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Beer Please

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Here it is ...  the vehicle in which our government is using to make America, Mexico, and Canada basically one nation.    The object is to make us like Europe.   Lots of nations in a community.  

Question for Sparky ....   how is this working for you ...

But this is why they are trying so hard to give my job to the Mexicans ....   to bring them up while dropping us down to the same level.   How long will it be before they start importing cheap labor to take the jobs like LEO,  firemen and teachers. Just think of the money that a city could save using contract labor from Mexico 

Contract labor is one of the vehicles that large cooperations are using to bring people across our border to take our jobs ....

If we as a nation allow this to stand. We will become a nation of the rich and extremely poor.   All the middle class jobs will be giving to the cheap Mexican labor sending millions of our dollars south of the border.  


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Beer Please

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Here is just i little bit ....

Promoting Growth, Competitiveness and Quality of Life

To enhance the competitive position of North American industries in the global marketplace and to provide greater economic opportunity for all of our societies, while maintaining high standards of health and safety for our people, the United States, Mexico, and Canada will work together, and in consultation with stakeholders, to:

Improve Productivity

Regulatory Cooperation to Generate Growth

Lower costs for North American businesses, producers, and consumers and maximize trade in goods and services across our borders by striving to ensure compatibility of regulations and standards and eliminating redundant testing and certification requirements.


To lower cost for North American Business ....   In other words ...  give American jobs to cheap Mexican labor .....


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The Girls Love Me

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Once upon a time, the UK was a nice little independent place, we did what we wanted to a certain extent, we paid back our debt to the states, slowly but surely, for the help we received during WW2.

Then, we became part of Europe.

Things changed.

We started welcoming Europeans to our country with open arms, we gave them our jobs which we so desperately needed for ourselves. But why not give them to them? They will accept lower wages. What does it matter if our own unemployment figures rise?

They come here and sleep a dozen to a room probably, they take £200 a week in wages, send half of that back to their families in their own country, and we have to stand back and watch it happen.

Polish workers are now digging the roads up around my parents area to install new gas mains, they can't speak a word of English, and disappear as soon as the weather turns nasty.

They parked over my dad's drive the other day, he went and asked if they would be there long, the driver just smiled, my dad said he needed to go out in a couple of hours, the driver just smiled, my dad asked if he could speak English, the driver just smiled.

This in my eyes is not the way it should be, but a lot of it boils down to money, why pay English people an honest wage if you can pay immigrants far less.

It is going to get so much worse for my kids or my kids kids, I really should leave the UK now and let it sink under the weight of too many immigrants.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

The One world order and secrete societies will get you every time .....


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

sparky wrote:

Once upon a time, the UK was a nice little independent place, we did what we wanted to a certain extent, we paid back our debt to the states, slowly but surely, for the help we received during WW2.

Then, we became part of Europe.

Things changed.

We started welcoming Europeans to our country with open arms, we gave them our jobs which we so desperately needed for ourselves. But why not give them to them? They will accept lower wages. What does it matter if our own unemployment figures rise?

They come here and sleep a dozen to a room probably, they take £200 a week in wages, send half of that back to their families in their own country, and we have to stand back and watch it happen.

Polish workers are now digging the roads up around my parents area to install new gas mains, they can't speak a word of English, and disappear as soon as the weather turns nasty.

They parked over my dad's drive the other day, he went and asked if they would be there long, the driver just smiled, my dad said he needed to go out in a couple of hours, the driver just smiled, my dad asked if he could speak English, the driver just smiled.

This in my eyes is not the way it should be, but a lot of it boils down to money, why pay English people an honest wage if you can pay immigrants far less.

It is going to get so much worse for my kids or my kids kids, I really should leave the UK now and let it sink under the weight of too many immigrants.

Welcome to the U.S.!!!!!

In our case it is beaners like Moldy taking the jobs!!!!  biggrin


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Here ya go Mold .... happy birthday ....


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Thanks, SU.

I am not editing anything Stupid says because well......whats the point?

My grandparents came to this country with pennies in their pockets. My grandmother was a Mexican teenager, my grandfather, a young music teacher. They didnt come here and steal anybodies job. M<y grandfatehr workied his ass off until the day they put him in the hospital where he died. My grandfather was in his 80's when he was forced to stop working.

 My grandmother had 10 kids........surviving on a teachers salary. Never on welfare, never picked a vegetable...just took care of her house and made sure her children were groomed  and well educated, hard working individuals. She refused to speak English even though she knew how. She never went anywhere without my mom or an aunt or uncle who are fluent in both languages. My grandfather became a citizen much to my grandmothers horror. She was happy renewing her Visa and keeping her Mexican citizenship.  She only left Mexico because that is what teenage brides do when their husbands want a better life. Mexico was fine for them; but my grandfather was a smart man and knew The U.S could offer more for the children he planned to have with his new bride.

