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Post Info TOPIC: On line colleges

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093
On line colleges

My son wants to try one ...   But when I called to get some info .....   they wanted all my personal info before they would talk to me ....

So has any one ever tried one and whats the best way to check them out ????/


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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straight up wrote:

My son wants to try one ...   But when I called to get some info .....   they wanted all my personal info before they would talk to me ....

So has any one ever tried one and whats the best way to check them out ????/

Stay away from the University of Pheonix!!!   True, they may give a degree some day, but you will pay through the nose for it.  They are nothing but HIGH PREASURE SALES people.  They will not take no for an answer and will haunt you for a long time if you do give them your information.

Not sure about other places, but check out the Bad Business Bureua online at and ask for references, and visit if you can. I know some guys at work have been drug through the ringer with some schools.  I personally take classes online through Cal State, and a local CC, but I wouldn't do business with an exclusive online school who has a self accredidation.


Studly Do-right

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I would agree with stupid, stay away from the "onLine" only colleges.
I would check into your local colleges first.
I take classes onLine at M.I.T., it is a little pricey for my classes, but there are lots of classes that aren't.
If you aren't too far from a campus, go for a visit and chat with a councellor.
Most schools, that are acredited, will offer that information--FREE!!


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Not looking very good .... they sound like a rip off according to this site ....


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Anything with "institute" in the name is likely a "tech" type school which is fine if you are looking for a job specific skill, but not so ok if you are looking for degree or transferable credits.  They will say they are transferable, but to where is the real question to be asked.



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Are his reasons for wanting to take classes online time issues?
It all depends on the person. I took one class I needed for my degree that was not offerred at the time I could take it. I did well ....a few distractions while looking things over were an issue, but live and learn. I prefer the classroom setting, but that is just me.

I ended up with a B ...I took Criminology with the same prof and made an A. Different class, but in the setting I prefer. Had I taken Criminology online, I doubt I would have made an A. Having my prof available to ask questions about a topic or my paper helped tremendously. I am a very social person though. I need human interaction to stay sane. 

There are so many colleges and universities that offer online classes. If he just wants to get a few hours that tranfser  without the hassle of scheduling classes at the school, he can take a few classes online to try it out. It may be better to try out the classroom setting first since college (junior or not) is a different ballgame from high school.  

Good luck. Stupid makes many good points and he has taken more classes online that I have.
But I think I am cuter.

Thats what mom always said. 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

He is just trying to keep busy


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I agree with Stupid and WB.  Check out the local colleges and see which of their courses are offered online.  Almost every college has online offerings now.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Lanier Tech ..... that would be the one for us .....


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straight up wrote:

He is just trying to keep busy

Staying busy is a good thing..hope he finds something.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Girls Love Me

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I tried it once, but gave up, trying to learn from the comfort of the home was not for me, I could not manage to commit myself like I should of.
I definitely need to be in a classroom environment.

Hope it all works out ok for your son though SU.


Spank Me

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Posts: 283

most state colleges offer online courses, stick to the real colleges and not just online daughter took classes at Tiffin University (Ohio) online and did quite well. They are expensive though $2300 for a history class (book included)

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