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Post Info TOPIC: Plush


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I am here now. nice to see you guys.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Yiepppeeeee .... Plush .... send naked pics .....


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Spank Me

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Hey Plushy Poo!!!!! What's shakin?

DO NOT touch my litter box!!!!!


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Not much. Recovering from yesterday. So someone explain this forum to me. The concept of the good bad stuff.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

plush wrote:

Not much. Recovering from yesterday. So someone explain this forum to me. The concept of the good bad stuff.

The Good ....   for people that don't want the drama ....

The bad ....    for people that can take some good natured crap ...

The ugly .....    a place to cut some one throat .....   if you can get them to come in there ....

Stupids place .....   he wanted a place to be mod so I gave it to him ....


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rofflmfao...yeah i see he got to be a mod finally. goodtimes.


Beer Please

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I'm still waiting for him to bitch because no one else can post in there ....

What a wierd sense of humer I've got .....   He asked and I gave it to him ...   A place to mod ......HIMSELF ......     


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straight up wrote:

I'm still waiting for him to bitch because no one else can post in there ....

What a wierd sense of humer I've got ..... He asked and I gave it to him ... A place to mod ......HIMSELF ......



Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

SO  ...  the colors ....   the background ....  you like ????


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well...i like the colors of the posts ands such, but as a woman who can color coordinate. The background color blows. Clashing bigtime. Ask and ye shall receive.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Proof I'm not gay .....      What color should I be looking for ......    


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maybe a brown like this

or even a purple would go okay

just something neutral, not primary like red, yellow, blue or green.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

should I keep looking ?????


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this one seems okay, the blue was just bad. besides, we arent here for looks, we are here for conversation.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

I'm here for sex ... is that OK ????


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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straight up wrote:

I'm still waiting for him to bitch because no one else can post in there ....

What a wierd sense of humer I've got .....   He asked and I gave it to him ...   A place to mod ......HIMSELF ......     

I did, and now I guess people have to ask you to come to my world... ?


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

Stupid wrote:

straight up wrote:

I'm still waiting for him to bitch because no one else can post in there ....

What a wierd sense of humer I've got .....   He asked and I gave it to him ...   A place to mod ......HIMSELF ......     

I did, and now I guess people have to ask you to come to my world... ?

Nope   your wide open to all ....   it's yours as long  as ...well  till you piss me off ....  


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Stupid is as Stupid Does

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straight up wrote:

Stupid wrote:

straight up wrote:

I'm still waiting for him to bitch because no one else can post in there ....

What a wierd sense of humer I've got .....   He asked and I gave it to him ...   A place to mod ......HIMSELF ......     

I did, and now I guess people have to ask you to come to my world... ?

Nope   your wide open to all ....   it's yours as long  as ...well  till you piss me off ....  

I told ya so EN



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But SU, isn't this his place to act however he wants?  I thought it was.  I'm disappointed.


Beer Please

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Posts: 2093

It's there for him to use ....   the premise of the whole deal is you can bad as  you want to those that wish to participate .....   as long as you do it in the proper forums .....As long as he is nice in the good and stays reasonably decent in the bad ...  what he does in the ugly and stupids place is up to him ....    keep in mind ...   to those that wish to participate ...   other wise leave them alone .....

If He's taken my weird sense of humor as something else ....  get over it ...  I like being a little off most the time ....    The forum from the first thought to now is less then 48 hours old .....   not even set up or totally thought thru as to just what I want ...  lots to do ....  lots to redo ... till I get it right as to what I want ....   Any ideas ....tell me ....   I'll consider them

It's no secret how I feel about stupid ....   And I said I would not Ban any one ....    But I will restrict access to the good sections to those that remain civil .....any one that drops down the board to post should understand that the further down you go ...  the more crap you can expect ....   

Stupids place is the last place to go .....    instead of banning ....   just restrict unruly folks here and let stupid deal with them ....   I'm not ... 

If your looking for a certain set of rules ...  forget it ...  I have none ...I'll do what I do when I do it ....   some will think its fair ....  others will not ....

There are millions of people on this rock ...   and about as many different taste .....   so those that like pups and bows should not have to deal with drama drama drams . if it's not their thing .....   ant that goes the other way around ....


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