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Post Info TOPIC: Customers ... or .... Pawns ????


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Customers ... or .... Pawns ????

I heard something on the radio the other day and it got me to thinking I dont remember what show I was listing to but they were talking about the government and taxes One guy commented that the government should treat us like Customers because we pay them just like we pay for any other services, and if we are Customers we should be treated better than we are treated. 


It made since to me Most establishments treat their Customers with care and they value their opinion and do all they can to make sure their customers come back again and again and yes I know not all of them care about their customers but Most do


So I ask you this What do you think? Does the government treat you/us like a Customers or do they just tell us what they think we want/need?


How many of us really pay attention to what is happening in the world and how much our opinion/vote counts?  or have we just given up on America?




I am and will always be ... Just Me

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