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Beer Please

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Gun Free Zones

Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster
POSTED: 11:25 a.m. EDT, April 20, 2007
By Ted Nugent
Special to CNN

Editor's note:
Rock guitarist Ted Nugent has sold more than 30 million albums.
He's also a gun rights activist and serves on the board of directors of the National Rifle Association.
His program, "Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild," can be seen on the Outdoor Channel.

Read an opposing take on gun control from journalist Tom Plate: Let's lay down our right to bear arms.

WACO, Texas (CNN) -- Zero tolerance, huh? Gun-free zones, huh?
Try this on for size: Columbine gun-free zone, New York City pizza shop gun-free zone, Luby's Cafeteria gun-free zone, Amish school in Pennsylvania gun-free zone and now Virginia Tech gun-free zone.

Anybody see what the evil Brady Campaign and other anti-gun cults have created? I personally have zero tolerance for evil and denial. And America had best wake up real fast that the brain-dead celebration of unarmed helplessness will get you killed every time, and I've about had enough of it.

Nearly a decade ago, a Springfield, Oregon, high schooler, a hunter familiar with firearms, was able to bring an unfolding rampage to an abrupt end when he identified a gunman attempting to reload his .22-caliber rifle, made the tactical decision to make a move and tackled the shooter.

A few years back, an assistant principal at Pearl High School in Mississippi, which was a gun-free zone, retrieved his legally owned Colt .45 from his car and stopped a Columbine wannabe from continuing his massacre at another school after he had killed two and wounded more at Pearl.

At an eighth-grade school dance in Pennsylvania, a boy fatally shot a teacher and wounded two students before the owner of the dance hall brought the killing to a halt with his own gun.

More recently, just a few miles up the road from Virginia Tech, two law school students ran to fetch their legally owned firearm to stop a madman from slaughtering anybody and everybody he pleased. These brave, average, armed citizens neutralized him pronto.

My hero, Dr. Suzanne Gratia Hupp, was not allowed by Texas law to carry her handgun into Luby's Cafeteria that fateful day in 1991, when due to bureaucrat-forced unarmed helplessness she could do nothing to stop satanic George Hennard from killing 23 people and wounding more than 20 others before he shot himself. Hupp was unarmed for no other reason than denial-ridden "feel good" politics.

She has since led the charge for concealed weapon upgrade in Texas, where we can now stop evil. Yet, there are still the mindless puppets of the Brady Campaign and other anti-gun organizations insisting on continuing the gun-free zone insanity by which innocents are forced into unarmed helplessness. Shame on them. Shame on America. Shame on the anti-gunners all.

No one was foolish enough to debate Ryder truck regulations or ammonia nitrate restrictions or a "cult of agriculture fertilizer" following the unabashed evil of Timothy McVeigh's heinous crime against America on that fateful day in Oklahoma City. No one faulted kitchen utensils or other hardware of choice after Jeffrey Dahmer was caught drugging, mutilating, raping, murdering and cannibalizing his victims. Nobody wanted "steak knife control" as they autopsied the dead nurses in Chicago, Illinois, as Richard Speck went on trial for mass murder.

Evil is as evil does, and laws disarming guaranteed victims make evil people very, very happy. Shame on us.

Already spineless gun control advocates are squawking like chickens with their tiny-brained heads chopped off, making political hay over this most recent, devastating Virginia Tech massacre, when in fact it is their own forced gun-free zone policy that enabled the unchallenged methodical murder of 32 people.

Thirty-two people dead on a U.S. college campus pursuing their American Dream, mowed-down over an extended period of time by a lone, non-American gunman in illegal possession of a firearm on campus in defiance of a zero-tolerance gun law.
Feel better yet? Didn't think so.

Who doesn't get this? Who has the audacity to demand unarmed helplessness? Who likes dead good guys?

I'll tell you who. People who tramp on the Second Amendment, that's who.
People who refuse to accept the self-evident truth that free people have the God-given right to keep and bear arms, to defend themselves and their loved ones. People who are so desperate in their drive to control others, so mindless in their denial that they pretend access to gas causes arson, Ryder trucks and fertilizer cause terrorism, water causes drowning, forks and spoons cause obesity, dialing 911 will somehow save your life, and that their greedy clamoring to "feel good" is more important than admitting that armed citizens are much better equipped to stop evil than unarmed, helpless ones.