He was right. 

So what if his kids had to sit in the back of the bus or drink out of the "non-white" water fountain? So what if his sons, who were in the military, could not dine with their fellow soldiers after returning home from war. They were American born, fighting for the freedom of people who wont accept them for who they are..almost dying ...only to be told "We dont serve Mexicans."

So just Shut Up, Stupid.....I have more honor and pride in my little finger that you have in your whole body. I come from a line of hard working Mexicans and   we didnt pick freaking beans for a you nor did we take your stinking jobs. I still have family in Mexico and they have
no desire to live here; they just buy their cars here, have all their money in American banks and send their children here during high school; so they can learn English before going to college. No body ever talks about all the damn money the "other" Mexicans spend over here. Why? Because that would be complaining about money coming  into our country from people that we are supposed to hate.  Those are the Mexicans they want overe here to visit and spend money....those are the Mexicans Mexico wants ..the others are disposable.

When will you realize that all the immigrants flooding over here taking the jobs are not wanted over there. The money they send back doesnt make a big impact on the Mexican economy because...HEEEELLLOOOOO, they dont have that much. The money that effects the economy over there is spent by the rich Mexicans who spend thousands of dollars yearly in the U.S., but even more in their home country.

I am finished , for now...need more coffee.


-- Edited by Moldy at 10:14, 2007-05-09

-- Edited by Moldy at 10:15, 2007-05-09

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

Sounds like your grand parents were Honorable people ... They come to this country looking to better the lives of their family .... They did it legally and pay their way in our system.

It is so unfortunate that the actions of a few can give so many a bad name ....
As for discrimination ... I do believe just about everybody at one time or another feels it ... I know I do when I'm at a business and I'm not allowed to use the restroom, to LEO's just cause they wear a badge ...... In one form or another, it will always be part of our world ....

As for who is wanted where .... I totally understand the situation, I just believe that the US is growing way to fast as a nation. Yes, we need to help others, but our government needs look out for Americans first, then help as we can afford later ....

So here's something that I just don't understand ..... Millions of Mexicans leaving their country for a better life .... seems to me they have a big enough force to kick some ass down their and toss out the crooks that keep them in depression ....


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straight up wrote:

Sounds like your grand parents were Honorable people ... They come to this country looking to better the lives of their family .... They did it legally and pay their way in our system.

It is so unfortunate that the actions of a few can give so many a bad name ....
As for discrimination ... I do believe just about everybody at one time or another feels it ... I know I do when I'm at a business and I'm not allowed to use the restroom, to LEO's just cause they wear a badge ...... In one form or another, it will always be part of our world ....

As for who is wanted where .... I totally understand the situation, I just believe that the US is growing way to fast as a nation. Yes, we need to help others, but our government needs look out for Americans first, then help as we can afford later ....

So here's something that I just don't understand ..... Millions of Mexicans leaving their country for a better life .... seems to me they have a big enough force to kick some ass down their and toss out the crooks that keep them in depression ....

Well....they try, but are overwhelmed by the forces that are financially more capable. Sadly...its all about money over there; if you have are in luck. If you don' grovel and fight your way out to a so called better place. In my younger days, I frequented Mexican bars with friends.....children no more than 5 would be out at 2a.m. selling chiclets to drunk teenagers. I always felt sorry for them and bought more gum than I needed or paid more than they were charging.  I never realized how sad that was...children out in the middle of the night selling gum to drunk Americans. My cousins and friends from Mexico never did that....

Its a different lifestyle over there.....we think the rich over here exploit the poor and middle class. We have it made over here compared to them. 

Its silly, but if you are a lighter skinned are in luck. The minorites in our country dont have a clue about the opression and abuse that goes on over there if your skin a shade too dark....doesnt matter that they are all the same nationality. 

It is so hard to explain......and so frustrating when people just dont get it.

I am sorry your jobs are being taken by Mexicans.....really.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

It's not just Mexicans ...... people from all over the world come here without going through the process ......

And who ever they are ... none of them could take our jobs if our government would simply enforce our laws .....

But as for me .... It's not a big company deciding to increase it's profit and going overseas for cheap labor .... It's our own government deciding the income of a industry. They claim it's to enhance our economy .... but if that was the case ... they would lower the profits of all companies ....

This is why if you remember I was so against the ATA and the Highway watch program ....

The biggest members of that organization have gone to Mexico and purchased portions of Mexican trucking companies ..... Then the contribute to politicians to allow the trucks up here..... They can not compete with the Owner Operator ..... so they get uncle same to take us out. Now ... If they will do that to me ... How safe is your job ......


