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Post Info TOPIC: Firefox

Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Sp I down loaded it ...   up and running .....   now what ?????


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

Use it.


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

kinda like my pecker ..... will I go blind ... ????


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The Girls Love Me

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It is a lot better and safer than using Internet Explorer.

Do you guys not visit my site?

Did I never tell you about it?

You will have the fastest, safest computers if you follow me, which leads to a more enjoyable computing experience.


The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

You might go blind as you find you can visit porn sites without getting infected.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

What sight ..... It does seem faster


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

Well, I can't even get on it myself at the moment, serves me right for having it hosted on Geocities in America I guess, but soon I hope to have it hosted properly (in the UK).

Anyway the link to it is:

Clean and Protected

You'll never look back.

-- Edited by sparky at 21:14, 2007-03-20


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

I need speed ... I travel all over using a lap top with a PC air card ..... sometimes it's quick around a big city or 5 minutes to load a page ..... life sucks some times


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

What do you recommend for speed


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Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

on the virus protection ..... I'm currently running Norton's .... but need to pay them again .... would you suggest I uninstall Norton's and go with one of yours ..... Noticed your warning


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

Definitely, ditch Norton, go for my suggestions, I'll talk more about it later.


The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

I can't help with the speed issue, that is down to the fact that you are using wifi hotspots by the sound of it, some of which might be slower than others.

However, using Firefox could ensure that you are just getting the content that you want from a web page and not all the adverts as well, this would lead to slightly faster browsing.

So to start with install Adblock Plus.

Then whilst you are at it you could install IE Tab, this will let you use Internet Explorer within Firefox, for times when pages do not display correctly with Firefox, because unfortunately not every web site creator caters for all browsers.

Another add on that I like is NoScript, but if you install this you might get a lot of pages not working properly until you tell NoScript to let them work, so you might want to give this one a miss.

Finally if you use Gmail, then Gmail Notifier is another good add on, it is always the first thing that I click when I open Firefox, then as soon as I get a Gmail come through it will pop up within in a minute of me getting the email.


The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

Getting back to Norton, most infected computers that people get help with on computer forums have Norton installed, actually the worst ever infected computer that I have had to sort out for someone had Norton installed. It is also a huge system hog and will slow computers down a lot.

Besides, you should never ever pay for software again, there really is no need to with so many free alternatives out there, which are as good if not better than paid for software.

So I would go with some of the suggestions on my site.

Remember I am always here to help.



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Get firetune for firefox, and script blocker. It will greatly speed it up.


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

Macro virus .... had to pay ....

Easy clean

fire fox

firetune ....

Still looking for the script thing


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

Funny how you get something like a macro virus just as the subscription is due, not that I am saying companies are devious in any way.



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script blocker is an add on for firefox. Check the mozilla bookmarks.


Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

SO I loose Norton's ... Now all the spam is coming back into my mail box ??????


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Beer Please

Status: Offline
Posts: 2093

I got the script blocking up and running ...... I can really fly through some web pages .... porn sites ..... But I have to turn it off to post something ... It will be a great help for sure


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The Girls Love Me

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Posts: 746

straight up wrote:

SO I loose Norton's ... Now all the spam is coming back into my mail box ??????

Oh, so you had spam protection from Norton as well.

No problem, download and use Thunderbird instead of Outlook Express.

Thunderbird is from Mozilla, just like Firefox, but unlike Outlook Express, Thunderbird has spam filters, which will be easily trained if you are getting loads of spam at the moment.


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