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Beer Please

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New Topic Game

Real easy ......  post one .....


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Plastic surgery for teenagers ...for cosmetic reasons, not medical.

Think about it and let me know what you think.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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OK..forget that about.

Paris Hilton in jail........I dont really care, but why is that a normal joe drunk driver can get caught ....break his probation, spend a few day at AA and then be out driving again drunk or sober.,,sory ass atorneys and judges; thats why.

I dont  feel sorry for her or anything, but I certainly dont think her punishment is the same one that judge would have given any other drunk breaking probation. I dont think he likes her or her rich daddy and mommy......she pissed in his post toasties by showing up late to court in her 3000 suit and shoes that cost more than my van. He judged her out of spite and not to uphold any oath or law.

Fair is fair...send her to New Orleans for 45 days to build houses in the 9th ward......that will put a crimp in her Gucci butt thong. Jail Shmail....

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Girls Love Me

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Ok, I'll start a new topic, I'll call it 'Why all the bumping on TOP?'


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Moldy wrote:

Plastic surgery for teenagers ...for cosmetic reasons, not medical.

Think about it and let me know what you think.

Heard on the radio this morning ...  A doctor has no formal training to do plastic surgery ...   Just has to say he is one and go to work ....   


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I don't think it's that we lack topics.  I think we don't have the attention span to continue a topic for very long. We've started what seem like good discussions but then they just seem to die.

Edit - not saying that's unusual for a forum.  Just that sometimes good topics don't even seem to get off the ground here.

-- Edited by entre at 06:02, 2007-05-08


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

I think it's just that spring has finally hit and people realized they actually had a life...

We are not a forum backed by large organizations like LEO .... just random people coming and going as our individual life's permit ..... And that's fine by me .....

If we want more action ..... then we need to figure out how to bring more people in .....Like Plush,s forum .... they have lots of downloading going on .....

So I propose ..... that all the ladies get web cams and lets get some live nude web cam action going on and see if that won't bring by some action .....


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It's fine by me too.  I have no problem with people coming and going as they please.  I'm just saying I don't think we have a shortage of topics.



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1. Cosmetic surgery for teenagers - I think it's a bad idea.

2. Paris Hilton should go to jail.

3. Anyone who undergoes plastic surgery without checking the credentials of and using a board certified cosmetic or reconstructive surgeon is an idiot and deserves whatever they get.

4. Why shouldn't topics on TOP be bumped up?

5. I have been busy, and additionally I very recently lost a friend I've had since I was five, which hasn't exactly put me in the mood to play online.


The Girls Love Me

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buttercup wrote:
1. Cosmetic surgery for teenagers - I think it's a bad idea.

Me too, they are too emotionally insecure at that age to make such life changing decisions.

buttercup wrote:
2. Paris Hilton should go to jail.

I disagree with this one, she is being made an example of because of who she is.

Would Joe Bloggs get sent to jail for doing the same?

buttercup wrote:
3. Anyone who undergoes plastic surgery without checking the credentials of and using a board certified cosmetic or reconstructive surgeon is an idiot and deserves whatever they get.



buttercup wrote:
4. Why shouldn't topics on TOP be bumped up?

No reason, just seemed strange that a couple who have their own forum decided to increase activity on another forum.

buttercup wrote:
5. I have been busy, and additionally I very recently lost a friend I've had since I was five, which hasn't exactly put me in the mood to play online.

I am so sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you and everyone concerned.



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Thank you for your condolences, Sparky.

I do think that Joe Bloggs should go to jail under the same circumstances.  We're too lenient on drunk drivers.


The Girls Love Me

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Oh yeah, I agree with that, it has to be the same law for everyone though, not just one for the normal people like us and another for the rich and famous who are in the spotlight.



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Sparky wrote:

Oh yeah, I agree with that, it has to be the same law for everyone though, not just one for the normal people like us and another for the rich and famous who are in the spotlight.

or ... who can afford the best lawyer ... or ... politician ....


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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Butter .... sorry to hear about your friend ... cry.gif

it is difficult to loose a friend ... especially when you knew them for so long ... they become like family ... there is nothing I can say that will make you feel better ... but ...

I feel your pain ... and wish you the best ...


I am and will always be ... Just Me


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My condolences BC. Sorry for your loss.

Paris ? I think she is just making o fool of herself and sh has tarnished her own name. With ll the money she has, why cant she find her own man, and just sit on a beach somewhere and chill.

The plastic surgery, I 100% agree. I mean come on, this is your body we are talking about here. No one is touchin me with a scalpel, needle, suction, whatever, unless i see his work and lots of credentials. Plus we all know that we get what we pay for, so if you go to a discount plastic surgeon, expect to get discount plastic surgery.


The Girls Love Me

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Having money does not mean somebody would want to just sit on a beach, money is not the be all and end all of life. Having money does not change a person to the extent that they think "ok, I am rich now, I don't need to drink and drive", something like that is just in them.

I think you all know I was a convicted drink driver, I never chose to be, I never wanted to be, it just happened.

Would it of happened if I had been richer?
I think so.

I was young, I was caught, I was punished without being sent to jail, I learned my lesson.

I am sure Paris could of learned her lesson the way I did. Maybe I am looking at it in the wrong way or something though.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

1.... Sorry BC ... feel better soon

2. Harder on drunks ..... works for me .... but I do not think stoping by for two beers at the bar should be considered drunk ...... It's less then that if you hold a CDL

3. Who the hell is Paris Hilton ...... Stop watching crap news and start watching what congress is doing ....

4. I like TOP .....

5. Time for a beer .... I just got home and the fucking A/C is broke ....


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The Girls Love Me

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Time for more than a beer if the fucking a/c is broke. Time for loads of beer me thinks.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

I talking to Mr. Jim Beam now ... 9 parts Jim .... 1 part coke and Ice ....


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OK ....

People make mistakes ... people are not perfect ... It happens ...

Why do others think that if someone makes a mistake they should have to pay for it for the rest of their lives ... it should be thrown in their face and make them feel like shit and anytime and over and over so that they never feel like anything they do again is worth it ...

Why can't people just make mistakes and make amends for it ... and then it forgotten ... and never brought back up again ...

Is anything ever enough?


I am and will always be ... Just Me

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