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Post Info TOPIC: John Hinckley Jr.


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John Hinckley Jr.
Permalink Closed you think he should be released into the community?

Afterall, he is just fine as long as he takes his psychotropic drugs.

HMMMMM.........wonder what will happen if he forgets or runs out of drugs and does not get more. ORRRRR...what if he just decides not to take them?

No jokes here, ya'll..this is serious.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Is this the guy that shot Regan ???


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straight up wrote:

Is this the guy that shot Regan ???


"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Moldy wrote:
ORRRRR...what if he just decides not to take them?

Yeah, that's a good question.  Can someone's parole be revoked if they don't take their meds?  I mean even if they don't do anything?


Beer Please

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let him out ... forget the meds ... maybe he can fix our government .....


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straight up wrote:

let him out ... forget the meds ... maybe he can fix our government .....

Well, now, that wont happen without a lot of people getting hurt.

He needs to stay put. Jodie Foster is a lot more successful now and he could get pretty excited if he forgets to take his meds. We have enough shootings as it is and since any nutcase can get a gun anywhere even if a gun shop turns them away......I think he needs to stay put.....I quote, "He is sane when he takes his meds." Oh yeah, he is ready to enter society......crap.....why do you think we have so many nut jobs shooting and blowing up everybody or yeah and killing their babies? Poor parenting and awful mental health care......

Crap, my chest hurts..where is my inhaler?

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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Just cause they label them a nut case does not mean they are ...... Thats what Uncle Sam Labels anyone that stands up against them ....

I haven't a clue about this Hinkley dude .... But If It's going to get me out of the chair .... I'll go relax a bit in the mental ward ......

What 's Jodie Foster done to him any way ..... she's mighty pretty for the wacko she is ....

And ... my statement was more to my belief that the only thing that will save America from it's race to communism is a old fashioned revolution ....

Freedom cost .... unfortunately it's paid for in lives .....


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straight up wrote:

Just cause they label them a nut case does not mean they are ...... Thats what Uncle Sam Labels anyone that stands up against them ....

I haven't a clue about this Hinkley dude .... But If It's going to get me out of the chair .... I'll go relax a bit in the mental ward ......

What 's Jodie Foster done to him any way ..... she's mighty pretty for the wacko she is ....

And ... my statement was more to my belief that the only thing that will save America from it's race to communism is a old fashioned revolution ....

Freedom cost .... unfortunately it's paid for in lives .....

He wasn't standing against the government, he was trying to impress Jodie Foster by shooting the president.

Why do you think she's a wacko?


-- Edited by buttercup at 19:16, 2007-04-22


Stupid is as Stupid Does

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entre wrote:

Moldy wrote:
ORRRRR...what if he just decides not to take them?

Yeah, that's a good question.  Can someone's parole be revoked if they don't take their meds?  I mean even if they don't do anything?

It is called "terms and conditions"...  If they say you have to tie your shoes 10 times and hour, and you only do it 9 times an hour, then you can be violated.

If he were to be released the SS would have him under constant watch.



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Stupid wrote:
It is called "terms and conditions"...  If they say you have to tie your shoes 10 times and hour, and you only do it 9 times an hour, then you can be violated.

If he were to be released the SS would have him under constant watch.


Btw, if you're looking for your weiner thread at ODC, it got moved to the Adult section.



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Stupid wrote:

entre wrote:

Moldy wrote:
ORRRRR...what if he just decides not to take them?

Yeah, that's a good question.  Can someone's parole be revoked if they don't take their meds?  I mean even if they don't do anything?

It is called "terms and conditions"...  If they say you have to tie your shoes 10 times and hour, and you only do it 9 times an hour, then you can be violated.

If he were to be released the SS would have him under constant watch.

Well, yeah, I guess since a persident was involved , the SS (sounds awful Nazi-like) will be watching him more than normal LE's would. Where the hell were they when Reagan got shot is what I wanna know. Slacking. 

If it was  just a normal joe nut job who tried to shoot Joe citizen, he would have been out long ago to cause mayhem , do some time and be out again.   

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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OK .... now that I know a little more about Johny boy .... here's the thing .... How much of our tax dollars our we willing to spend locking up every wacko that might cause a problem ....


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straight up wrote:

OK .... now that I know a little more about Johny boy .... here's the thing .... How much of our tax dollars our we willing to spend locking up every wacko that might cause a problem ....

Probably less than we spent paying President Clinton to lock himself up in the Oval Office to get whacked by Monica.

Another thread...I know. 

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Beer Please

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And we didn't even get to see the movie .....


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