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My job is safe...hubby's has never been.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Moldy wrote:

Thanks, SU.

I am not editing anything Stupid says because well......whats the point?

My grandparents came to this country with pennies in their pockets. My grandmother was a Mexican teenager, my grandfather, a young music teacher. They didnt come here and steal anybodies job. M<y grandfatehr workied his ass off until the day they put him in the hospital where he died. My grandfather was in his 80's when he was forced to stop working.

 My grandmother had 10 kids........surviving on a teachers salary. Never on welfare, never picked a vegetable...just took care of her house and made sure her children were groomed  and well educated, hard working individuals. She refused to speak English even though she knew how. She never went anywhere without my mom or an aunt or uncle who are fluent in both languages. My grandfather became a citizen much to my grandmothers horror. She was happy renewing her Visa and keeping her Mexican citizenship.  She only left Mexico because that is what teenage brides do when their husbands want a better life. Mexico was fine for them; but my grandfather was a smart man and knew The U.S could offer more for the children he planned to have with his new bride.

He was right. 

So what if his kids had to sit in the back of the bus or drink out of the "non-white" water fountain? So what if his sons, who were in the military, could not dine with their fellow soldiers after returning home from war. They were American born, fighting for the freedom of people who wont accept them for who they are..almost dying ...only to be told "We dont serve Mexicans."

So just Shut Up, Stupid.....I have more honor and pride in my little finger that you have in your whole body. I come from a line of hard working Mexicans and   we didnt pick freaking beans for a you nor did we take your stinking jobs. I still have family in Mexico and they have
no desire to live here; they just buy their cars here, have all their money in American banks and send their children here during high school; so they can learn English before going to college. No body ever talks about all the damn money the "other" Mexicans spend over here. Why? Because that would be complaining about money coming  into our country from people that we are supposed to hate.  Those are the Mexicans they want overe here to visit and spend money....those are the Mexicans Mexico wants ..the others are disposable.

When will you realize that all the immigrants flooding over here taking the jobs are not wanted over there. The money they send back doesnt make a big impact on the Mexican economy because...HEEEELLLOOOOO, they dont have that much. The money that effects the economy over there is spent by the rich Mexicans who spend thousands of dollars yearly in the U.S., but even more in their home country.

I am finished , for now...need more coffee.


-- Edited by Moldy at 10:14, 2007-05-09

-- Edited by Moldy at 10:15, 2007-05-09

You come from a long line of AMERICANS!!!!!!!!


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Posts: 214

Moldy wrote:

straight up wrote:

Sounds like your grand parents were Honorable people ... They come to this country looking to better the lives of their family .... They did it legally and pay their way in our system.

It is so unfortunate that the actions of a few can give so many a bad name ....
As for discrimination ... I do believe just about everybody at one time or another feels it ... I know I do when I'm at a business and I'm not allowed to use the restroom, to LEO's just cause they wear a badge ...... In one form or another, it will always be part of our world ....

As for who is wanted where .... I totally understand the situation, I just believe that the US is growing way to fast as a nation. Yes, we need to help others, but our government needs look out for Americans first, then help as we can afford later ....

So here's something that I just don't understand ..... Millions of Mexicans leaving their country for a better life .... seems to me they have a big enough force to kick some ass down their and toss out the crooks that keep them in depression ....

Well....they try, but are overwhelmed by the forces that are financially more capable. Sadly...its all about money over there; if you have are in luck. If you don' grovel and fight your way out to a so called better place. In my younger days, I frequented Mexican bars with friends.....children no more than 5 would be out at 2a.m. selling chiclets to drunk teenagers. I always felt sorry for them and bought more gum than I needed or paid more than they were charging.  I never realized how sad that was...children out in the middle of the night selling gum to drunk Americans. My cousins and friends from Mexico never did that....

Its a different lifestyle over there.....we think the rich over here exploit the poor and middle class. We have it made over here compared to them. 

Its silly, but if you are a lighter skinned are in luck. The minorites in our country dont have a clue about the opression and abuse that goes on over there if your skin a shade too dark....doesnt matter that they are all the same nationality. 

It is so hard to explain......and so frustrating when people just dont get it.

I am sorry your jobs are being taken by Mexicans.....really.

AAAHhh yes, the chiclets for the "poor" ploy....   All a scam, they get very little if any of that money that they beg for.  True, they may be poor, and they may need the money, but it is all an organized ripoff.



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Whatever, Stupid.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Go puke on his shoes ... Moldy ...


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straight up wrote:

Go puke on his shoes ... Moldy ...

Nah...might make him sick. Dont want to do that. I like him even though he bugs a brother, I guess.

Damn Stupid......I am going to tell are just as much of a beaner as I am...we were siamese twins seperated at birth, remember....Kat has pics and everything.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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