Pray for the families of victims everywhere, America. Study the methodology of evil. It has a profile, a system, a preferred environment where victims cannot fight back. Embrace the facts, demand upgrade and be certain that your children's school has a better plan than Virginia Tech or Columbine. Eliminate the insanity of gun-free zones, which will never, ever be gun-free zones.
They will only be good guy gun-free zones, and that is a recipe for disaster written in blood on the altar of denial.

I, for one, refuse to genuflect there.


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Great article......its a shame nobody will listen. For every law abiding citizen that has a gun in their possession legally, there is a nut job who also has a gun legally and decides to "make a point" and lettheir voice be heard.

Gun free zones are a dumb is "boys will be boys" " Ignore the bully and he will go away" "I have to let my child learn how to handle his/her own problems with bullies at school."

It is not so simple as carrying a firearm to protect ourselves in the event that some whack job decides to go postal at Pizza Hut. Lets arm ourselves, but lets also try and prevent people from going postal. 

We dont need gun control...we need to find out why so many people are going ballistic...mostly kids and moms who use that post partum depression crap as an excuse for hurting their babies. "Why did you kill your kid?" "I am so depressed" "Why did you shoot everybody at recess" "They were there..I was mom does not pay attention to me......"

Shit...enough excuses......

-- Edited by Moldy at 14:37, 2007-04-30

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Moldy wrote:
We dont need gun control...we need to find out why so many people are going ballistic...
Yes, and I can't help think that part of it is limited access to mental health care, as I've probably said before. 

About 15 years ago, I went through a really bad depression and was feeling suicidal at a time when I had no health insurance.  I will tell you that it is next to IMPOSSIBLE to get any kind of mental health support at a low cost or through social services.  The only thing you can do is check yourself in for a 72 hour evalutation, which I wasn't willing to do. 

If I didn't have a kid I would definitely have killed myself, and if I was a person who tended to express my rage outwardly instead of turning it in on myself, I very well might have been out there killing people.

It's sad, because nobody wants to be saddling the taxpayers witih the cost of helping seriously messed up people get care, but nobody wants to see them get shot up either!  That's one reason I feel really good about the phone counseling thing I'm doing.  While we don't give them long-term counseling (although some people have called back enough times that we kind of are), at least we can give some first aid and calm people down a little, and make them feel like somebody has listened.


Beer Please

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Feel like somebody has listened .... That I think will go a long way ..... At least as far as the government is concerned .....
The way it is now .... If you don't like it ... tough shit .... Go get millions of people to think your way and I'll still chase that check for a million bucks .....

but it's not all just government .... Big corporations need to be a little more careful before they screw over people .... as do just regular people ....

In short ... the perfect world will never happen ... So you can choose to wait on the police when the nut hits the fan ... or you can choose to tote your own protection ...


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straight up wrote:
or you can choose to tote your own protection ...

I'm actually thinking more and more of doing that.  Problem is I don't have strong hands, and I've had difficulties with loading.  I think you're right though.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

entre wrote:

straight up wrote:
or you can choose to tote your own protection ...

I'm actually thinking more and more of doing that.  Problem is I don't have strong hands, and I've had difficulties with loading.  I think you're right though.

I'm sure you know the right people to walk you through this ....    you will be fine ....  


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straight up wrote:
I'm sure you know the right people to walk you through this ....    you will be fine ....  

LOL.  They were the ones who told me to give up.  My shooting is pretty darn bad too. biggrin


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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Women + guns = Disaster.


Sweet -n- Sassy

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Posts: 44

actully today gv. perry (whom I do NOT like) said the same thing. A Law adiding person should carry that gun anywhere.

the FIRST thing I have ever agreed with him on. finally someone listend and see the logic of letting guns go anywhere to protect........not just gun zones for others to wreck havoc when they choose.

You know me.......


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texaschickeee wrote:

actully today gv. perry (whom I do NOT like) said the same thing. A Law adiding person should carry that gun anywhere.

the FIRST thing I have ever agreed with him on. finally someone listend and see the logic of letting guns go anywhere to protect........not just gun zones for others to wreck havoc when they choose.

Perry is a puppet and will do what he is told to do. Let's see what happens next..... 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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