions of the amnesty, thereby causing the American illegal alien problem to grow seven times greater in the span of 20 years?
18. Did millions of American illegal aliens take to the streets to protest pending legislation in the Mexican congress that would tighten border security and enforce the nation's immigration laws?
19. Did American illegal aliens wave Old Glory and scream "Yes we can!" and "We are Mexico" & "everything for the "White race & nothing for the rest" in English as they marched to protest the rule of law in Mexico?
20. Did American illegal aliens cry "Racism" every time they were criticized for being in Mexico illegally or challenged to learn Spanish and assimilate into Mexican society?
21. Did Americans Politicians state Often & Openly they were going to take Mexico over? They way Mexican officials have in Mexico & La Raza the Mexican racist, hate Org in the USA has?
22. Did Mexico pay for over 300.000 American Anchor Babies born to Illegal Americans Citizens each year in Mexico & give the Babies Mexican Citizenship?
23. Did American drive millions of cars & trucks each day without driver Licenses or Insurance, clogging the roads, polluting the air & trashing the environment?
24. Did illegal Americans take Mexicans jobs & drive Mexico's standard living down by 250 billions per year?
25. Did Americans Illegally in Mexico bred like Fruit Flies on a Viagra diet & make the Mexican Taxpayers paid for their medical bills & the 10,000.00 Average per year to send them to School at the expense of Mexican Children Education?
26. Did American Citizens Carry third diseases across the Border to Mexico and infect 10,s of thousands of Mexicans Citizens with disease resistance stains of TB & type A & B liver diseases from feces on food?
No American did not, Mexico did that & much more to American, and they dare to complain!
American is on the down hill race to Destruction! When you ignore the Constitution & Laws of the land to add Millions of Law Breaking, Fast breeding, Uneducated, Criminally Inclined, Welfare loving, Education hating citizens with hated of American & Loyally to a Foreign Nation then you are asking to be destroyed!
If Americans Politicians were not so Corrupt & Willing to sell this Nation & Americans Citizens out for Money & Votes the US Military would be on the Border with Guns Protecting this Nation from the Largest Invasion in History!

olive hill , KY


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Posts: 290

All i can say is Fuckin A. It is sad and i feel sorry for my grandchildren and their children.


Stupid is as Stupid Does

Status: Offline
Posts: 214

plush wrote:

All i can say is Fuckin A. It is sad and i feel sorry for my grandchildren and their children.

Me too...

I feel sorry for any of your kin!  biggrin

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